
The villas of China's wealthy have been targeted by anxious photovoltaic storage companies

author:Eat your fill

The villas of China's wealthy have been targeted by anxious photovoltaic storage companies

The Green Revolution in the Villas of China's Wealthy

With the development of society and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more wealthy Chinese people have begun to pursue a higher quality of life. Not only to own a luxury villa, but also to make it synonymous with greenness. This new consumer trend is pushing photovoltaic storage companies to target this wealthy market and start a green revolution of villa photovoltaic storage.

The "new outlet" of villa light storage

In the past, most PV storage companies focused on the rural residential PV market. However, as the policy environment changes, the profitability of this market is becoming increasingly unpredictable, and many companies have begun to slow down or suspend their residential PV business. At this time, the villa optical storage market gradually "woke up" and became a new "blue ocean" for optical storage enterprises.

It is estimated that China currently has between 5 million and 10 million villas, while only more than 5 million residential PV units are currently installed, which means that there is still a lot of room for development in the villa market. More importantly, compared with rural household PV, villa PV storage has better revenue certainty and will not be negatively affected by the electricity market-based trading policy and grid access restrictions.

At the same time, the profit margins of villa PV storage systems are also very attractive. For example, a 40-square-meter PV storage solution can cost 140,000 yuan, of which the cost of photovoltaic modules and energy storage systems accounts for only about half, and the overall gross profit margin exceeds 50%. This is indeed an attractive new "cake" for photovoltaic storage enterprises facing growth anxiety.

From "tepid" to "favored"

In fact, villa solar storage is not a new market. Photovoltaic manufacturers, including Huawei and GoodWe, began to deploy in this field as early as several years ago. But in the past, this market has been in a "tepid" state, and the proportion of villa owners installing PV is very low.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, it is difficult to promote it due to the lack of residents' awareness of photovoltaics; On the other hand, because the industry generally believed that the villa market was a stock market at that time, enterprises did not pay much attention to it.

However, with the improvement of Chinese residents' awareness of photovoltaic energy storage in the past few years, as well as the continuous improvement of product and service levels, this market is quietly "waking up". Compared with the past, more and more villa owners have begun to favor the photovoltaic storage system and have installed it for their villas.

Mr. Xu from Beijing, for example, installed a photovoltaic storage system in his villa a year ago on the recommendation of a friend, so that photovoltaic power generation can meet the electricity needs of households during the day and an energy storage system provides electricity at night. Even if there is a sudden power outage, it will not be affected, which makes him feel "very pleasantly surprised".

The diverse needs of villa owners

Villa owners do not install PV storage systems simply to save electricity bills or for emergency use. In fact, they have more complex and diverse needs.

First of all, some villa owners will install thermostatic fish tanks, monitoring security equipment, etc., in their homes, which need to be able to keep running in the event of a power outage. The photovoltaic storage system can well meet this demand and ensure the safety of electricity consumption.

Secondly, home green electricity can also bring a social attribute and personal image to villa owners. For these large carbon emitters, the installation of photovoltaic energy storage systems can turn luxury homes into a symbol of green environmental protection, thereby enhancing their social status and influence.

In addition, villa owners are more in pursuit of high-quality life, and they also have higher requirements for the installed photovoltaic storage system. In the past, some photovoltaic storage enterprises adopted standards and service models for rural households, which often found it difficult to meet the needs of villa owners, which also restricted the development of this market.

Huawei "leads" and "lays out" the villa market

The villas of China's wealthy have been targeted by anxious photovoltaic storage companies

In this emerging market, Huawei can be said to be a relatively "leading" existence. As early as 2020, the company began to lay out the domestic villa optical storage business, and has always adhered to the high-end route.

Huawei's home green power system has been continuously upgraded in terms of products, from the photovoltaic modules with a grid on the front to the more beautiful all-black BC modules without a busbar. At the same time, in terms of marketing, Huawei is also continuing to advertise and strive to "cultivate" potential customers through channels such as outdoor advertising, news media, and WeChat and Moments.

But even so, Huawei's achievements in the field of villa optical storage, industry insiders believe that it is still slightly less than expected. They compare the development of Huawei's home green electricity with the process of "building cars", believing that it is still in the "Cialis era", and the real "Wenjie brand" has not yet been released.

This also shows that it is not easy to dig real gold in this market. The need for villa owners to install a PV storage system is more based on trend and personal image, rather than purely economic considerations. At the same time, the operation mode and business model of villa photovoltaic storage are also significantly different from those of rural household photovoltaics, which require different tactics and playing methods.

A new outlet that needs to be cultivated

In general, domestic villa light storage is undoubtedly an emerging "outlet". This not only brings a broad market space and higher profit margins to photovoltaic storage companies, but also reflects the continuous improvement of the quality of life of China's wealthy and their new pursuit of green environmental protection.

However, in order to truly succeed in this field, PV storage companies need to step out of the mindset of rural household PV, deeply understand the diversified needs of villa owners, and provide more personalized and high-quality products and services. At the same time, we must also put a lot of effort into marketing, and through continuous brand building and channel expansion, we can better "cultivate" this market.

It can be said that villa solar storage is in a stage that needs to be cultivated and developed. However, as long as photovoltaic storage enterprises can seize this emerging outlet and conform to the general trend of consumption upgrading of the wealthy, it is believed that this market will become a new leader in the development of the industry.

