
You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

author:Ice on entertainment


In the entertainment industry, this bright and complex starry sky always has no shortage of emotional dramas, and this time, the emotional entanglement of Wang Xiaofei, Da S (Xu Xiyuan) and Zhang Lan is like a serial drama with ups and downs, which makes the people who eat melons dizzy.

Next, let's take a look at this good show, which is guaranteed to make you laugh with tears and taste the taste.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Wang Xiaofei & Ma Xiaomei: "Sugar-coated Cannonball" of Sweet Show of Love

If you want to talk about Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, it is to play "show affection" to a new height.

Their daily life is like a string of elaborate sugar gourds, which are so sweet and greasy, but people can't help but want to take a closer look.

In the photo, the two either look at each other and smile, or hug each other tightly, as if the whole world is only left with each other.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

This sweet picture easily exploded on major social platforms, and netizens turned into "lemon essence", envious, jealous and hateful, and couldn't help but like and forward it.

This sweet "bomb" hit Da S's heart directly, so that she, who was already sensitive, how could she not cause layers of ripples?

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Big S's "Angry Sea Counterattack"

In the face of the sweet crit of his predecessor, Big S is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The small universe in her heart has finally found an outlet for release.

Social media has become her battlefield, every word is fine, every sentence is bloody, and those obscure or direct "ribacks" seem to tell the world: Lao Niang is not a vegetarian! There are even rumors that she is ready to release a "big move" aimed at Zhang Lan, this wave of operations is not only to export evil anger to herself, but also like a general liquidation of past dissatisfaction.

This "counterattack war" undoubtedly makes the plot more confusing, and the melons of the people who eat melons are the sweeter and sweeter they eat, and the more they eat, the better they are.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Zhang Lan's "Live Broadcast" and "Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law's Secrets"

Aunt Zhang Lan's live broadcast room is simply another small world in the entertainment industry.

I just finished praising my new daughter-in-law Ma Xiaomei, and I began to recall the "old times" with Da S over there, and also revealed that I didn't even dare to take a group photo when I got married.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Netizens said: "Which one is this singing?" Speaking of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the "vegetarian turmoil" between Zhang Lan and Da S has long been no secret, and the momentum of "I will be unhappy if you eat meat" made many viewers exclaim: "This mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship is more exciting than a serial!" ”

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

The wedding of the past VS the sweetness of today, a irony of "no group photo".

Wang Xiaofei and Da S's wedding was a sensation back then, extremely luxurious, and it is said that the cost is sky-high, but there is a small regret in this "wedding of the century" - there is no group photo.

Now it seems that behind this "no group photo", it seems to indicate some kind of disharmony in this marriage.

Look at the sweetness of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, in contrast, it really makes people sigh: the world is impermanent, and love is really changing.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Celebrity mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: Cutting is still messy

The relationship between Big S and Zhang Lan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is only the tip of the iceberg in the many mother-in-law and daughter-in-law problems in the entertainment industry.

Yang Mi and her in-laws, Liu Shishi and Wu Qilong's mother...... The stories of these celebrity mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have their own ups and downs.

Under the spotlight, their every move is infinitely magnified, and if they are not careful, they will become a topic of conversation after dinner.

This can't help but make people think, is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the entertainment industry more complicated than ordinary people?

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Zhang Lan's "Business Empire" and "Legal Fog"

Zhang Lan's business road can be called an "entrepreneurial blockbuster", with both glorious moments and ups and downs.

Her business was once prosperous, but in recent years, it has been plagued by legal disputes, the amount of which is enough to make people tremble.

These news seem to cast a veil of mystery over Zhang Lan's business empire, which makes people curious and worried.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Big S's "Law Fighter" image and those "unsolved mysteries"

When it comes to Big S, I have to mention her legend of "suing Wang Xiaofei 18 times", although the authenticity needs to be verified, it is enough to see her determination in protecting her rights and interests.

As for why he didn't make a move on Zhang Lan, there are many speculations from the outside world, some say that they take care of the old feelings, and some say that there are other hidden feelings.

There are also those unconfirmed rumors, such as helping Zhang Lan pay a deposit and buy a brand-name bag, which sounds like the entertainment industry's version of "Sherlock Holmes", which is incomprehensible.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

The road ahead, each well?

In this whirlpool of love and hatred, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, like the protagonists in the TV series, face a series of question marks thrown by life, which makes people want to ask: Can they go through those ups and downs together and become each other's safe haven? On the other hand, the love story of Da S and Gu Junye, which crosses mountains and seas, sounds like a fairy tale, but real gold still has to be tempered, and whether their relationship can withstand the small grinds of firewood, rice, oil and salt in real life is still a big question mark.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

As for our Ms. Zhang Lan, she is an old helmsman in the wind and waves, in the face of the turbulent waves of public opinion, she can always sit firmly in the Diaoyutai, and from time to time she also comes to the "Little Theater of Life" with live broadcasts, so that netizens call "This aunt's mentality is really good".

On the cusp of public opinion, she always has a way to turn herself into the big ship that rides the wind and waves, which makes people have to be convinced.

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

In the final analysis, the pool of entertainment industry is unfathomable, today is a sweet crit, and tomorrow may be a reversal drama.

I hope that these celebrities can finally find their own little luck in this drama, just like us ordinary people, although the days are inevitably chickens and dogs, but there are always a few moments that can make people feel the tenderness of "the years are quiet".

After all, whose life is not complaining about the reluctance in front of them, and at the same time secretly hiding a small expectation of "poetry and distance" in their hearts!

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!

Whether it is Wang Xiaofei's entanglement, or Big S's transnational romance, or Zhang Lan's public opinion response, let's just watch a wonderful life series.

After all, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, and the most important thing is that in their respective scripts, they can smile brightly and live a wonderful life!

You show affection, I will tear down the stage! Big S was angry, and he suspected of intentionally exposing a lot of fierce information about Zhang Lan!


The emotional situation in the entertainment industry is like a never-ending drama, and everyone is trying their best to play their role.

As bystanders, let's have fun, but at the same time, let's not forget that everyone's life has its unique value and meaning.

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