
17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

author:Public History
17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

You heard it right, this actress who was scolded so much back then turned popular again after 17 years! This is Chen Zihan.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

remembers that she was involved in the "nude photos" scandal because of the "lost mobile phone" incident, and was secretly taken by an unscrupulous magazine to take intimate photos and appear on the cover, which became infamous. Immediately afterwards, it was rumored that he had a love triangle with Wang Yu, and he was wronged as a "little three", and scolding was everywhere for a while.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

But you know what? Chen Zihan is one of Nortel's three golden flowers, and he became popular with his excellent acting skills after graduation. She played the heroine in "The Legend of the White Snake", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" and other works, with superb acting skills, and was known as "the first sister of Huayi TV series". At that time, she signed a contract with Huayi Brothers Media Company, and her career was booming, and her advertising and endorsements were soft.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

Who knew that the good times would not last long, and her ex-boyfriend actually exposed their intimate photos and chat records on the Internet in an attempt to stigmatize her. This guy alluded to Chen Zihan's deception of feelings, or a long-planned revenge. Netizens have said that this man just sees Chen Zihan as a public figure, and this stain is enough to destroy her.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

In fact, Chen Zihan's emotional experience was not very smooth. When she was in college, her boyfriend cheated on her best friend, and after graduation, a relationship broke her apart. She saw through it and was tired, so she simply spent all her time on work and all her time and energy on filming.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

After the nude photos scandal, Chen Zihan's career plummeted, and she was reduced from a popular actress to an 18th-tier actor. But instead of giving up, she came across a very challenging script "Pearl Earrings" in 2015. She met Dai Xiangyu in the crew, and the two respected each other like guests at first, but then unknowingly had a chemical reaction.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

Chen Zihan was afraid of falling in love again at that time, so he took the initiative to cut off contact. But Dai Xiangyu is not so easy to dismiss, he repairs Chen Zihan's scars little by little with sincerity. Finally in 2016, Chen Zihan and Dai Xiangyu got married.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

After marriage, Chen Zihan changed the track in time, and developed from actor to screenwriter and producer. Her masterpieces continued, and her career took off again. And her marriage to Dai Xiangyu has also gone through 8 years, and they are still happy.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

You see, Chen Zihan's transformation path can be described as tortuous and bizarre. But it was those painful experiences that made her more resilient. She understands that the most responsible person for life is not others, but herself. Through self-healing, she rebuilt her career and happy marriage.

17 years after the "photo turmoil", she became popular and netizens were glad that she did not scold

Now thinking of the scolding back then, netizens sighed: Fortunately, I didn't scold her, she deserves to be forgiven and blessed.

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