
In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

author:Look at the past and think about the future


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Speaking of which, the filmmaker rankings in 2024 are really fierce, and hundreds of film critics have cast their precious votes, and finally announced the TOP 10 filmmakers of the year.

This time, there are many dark horses emerging, and there are also veteran movie stars sitting firmly in Diaoyutai.

Let's take a look.

Peng Yuchang and Li Gengxi, these two tied for ninth place with their excellent acting skills.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

Peng Yuchang starred in "Let's Shake the Sun Together" and "There is a Commissary by the Clouds" this year, which won a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth.

And Li Gengxi, as a new generation of movie divas, is not inferior, shining on the screen, and also captured the hearts of the audience and the judges.

He was followed by Peng Yuyan, who ranked eighth, who played a tragic character who joined the dog-fighting team in "The Last Request of the Dog".

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

In the film, the emotional entanglement between him and a stray dog brought tears to people's eyes.

Peng Yuyan's affectionate and sincere interpretation successfully transformed this heart-wrenching emotion into an irresistible touch.

Let's take a look at Ma Li in seventh place, this ruthless character who has been killed all the way from the drama stage of the small theater to the big screen.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

Her film road is simply a gorgeous turn from drama to movie.

is not only dazzling on the stage, but also in front of the screen, Ma Li's performance is not inferior, and every time she appears, she can bring different surprises to the audience.

This is not only a display of her personal charm, but also the result of her honing and accumulation of acting skills over the years.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

Immediately afterwards, Hu Ge, who was ranked sixth, showed his extraordinary ability to shape small people in the two masterpieces "Southern Station" and "Stop-and-Go".

His profound acting skills not only moved the audience, but also filled every role with vitality.

This is really admirable for his deep understanding of the role and his excellent performance.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

Lei Jiayin, the fifth-ranked powerful actor, has firmly occupied a place in the film and television industry with his unique performance style.

The characters he creates are always so vivid and powerful, both in terms of dramatic tension and character depth.

He Saifei, the fourth-ranked acting school, performed in the movie "Chasing the Moon", which was really impressive.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

He not only conveyed the complex emotions of the character with superb acting skills, but also made the audience feel the character's hard work and persistence.

This is really a perfect interpretation of the proportional relationship between the actor's effort and gain.

Zhao Liying, who won the third place, performed in "Article 20", which was really impressive.

Through her delicate performance and strong emotional investment, she successfully demonstrated the multi-faceted nature of Hao Xiuping's character, and won unanimous praise from the audience and critics, which is really amazing.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

Jia Ling, who won second place, showed the transformation process from low self-esteem to self-confidence through a story of weight loss in her work, and her performance was not only profound, but also inspiring.

Through her interpretation, the audience can deeply feel the inner drama of the character, which arouses deep resonance, which is really admirable.

Finally, the top spot is finally revealed.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

Ruan Jingtian successfully topped the list with his stunning performance in "Eliminating the Three Evils in the Week".

His performance is not only skilled, but also has a profound interpretation of the role, which has won unanimous praise from the audience and critics.

To be the filmmaker of the year, it is really well deserved.

After reading this list, it is really exciting.

These top actors, with their wonderful performances, continue to promote the progress of film art, presenting us with unforgettable movie moments.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

This list is really the best affirmation of their hard work.

In the first half of 24 years, the top 10 filmmakers, Peng Yuyan was the eighth, Hu Ge was sixth, and the twentieth three were selected

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