
The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

author:Historical Society

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

There is a canteen in the village, and some villagers cook for everyone every day, and we eat together like a family

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

At that time in the production team, everyone had to work together, and the most special thing was to eat together, which is often called "big pot rice"

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

Although the conditions of the production team were not good at that time, the Chinese New Year was much more lively than now. Our team will have a holiday on the 28th of the lunar month for the New Year, and then start work on the fourth day of the new year. At that time, there was nothing to eat during the Chinese New Year, but the atmosphere was very strong. Early in the morning on the first day of the Lunar New Year, we lit lanterns to pay New Year's greetings to the elders, and the children could eat some sweet potato candy and rice candy. There are also various performances such as singing, dragon dance, and boat lanterns, which are particularly lively until after the Lantern Festival

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

After a year of hard work, farmers are most happy to see the harvest season, when they can see their sweat in exchange for a full harvest

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

In the photo, people are particularly fond of tractors, and some people even climb on tractors and hug them tightly. When the technician explained, although everyone didn't understand well, the problem continued because the tractor could save everyone a lot of effort

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children
The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

Everyone in the production team has to work in the field at the specified time, and the work done every day will be recorded. If you don't follow the rules, your work will be deducted. It's a lot like going to work now, when everyone worked hard in the fields in order to get more work at the end of the month

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

In front of me is the autumn harvest scene, and there is a lot of grain scattered on the ground, most of which has been packed into bags by farmers

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

Back then, the villagers fertilized the crops

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children
The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

The days of the production team are a unique memory of that generation. Although it is a thing of the past, it has left many good memories. At that time, we made real friends and learned a lot of agricultural knowledge and skills. Although the days are hard, people are always happy. This experience is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

The man was pulling the cart hard, and he was still carrying a large bag on his back. His buddies helped push him in the back and lightened the load for him. The man smiled happily, and it seemed that he had friends with him, and he didn't feel so tired from work

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

At that time, everyone in the production team would go to the tofu room and exchange soybeans for a plate of tofu, about fifteen catties for a plate. When I took it home, I was very happy to see the hot tofu. Our family of six consists of grandparents, my mother and our three brothers. Each person takes a bowl and divides it into a piece, which can be eaten with a large sauce or pesto. On the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve, our family will have a hearty Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. If the harvest is good, each person can get a bowl of meat, about a catty. I ate just right, and I ate again. Grandparents, mothers, and younger brothers can't eat that much, so they save it for the next meal

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

The food distribution of the production team is divided into two parts: 70 per cent for the basic ration and 30 per cent for the workers. This division takes care of both the elderly and children and families who are unable to work, as well as the people who actually work. The main reason for the distribution of grain by the production team is to look at the population, and the grain distributed by the larger population accounts for 70 percent more. Everyone will receive the rations, and if the work is not enough to cover the payment, they will be recorded as a food-poor household. Therefore, families with many people in the family but few laborers are actually supported by the production team

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

They had just finished their heavy work in the fields and were now panting for breath with their hoes. Although the days were hard, they still laughed happily

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

I lived through those days, and life was not as bad as the elites said, and it was not as good as some people said. Although life was not as comfortable as it is today, the law and order and atmosphere were stronger than now. Everyone in the village came to help build a house, regardless of you and me. While a few are well fed, the majority are hungry. Fortunately, after the reform and opening up, the development of industry and the free cultivation of the countryside have also been carried out, and you can get as much as you plant, which is more than the production team. Only those of us who have experienced the hardships of the fifties and sixties can those of us born in the seventies know how to cherish the good days now

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

Several young women took a photo with the old cattle in the field, when it was still the era of the production team

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

This man is a cook in the village canteen, wearing a special apron and hat, and he is very hygienic. There are a lot of dumplings in the pot, and he is scooping them one by one with a spatula. Cooking for the whole village is not an easy job

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

There is little rain in the northwest, there is not much good land, and sandstorms often come. Because of the low grain production, everyone has to open up the land by themselves. The production team took a group of young people, and they started work with shovels, and they looked really motivated to swing their hoes!

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

In front of me stood a row of women with hoes in their hands, dressed plainly, with towels on their heads, which could be used to shade the sun and wipe sweat

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

When we were children, we were half hungry, and our clothes and shoes were all big and small, but we didn't feel bitter and had fun all day. When I was in high school, I began to wonder if I would continue to farm or what the future would be. We people in the sixties and seventies all felt that we were very happy at that time, because everyone would help each other, and there were not too many hearts and eyes to produce food for the production team to distribute rations. Although I don't have to worry about eating now, I am under a lot of pressure, and I only care about myself, don't help each other, and look down on those who have no money. Seriously, I miss that era, the era of mutual help and simple happiness

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

As the saying goes, "women are inferior to men", and women in the production team are just as good at farm work as men. Everyone was busy in the fields all day, and the women had to take care of their families when they came home from farm work. They are really capable!

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

I really miss the past, although the days were hard, but the friendship between people is very sincere. Decades have passed, and now life is better, food and clothing are not worried, and the children have bought high-rise buildings in the city, but they are too busy to have time to go home. Although life is good now, I always feel that something is missing in my heart, maybe it is the love of my family

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

In the production team, because the division of work between men and women is different, men work more than women in a day, so they usually have to do heavier work

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

I was born in the mid-sixties, when farmers were big families and lived frugally. Although there is little fish and meat, there is enough coarse grain to eat, and although there are patches on the clothes, no one dislikes them. At that time, there were few things, and people didn't think much about it. In the production team, everyone knows that it is the collective that feeds the children. So all of us at that time thought about the community and loved our hometown

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

After a day's work, everyone went to a place to sit around a table and eat a big pot of rice together

The production team was so poor during the period, why was it able to feed five or six children

As soon as spring comes, the wild vegetables in the field will emerge, and everyone will rush to dig up Po Po Ding and Ko Ma Chop. It's a bit bitter, but it's better than being hungry. In the summer, when all the vegetables in the garden are cooked, there are cabbage, leeks, peppers, eggplants, beans and potatoes, which are not enough to eat enough food for the whole summer for the whole family