
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

author:Clever white
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

Originating from the northern region, the fish stew has captured the hearts of many food lovers with its unique cooking techniques and rich flavor. The fish is stewed to just the right amount of texture, with a firm and smooth texture, a delicious and mellow flavor that is almost fishy, and every bite will give you the ultimate taste sensation. Today, let's unveil the mysteries of this delicacy and discover its culinary skills and cultural heritage.

When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
The importance of material selection
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

In the cooking process of stewed fish in an iron pot, the selection of ingredients is particularly crucial. Common, high-quality fish such as carp, grass carp, silver carp and catfish are the first choice for stewing. This type of fish is delicious and suitable for long-term stewing, and its characteristics are gradually revealed, and it is perfectly integrated into the aroma of condiments. Another factor in winning the best of the best is the selection of fish with high freshness, which has a tender taste and a fishy taste that is low to worthless, ensuring the success of the dish.

When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
Handling tips for fish
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

Many people are often limited by the strong smell of the fish itself, mainly because of the incorrect initial preparation. The fishy smell on the body of the fish mainly comes from four parts: the mucus on the surface of the fish, the gills, the black membrane of the abdomen, and the blood. In this regard, it is important to be meticulous in the handling process. For example, the mucus on the surface of the fish can be scraped off with the help of a knife, and the fish blood can be removed by soaking in water. Although these steps are a bit complicated, they are effective in ensuring that the fish is delicious and fishy.

When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
Tips for frying fish

Before cooking fish, be sure to fry it. The aim is to remove the fishy fish while preserving its moisture and nutrients, ensuring that the shape and taste of the fish are maintained during the stewing process. When frying fish, heat the pan with oil first, and sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt on the bottom when the oil temperature is suitable to prevent the fish skin from sticking. Then, gently add the fish to the pan, not turning too often, until the skin is golden brown and crispy.

When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
Master the heat of the fish stew
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

When cooking fish food, fire control is crucial. First, bring the water to a boil over high heat, then quickly reduce the heat to a low heat and simmer. This ensures that the fish is fully cooked and that it does not break due to excessive fire. During the stewing process, add an appropriate amount of ingredients such as tofu cubes, dried potatoes and carrots, which not only adds color to the dish, but also absorbs the aroma of the fish, making the whole dish more layered.

Choice of spices
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

Seasoning is essential to the flavor of fish stew, and although recipes may vary from home to home, special attention should be paid to the amount of star anise and vinegar. Although star anise has a strong fragrance, excessive use can easily mask the original freshness of the fish; In addition, the acetate is too acidic, which is detrimental to the taste and balanced flavor of the fish. Therefore, it is advisable to control or avoid using these two seasonings in the process of fish stew to preserve the original flavor of the fish.

Pairing of staple foods
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

Fish stew in an iron pot is not only a delicious dish, but can also be cooked with a main dish. In the process of fish stewing, staple foods such as rice or noodles can be added in an appropriate amount, which not only saves cooking time, but also makes the staple food fully absorb the essence of fish soup and make the taste richer. After the stew is finished, turn off the flame, gently scatter the coriander to enhance the color and flavor, and directly move the iron pot to the table, you can taste this iron pot stewed fish with full color and flavor.

When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it
A blend of culture and emotion

Fish stew in an iron pot is not only a northern delicacy, but also contains profound local culture and emotions. Every year on the cold winter solstice, the whole family gathers next to the stove to taste the delicious food full of fish and share the trivial things of life, creating a warm and touching picture. This dish is not only very attractive to the picky mouth, but also brings warmth to people with its heart-warming effect.

Summarize and interact
When stewing fish, don't put these 2 seasonings, otherwise the more you stew, the more fishy firewood will be, and many people don't know it

In this chapter, have you deeply learned, understood, and perceived the unique charm of iron pot fish stew? During the cooking process, it is important to pay attention to the choice of seasonings and avoid the use of star anise and vinegar to ensure that the fish is simmered in a delicious and authentic way. If you have a soft spot for this dish, you might as well bookmark it and try your hand at making it. At the same time, you are welcome to share your fish stew experience and experience in the comment area, and discuss the improvement of cooking skills with us. Don't forget to like and share this article to let readers know about the unique flavor of this northern delicacy. Thank you for reading and look forward to seeing you next time!

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