
It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

author:Xiao Wei self-media

Now there are four strange phenomena in this society, especially the fourth, which is gradually spreading to every family, which is worrying.

It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

At first, I wondered, how did this good world become so complicated? Later, I listened to the analysis of others, hey, it's really like that, these 4 strange phenomena, I feel like a virus, unconsciously infiltrated into the daily life of each of us.

I remember the past, I always felt that the problems in this society were nothing more than that there were many people and things, and I didn't think that there were so many deep-seated reasons. Now with the development of the Internet era, all kinds of information emerge in an endless stream, real and fake, all kinds of things.

It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

If you don't pay attention, you will be led into the abyss by this information. The root cause of this is that these four strange phenomena have brought some of the atmosphere to the ground.

Let's start with the first one, which is high housing prices.

In the past, I always thought that it was difficult to buy a house because I didn't work hard enough, so I tried my best to save money, but the speed of saving money every year is still not comparable to the rise in housing prices.

It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

And those who speculate in real estate, they can easily make a lot of money, they hold multiple houses in their hands, they have been waiting, looking forward to, housing prices will rise, so that they can earn more, you say that this high housing prices are not the root of all this?

Then the second one is that the pet has become a son.

I'll admit, I also love kittens and puppies. But you said that some people nowadays spoil their pets to the extent that it is simply incomprehensible. Treat your pet like a son, and claim to be the pet's mom and dad.

It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

And his real relatives, his parents, were left aside. Only when you are in need will you think of your relatives, and sometimes you think about it, how can the relationship between people be indifferent like this? Filial piety to parents is the virtue passed down from our ancestors!

And then there is the third, the commercialization of medical care.

The slogan in the ancient pharmacy is, I hope that there will be no suffering in the world, and I would rather put medicine on the shelf and produce dust. And you look at what is written in pharmacies now? What charge 200 get 100 free, a few discounts on Friday member days or something. I'm afraid you won't consume!

It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

I remember when I was a child, the hospital felt like a place to save lives, but now? Sometimes when I go to the hospital to see a minor illness, the checklist is like a menu, one after another, and the cost is frighteningly high. It is difficult and expensive for ordinary people to see a doctor, and it is estimated that only they know the bitterness in their hearts.

So now 80% of people have the mentality that a minor illness is dragged into a major illness, and a major illness is not seen. Because I am afraid of spending money, so ah, health is our greatest wealth, friends, you must take care of your body.

Finally, and what I find the most troublesome, the fourth strange phenomenon - the Internet live broadcast environment.

Don't get me wrong, the internet is a good thing, it's convenient, but you have to admit that it does come with some side effects. Look at those live broadcast platforms, celebrities and Internet celebrities can toss one by one, and fans are even more crazy after them, sometimes I can't tell whether this is the real world or the virtual world.

It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

Especially the impact on teenagers, that's called a big ah, who dreams of becoming an Internet celebrity, but forgets the importance of being down-to-earth. This has also led to a change in some people's values, which does not bode well.

Speaking of which, my heart is also quite heavy, but when I think about it, our world is still more light than darkness after all. As long as the big guys work together and the competent departments increase their efforts to rectify them, these problems will always be solved one day.

It's messed up, it's all messed up, and now there are four strange phenomena in this society

Each of us must also start from ourselves, consume rationally, respect traditions, care for our families, and establish correct values. I believe that in the future, our lives will get better and better, and the social atmosphere will become more and more positive.

Okay, that's all for today, and we'll see you next time. Don't forget, follow me, let's share the bits and pieces of life together and pass on positive energy. Let the world be a better place because of us!