The Green Revolution in the Villas of China's Wealthy

The new "cake" of light storage in China's wealthy villa market

In the past few years, distributed photovoltaic companies have focused on the rural residential market. This field has experienced rapid growth thanks to the support of national policies. However, with the advancement of electricity market-oriented reform, the future revenue prospects of rural household PV have become more and more unpredictable, and many companies have had to slow down or even suspend this business.

At this time, China's wealthy villa market gradually "woke up" and became a new focus of attention for photovoltaic storage enterprises. Industry insiders expect that the total number of villas with photovoltaic installation conditions in China is between 5 million and 10 million, while the total installation of household photovoltaics is only more than 5 million, which means that the villa market still has broad development potential.

More importantly, the benefits of villa PV storage projects are more certain, and they will not be negatively affected by the electricity market-based trading policy and the restricted access to the power grid. At the same time, the overall profit margins in this area are attractive. Taking Huawei's home green power system as an example, the price of a 40-square-meter PV storage solution can reach 140,000 yuan, of which the cost of photovoltaic modules and energy storage systems accounts for only about half, and the overall gross profit margin exceeds 50%.

It can be said that in the face of the sluggish growth of the residential photovoltaic market, villa photovoltaic storage has undoubtedly become a new "cake" worth focusing on for photovoltaic storage enterprises. Many industry insiders predict that the market size may reach tens of billions of yuan, which is undoubtedly a mouth-watering "fat meat" for enterprises that are currently in an anxious period.

From "tepid" to "favored"

In fact, villa solar storage is not a new market. As early as a few years ago, some photovoltaic manufacturers, such as Huawei and GoodWe, have begun to lay out this segment. But in the past, this market has been in a state of "tepid", and the proportion of villa owners installing PV is very low.

The villas of China's wealthy have been targeted by anxious photovoltaic storage companies

There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, at that time, the residents' understanding of photovoltaic technology was not deep enough, and they encountered some obstacles in the promotion process. On the other hand, the industry generally believes that the villa market is a stock market, so companies do not pay enough attention to it.

However, with the continuous improvement of Chinese residents' awareness of photovoltaic storage systems in the past few years, coupled with the continuous improvement of related products and services, this market is quietly "waking up". More and more villa owners have begun to favor the optical storage system and have installed it for their villas.

Mr. Xu, the owner of the Beijing villa mentioned above, is a representative of this trend. A year ago, on the recommendation of a friend, he installed a photovoltaic storage system for his villa, which can not only meet the electricity needs of the family, but also ensure the power supply in the event of a power outage, which made him feel "very pleasantly surprised".

It can be said that compared with the past, the acceptance and demand of the current villa owners for the optical storage system have been greatly improved. This also makes more and more optical storage companies set their sights on this market segment.

From function to image, the diversified needs of villa owners

Different from the rural residential PV market, the motivations and needs of villa owners to install PV storage systems are more complex and diverse. For them, the PV storage system is no longer just about saving electricity bills or emergency electricity, but also has other deeper purposes.

First of all, some villa owners will install thermostatic fish tanks, monitoring security equipment, etc., in their homes, which need to be able to maintain normal operation in the event of a power outage. The photovoltaic storage system can well meet this demand and ensure the safety of electricity consumption. Especially in some extreme weather events such as sudden floods and heavy snowfalls, the optical storage system can become an emergency backup power supply to protect important equipment at home.

Secondly, home green electricity can also bring a social attribute and personal image to villa owners. For these large carbon emitters, the installation of photovoltaic energy storage systems can turn luxury homes into a symbol of green environmental protection, thereby enhancing their social status and influence. This demand based on identity and cultural consumption is becoming an important driving force for villa owners to install solar storage.

In addition, villa owners are more interested in a high quality of life. In the past, some photovoltaic storage companies adopted standards and service models for rural households, which often struggled to meet the needs of villa owners, which is one of the important reasons for the limited development of this market. This problem is being mitigated as products and services continue to evolve.

It can be said that compared with the rural household photovoltaic market, villa owners have more complex and diversified needs for photovoltaic storage systems. To succeed in this market segment, companies must understand and match these needs to deliver more personalized and high-quality products and services.

Huawei is the leader in exploring new marketing models

In this emerging villa photovoltaic storage market, Huawei can be said to be a relatively "leading" existence. As early as 2020, the company began to lay out the domestic villa optical storage business, and has always adhered to the high-end route.

Huawei's home green power system has been continuously optimized and upgraded in terms of products, from the previous front-facing grid-line photovoltaic modules to more aesthetically pleasing grid-less all-black BC modules. At the same time, in terms of marketing, Huawei is also continuously placing various types of advertisements, striving to "cultivate" potential customers through outdoor advertising, news media, WeChat Moments and other channels.

But even so, industry insiders said that Huawei's achievements in the field of villa optical storage are still slightly less than expected. They believe that the development of Huawei's home green electricity, which is analogous to the process of "making cars", is still in the "Cialis era", and the real "Wenjie brand" has not yet been released.

This also shows that if you want to make a breakthrough in this market, it will not happen overnight. The demand of villa owners for photovoltaic storage systems is more derived from trends and personal image, rather than purely economic considerations. At the same time, the operation mode and business model of villa photovoltaic storage are also significantly different from those of rural household photovoltaics, which requires different marketing strategies and service models.

Compared with household photovoltaics, the villa market pays more attention to brand image, channel marketing, personalized services, etc. Companies need to "nurture" this emerging market through continuous branding and channel expansion, rather than simply applying what it used before

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