
The US political arena has changed, and Biden has been jointly "forced into the palace", and Hillary may replace Biden in the election

author:Wishing you prosperity.

In this bizarre US election season, the "showdown" between Biden and Trump is like a bridge in a Hollywood script, but this time, the plot seems to be a little off track.

The US political arena has changed, and Biden has been jointly "forced into the palace", and Hillary may replace Biden in the election

Putin, the "opponent" that the big guys often talk about, is on the international chessboard, and on the domestic battlefield, Trump, a veteran of "taking the usual path", is Biden's real headache. Why? Because the group of die-hard fans behind him is more sticky than 502 glue, and he can't shake it off.

In the first debate, it was supposed to be a time for the two to show their IQ and fight eloquence, but Biden seemed to have tripped over his own dog's tail, and behaved unsatisfactorily.

Even CNN, which supports him on weekdays, couldn't help but whisper: "Should we consider changing corners?" What's worse is that Biden's body was stiff like a rusty robot in the few moments on stage, and he had to be helped by someone as soon as the debate ended.

As soon as the poll results came out, ouch, that number simply poured ice water on Biden - 67% felt that Trump had won the debate, but what about Biden? Poor 33%. This figure makes the Biden team say "can't afford to hurt".

But Biden, that is a stubborn master, even if the outside world sings a bad voice, he is as if he has eaten a scale, and he insists on performing this scene to the end, and resolutely does not mention the word "withdrawal". This kind of unyielding strength is also convincing.

The US political arena has changed, and Biden has been jointly "forced into the palace", and Hillary may replace Biden in the election

Within the Democratic Party, it was lively, and the voices of disagreement were rising higher and higher, and some had already begun to ponder the "Plan B", thinking about whether they could find a more reliable person to take over. Even major newspapers such as the New York Times have begun to suggest that Biden "take a step back and open the sky." This scene is a "palace fighting drama".

As for who can take Biden's class? Hillary Clinton, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Michelle Obama are among the favorites. However, Newsom made a statement first, saying that he would not backstab Biden, which was regarded as temporarily pressing the pause button for this infighting.

Hillary, on the other hand, supports Biden with a smile on the surface, but secretly calculates, thinking about whether she can take advantage of the chaos to fight again. After all, in the political arena, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

The US political arena has changed, and Biden has been jointly "forced into the palace", and Hillary may replace Biden in the election

Trump's governing style is also unique, not fighting, but playing sanctions and tariffs, which makes the arms dealers mutter: Has this buddy forgotten us? But in any case, this kind of alternative way of playing has indeed made the United States earn enough eyeballs in the international community.

Having said that, although the Biden debate has been planted and Trump seems to have won the game, the US election is so deep that no one knows what moths will pop up until the last minute.

Whether Hillary Clinton will come out halfway and push Biden aside is also an unsolved mystery. In short, in this "democratic" farce, let's just move a small bench and watch the play, after all, there is never a shortage of jokes and reversals in the American drama.

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