
Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

author:Creative Fred 4x7


Li Yitong encountered a centipede

In Li Yitong's recent live broadcast, a frightening episode occurred. Just as she was happily interacting with her fans, a centipede quietly climbed onto her legs.

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

Fans hurriedly reminded them, but Li Yitong didn't seem to notice it, and was still smiling in response to fans' praise. Until the centipede was discovered, it had been "swimming" on Li Yitong's lap for a while.

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

This scene made the fans in front of the screen pinch a cold sweat and leave messages in the comment area: "Sister, you have centipedes on your legs!" And Li Yitong responded humorously: "Sister, you are so beautiful!" "Shows her high emotional intelligence and sense of humor.

Liu Yuning heroically saves the United States


In this centipede fright, Liu Yuning's timely shot was impressive. After hearing the fans' exclamations, he reacted quickly and helped Li Yitong shake off the uninvited guest.

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

This move not only showed his carefulness and bravery, but also made fans feel a full sense of security. Netizens praised on social media: "Liu Yuning is really manly,

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

Never drop the chain at critical moments! Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that Liu Yuning is not only the king on the stage, even centipedes are afraid of him!" ”

The centipede incident sparked heated discussions


Li Yitong's centipede incident quickly became a hot topic among netizens. Someone said: "Such a big centipede, it's really scary, but fortunately Li Yitong is fine." ”

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

Some people also questioned: "Where did this centipede come from?" Is it a shooting prop? In this regard, Li Yitong responded humorously on social media: "Centipede: Mom, I have also succeeded in chasing stars, and I have climbed to the top of my stomach!" Her humor allays out fans' concerns and makes the accident a light-hearted topic.

Ending: Surprise in the unexpected


Although Li Yitong's centipede incident made people sweat, it ended in a light-hearted and humorous way. This not only shows her high emotional intelligence and sense of humor, but also allows fans to see Liu Yuning's carefulness and bravery.

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

In this entertainment industry full of accidents, every vignette may become a topic of conversation among fans. And this interaction between Li Yitong and Liu Yuning undoubtedly brought more joy and surprises to their fans.

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

The heated discussion among netizens in the comment area also let us see the warmth and fun in this circle.

Centipede Horror: This kind of thing happened to Li Yitong's leg!

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