
Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular


Looking at this article, it is not difficult for us to find the different performances of Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue in popular dramas. As a senior artist, Wu Jinyan's attitude towards the welfare of fans is sincere and thoughtful, and he faithfully restores the charm of the characters in the play, which naturally won wide acclaim from netizens. The ending easter eggs handled by newcomer Wang Xingyue and his team seem to be a bit hasty and lack a detailed grasp of the audience's emotions. Let's explore the implications behind this.

As a senior actor, Wu Jinyan is familiar with handling matters related to popular dramas. Her carefully planned million-dollar welfare video not only showed the charm of the character Xue Fangfei in the play, but also fully stimulated fans' attachment and remembrance to the character. From layout to execution, Wu Jinyan's in-depth understanding of the needs of fans is inevitable. She chose the audience's favorite plot elements and visual presentations, and used delicate and nuanced lens language to make the audience feel as if they were once again immersed in the scene and felt the bits and pieces of the characters' lives. This well-designed fan benefit not only successfully shortened the distance with the audience, but also further consolidated Wu Jinyan's professional status and popularity in the industry.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

In contrast, Wang Xingyue and his team lack a cautious control of the audience's psychology when dealing with the content related to the ending. They tried to give the audience an unexpected ending by sharing the uncut version of the ending clip, hoping that more viewers who like tragedy can also be satisfied. However, this approach obviously ignores the expectations and expectations of the current audience for the show. When everyone has accepted the warm and happy happy ending, suddenly giving a completely opposite BE ending will inevitably cause a strong sense of disparity and disappointment. This can be seen from the fierce reactions of netizens. They not only questioned the emotional intelligence of Wang Xingyue's team, but also felt that they were poked in the heart by this approach. This strong backlash from the audience cannot but be said to be understandable.

It is not difficult for us to find that film and television dramas, as a typical mass culture product, are extremely important in terms of the psychological demands and expectations of their audiences. The audience has already substituted and digested the warm and happy HE ending on the spiritual level, and forcibly priing their emotions in this state will undoubtedly trigger strong feelings of resistance. In contrast, Wu Jinyan's approach is more thoughtful and wise. She firmly grasped the focus of the audience's attention, carefully planned a visual presentation with a great sense of substitution, subtly expanded the plot direction, and created a unique experience for the audience. This treatment not only made the audience unsatisfied, but also further enhanced Wu Jinyan's professional image.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

Of course, we can't simply characterize Wang Xingyue's team's approach as a mistake. After all, their original intention is also to present a new perspective to the audience, so that more audiences who like tragedy can also feel the charm of the plot. This kind of attempt is certainly worthy of recognition, but in the process of specific implementation, they ignored the psychological demands of the current mainstream audience and failed to do a comprehensive job of public opinion control. This is indeed worth learning a lesson, and in the future, when dealing with similar key issues, they should pay more attention to the insight and grasp of the audience's psychological changes.

It is also worth mentioning that in this matter, netizens' attitude towards Wang Xingyue's team was also quite intense. Of course, we can understand the audience's disappointment and the emotions of being poked in the center, but I am afraid that it is still inappropriate for Wang Xingyue's team to be overly abused and personally attacked. After all, their original intention was also to present a new perspective to the audience, but there was a deviation in operation. We should be understanding and tolerant, not overly harsh in our accusations.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

After all, on the big stage of the entertainment industry, every participant is working hard to explore and grow. Even a veteran actor such as Wu Jinyan cannot win every battle and never make any mistakes. Empathy and patience are the keys to driving progress across the industry. We should be more tolerant and understanding, and give newcomers the opportunity to learn and correct, rather than simply slandering and belittling with words like "pig teammates".

In general, by observing this turmoil, it is not difficult for us to see the various complex factors hidden in the waters of the entertainment industry. Senior artists and newcomers, different operational strategies and market perceptions, and even the psychological expectations of the audience are all important drivers in shaping this result. Only by having a deep insight into these influencing factors can we truly understand the context of the development of the industry and provide more constructive opinions and suggestions.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

From this incident, we can also see that paying equal attention to professionalism and emotional intelligence is undoubtedly the key to success. Wu Jinyan's professional skills and control of the needs of fans allowed her to win the favor of everyone, while Wang Xingyue's team's lack of handling key nodes triggered widespread negative feedback. This undoubtedly gives practitioners a thought-provoking enlightenment, in the future development process, we must not only improve professional skills, but also pay more attention to emotional communication and control. Only by combining these two key factors can we stand out from the fierce competition and win wider recognition.

Finally, I want to say that whether it is Wu Jinyan or Wang Xingyue, they are all shining stars in the entertainment industry, and they deserve our common attention and encouragement. Everyone will encounter various challenges and difficulties on the road to growth, and the key is how to continuously improve their professional quality and emotional intelligence through learning and reflection. I believe that as long as they operate with heart and inspire with love, they will eventually grow into better artists and dedicate more excellent works to the audience. Let's contribute our strength and blessings to their future development together!

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

You may wish to think further, why do Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue show such different performances when dealing with matters related to popular dramas? We may be able to learn some lessons from this.

First of all, we need to realize that Wu Jinyan, as a senior actor, has accumulated rich experience in the entertainment industry. She has a deeper understanding of the psychological demands of the audience and knows how to better meet their expectations. As a newcomer, Wang Xingyue is also actively exploring, but in contrast, his grasp of industry rules and audience psychology needs to be further improved.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

Secondly, when dealing with important node content, different operation strategies also bring different effects. Wu Jinyan's approach pays more attention to the audience's perspective, and carefully designs a fascinating visual presentation, which successfully arouses the audience's resonance and praise. Wang Xingyue's team may have been too eager to try new ideas, and as a result, they ignored the feelings of the current mainstream audience, which caused a negative response.

This enlightens us that on the stage of the entertainment industry, we must not only have excellent professional skills, but also have a keen sense of keeping pace with the times. Insight into the psychology of the audience and grasp the pulse of the industry is the key to success. Even senior artists need to continue to learn and improve, and always pay attention to market dynamics and audience needs. For newcomers, they should learn humbly and patiently learn from the valuable experience of their predecessors.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

In addition, we also need to note that in the ever-changing entertainment environment, netizens who "add fuel to the fire" also affect the development of the situation to a certain extent. Their sometimes overly heated feedback may have added some unwanted negative emotions. This requires practitioners not only to be good at grasping the psychology of the audience, but also to have the ability to deal with the pressure of public opinion. Maintaining communication and understanding, and resolving conflicts with love, can better maintain a positive interaction with the audience.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

In short, through the analysis of this incident, we see many key factors for success in the entertainment industry. Having both professional skills and emotional intelligence is the basic quality that an excellent artist must have. At the same time, in-depth research on industry dynamics and audience psychology is also an important guarantee for coping with various complex situations. Only by constantly learning and progressing, and resolving conflicts with love and patience, can we jointly promote this charming entertainment industry to write a more exciting chapter.

Wu Jinyan said a dignified farewell and slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: poke people's hearts, no wonder they can't be popular

I believe that whether it is Wu Jinyan or Wang Xingyue, as long as they manage with heart and inspire with love, they will eventually grow into better artists and dedicate more high-quality works to the audience. Let's contribute our strength and blessings to their future development together, and witness their shining moment on this stage together!

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