
From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

author:Small cakes
From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Hou Tianlai's acting career The background of a national first-class actor His wonderful performance in "In the Name of the People" Transforming into a "large-scale" role Performance in "Gentle Betrayal" The audience's love and ridicule of his role A deep interpretation under the appearance of "lustful" In-depth understanding of the role Delicate acting skills Diversified acting skills The transformation from "emperor" to "scholar" Real and touching performance Interpretation with heart, calling for social issues Character selection in "Women Are No Longer Silent" Reflection and exposure of social problems

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Ladies and gentlemen, today let's talk about an actor who people love and hate - Hou Tianlai! This benevolent brother is really a treasure, from a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he was stunned and almost lost the audience's eyes!

Speaking of Hou Tianlai, everyone's first reaction may be Chen Qingquan, who played himself as a "model for learning foreign languages" in just a few minutes in "In the Name of the People". I didn't expect that this national first-class actor would have so many "unknown" god operations!

Listen to me slowly. Hou Tianlai, he is not only an acting school, but also an all-rounder. From the corrupt in "In the Name of the People" to the ballet leader in "Gentle Betrayal", this guy can be said to have a good "flower job". You see, the "large-scale" scene in "Gentle Betrayal" made the audience blush and heartbeat, and shouted "I don't envy the mandarin ducks and immortals, I only envy Mr. Hou every day". Tut-tut, I am ashamed of Mr. Hou for what I said!

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

But ah, I have to say, Mr. Hou Tianlai is not relying on "selling meat" to attract attention. Don't look at him playing the roles of "well-dressed beasts", in fact, people are thinking about the inner drama of each role. Those subtle changes in expressions and delicate action design all interpret the inner struggles and contradictions of the characters. This is "lustful", this is clearly acting!

Speaking of acting, let's not forget that Mr. Hou has another side. Remember the Pu Yi he played in "The Legend of Kang's First Bodyguard" and "China's Last Imperial Princess"? The weak and bookish emperor was stunned and cried when he saw the real last imperial concubine, Teacher Li Yuqin. This acting is absolutely amazing!

However, what I admire the most is Mr. Hou's sense of social responsibility. Look at the perverted editor-in-chief he played in "Women Are No Longer Silent", although the role is uncomfortable, but it profoundly exposes the social pain point of sexual harassment in the workplace. For this role, Mr. Hou struggled for a while, for fear of bringing negative impact to himself. But in the end, he still took it, just to arouse everyone's attention to this issue. This responsibility, give Mr. Hou a thumbs up!

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Speaking of which, a question suddenly came to my mind: Why do the audience like these "large-scale" roles played by Hou Tianlai so much? Isn't it a bit "crazy" in our bones? Haha, just kidding. Actually, I think this just reflects how good Mr. Hou's acting skills are. He can play these complex roles so well that the audience loves and hates them, isn't this the standard of a good actor!

Finally, what I want to say is that when we watch movies and TV series, we can't just look at the surface. Behind those seemingly "large-scale" roles, there is often a deep meaning that the screenwriter and actors want to convey. So, while we are appreciating, let's not forget to think more and see what the creators want to tell us.

Okay, that's all for today's complaints. What do you think of Mr. Hou Tianlai's acting skills? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area! See you next time!

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

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