
Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy

author:The galaxy chases the wind

Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors became popular and caused controversy and rushed to the hot search!


She said:

"Some actors may really become popular too quickly, and they haven't experienced some accumulation and tribulation in art, and then they float away, and they don't think about themselves well.

Getting some scummy things may have a bad impact on the public and some very negative things to the entertainment industry, and I believe these people will not go far. ”

In fact, it is very correct, some people are sour and can't say that this is correct nonsense,

Let's take a look at the comments of netizens

Liu Yifei debuted at the age of 14 and has been popular for more than 20 years, but she has been immersed in acting, and she has contributed countless good works and good roles Recently, the story of the new drama Rose has exploded again and said that there must be a moral bottom line No problem!
Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy

That's no problem, who is seated again. That's right, she didn't target anyone, that is, those in the entertainment industry. That's fine.

Why would anyone squirt. Some people just go red too quickly and float away. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that some people have weak hearts.

Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy
I think she is right, the story of Rose is very good, and Liu Yifei's progress can be seen in every drama
Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy

Indeed, although I never chase stars or fan anyone. I have to admit: she was very sober and steady when she published her works,

When she doesn't produce works, she is low-key and introverted, and she can eat with her face, but she chooses to be a good person in a down-to-earth manner.

Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy

I just finished reading the third paragraph, although I was looking forward to the fourth paragraph before watching it, but take a look at the whole play, the third paragraph is the most compatible,

Although Fu Jiaming does not have their height,

But when I climbed the mountain, I realized that he was really a soul mate, and Liu Yifei's acting skills were superb.

Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy
Liu Yifei has never been on any variety show, and many of those who are in the variety show circle are just thinking about making money, and they are not actors at all.
Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy

There's nothing wrong [Like], I love to listen to and say, being an artist is to cultivate virtue and double cultivation, and people like Liu Yifei who have been popular for 22 years can't.

No one in the entertainment industry doesn't mention black and white, how boring it is, I just want to see if anyone can break the defense

Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy

Obviously, such a long paragraph, who is taking the quote out of context, and there is nothing wrong with this, how many dramas can't be broadcast because of an actor now, isn't Liu Yifei's own Nanyanzhai transcript too?

She herself is also one of the victims, and the actors in the magic change water injection script can post Weibo to complain, that is a good actor, Liu Yifei said that everyone should keep the moral bottom line, right, I said don't hate her too much

Stunned! Liu Yifei fired at the "floating" actor to cause controversy, and it was really a matter for fans to go crazy

Chasing the wind is also Liu Yifei's true love fan, I really think there is no problem with what Liu Yifei said, a small number of people take it out of context and have ulterior motives, but everyone knows it in their hearts.

Time is the best proof, Liu Yifei has been popular for nearly 20 years, and in the future, we will be fortunate to witness more of her roles.

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