
"Biological baby, but not kiss yourself" such a mistake, mothers don't make it again

author:Xinyan Ma Ma parenting

Hello everyone~ I'm Xinyan Mama

Yesterday afternoon, a mother said: Biological baby, but not kiss herself.

I often hear mothers say this problem, in fact, babies have the ability to recognize people from the time they are born. There are also many mothers who make such mistakes when they are born.

After the baby is born, many mothers will ask the confinement lady to come to the house to help bring the baby, and even some mothers will ask their mother-in-law to help bring it, and the baby will recognize people at this time.

When the confinement lady takes a lot of time, the baby will naturally be closer to the confinement lady.

When the mother-in-law takes a lot of time, the baby will naturally be closer to the mother-in-law.

"Biological baby, but not kiss yourself" such a mistake, mothers don't make it again

When the baby first comes out, he actually has the ability to recognize people.

The newborn baby already has the ability to recognize people, and mothers should also be happy, and it is also a happy thing for the baby to be able to recognize people.

In order to facilitate their own access to the baby, mothers should be properly involved in feeding, sleeping, and nursing during confinement.

Don't rely too much on the confinement lady, after all, after the confinement lady leaves, the baby may react very much and will cry often.

If it's a mother-in-law, it's okay, the mother-in-law is her own family, and she can also re-cultivate a sense of security through hard work the day after tomorrow, which mothers should not neglect.

"Biological baby, but not kiss yourself" such a mistake, mothers don't make it again

Newborn babies have good perceptions.

Who brings it is particularly important, if you rarely accompany the baby after giving birth, the baby will not be so close to the mother.

Subsequently, it will be more difficult for the mother to get started, the baby will cry if he is not used to himself, sleep restlessly, loss of appetite, and lack of security, which will have a great impact on the baby's growth and development.

"Biological baby, but not kiss yourself" such a mistake, mothers don't make it again

Nowadays, it is very common for babies not to kiss their mothers.

Especially for left-behind babies, who have lived with their grandparents for a long time, their natural relationship will be closer to their grandparents. Some family conditions are not good, parents leave their hometown to work when the baby is young, and only go home to see the baby once during the New Year's Festival.

After going home for many months, the relationship between the mother and the baby will naturally come and go, so companionship is too important for the baby.

After birth, there are many benefits for mothers to spend more time with their babies.

Accompanying the baby can promote the parent-child relationship;

Accompanying the baby can promote brain development;

Spending time with your baby can improve your sense of security.

This is still a great help to the baby's growth and development, and mothers should also understand this to escort the baby's growth and development, and mothers should not be negligent.

From birth, the baby already has the ability to recognize people, the baby's perception is high, you can feel the sense of security of the companion, and the baby's sense of smell is also very good, which can help the baby recognize people.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]