
Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

author:Financial Bagua Woman
Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

In recent years, Sister Hong Kong's election campaign has been declining, and even if she wins the championship, she may not be able to catch fire, and there are not a few Sister Hong Kong who leave TVB to find another way out, and many of them have entered the business and turned to the financial circle.

文丨金融bagua 女Author:澍野

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The annual Miss Hong Kong contest is coming, who will be the next Li Jiaxin?

At present, the first round of interviews for 2024 Hong Kong sisters has been completed, and their appearance, figure, and clothing have become the focus of discussion.

Among the 103 beauties who passed the first round of interviews, about half are from the mainland, and there are not a few who have experience in beauty pageants, such as "2023 Face of Hong Kong" winner Guo Encheng, "2023 Miss Vancouver Chinese American" runner-up Zhong Cuishi, third runner-up Zhang Annie, etc.

It is worth mentioning that there are many financial women in this year's Miss Hong Kong election.

For example, 24-year-old Crystal graduated from the Department of Finance and Accounting:

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

20-year-old Annabelle, who is studying finance in the United States, returned to Hong Kong to run for election during the summer vacation:

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

Lin Sining and Jade are both doing financial work......

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

The young lady in the financial circle ran for Miss Hong Kong and was selected to enter the entertainment industry, maybe she will be the next Li Jiaxin, Charmaine Sheh, Myolie Wu; Even if you don't choose, at least there is a financial circle as a way out. In fact, in recent years, Sister Hong Kong's election has become increasingly weak, and even if she wins the championship, she may not be able to become popular, and there are not a few people who leave TVB to find another way out, and many of them have entered the business and turned to the financial circle.

Of course, their fates for changing careers are different, some become non-executive directors of listed companies, some are CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and plan to change careers, some return to the financial circle with zero work after their debut, and some are deceived......


/ Miss Hong Kong champion joined McKinsey at the age of 27,

31-year-old director of Hong Kong stocks with an annual salary of one million /

The 32-year-old Mai Mingshi, the champion of Miss Hong Kong, became a director of a listed company last year, with an annual salary of 1.36 million yuan and consulting fees.

In June 2023, Hong Kong-listed Heritage Education Group announced the appointment of Mak Ming-sze as a non-executive director with an annual salary of 360,000 yuan for a three-year term.

Not only that, the Lao Mai Workshop under Mai Mingshi also signed a three-year consulting agreement with Inheritance Education, and received another 1 million consulting fees every year.

This means that Mai Mingshi has at least 1.36 million income per year and a monthly income of more than 110,000.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

Under the agreement, Lao Mai Workshop will act as a consultant to the Group to provide professional advice on the Company's investor relations and education business development, including early childhood education. According to Heritage Education Group, Mak Mingshi's remuneration is based on her experience and responsibilities, and she is subject to regular review by the board of directors and remuneration committee.

The lineup of the board of directors of Legacy Education is luxurious. In addition to Mak Ming-sze, there are also big names such as "tutoring king" Lin Yixin, former financial secretary Tsang Chun-wah's political assistant Luo Yongcong, and Venture Horizon's Tang Shengxing.

Mai Mingshi shared the good news on the Internet, and especially thanked a friend in the financial circle who was "not good-looking but super moral".

Of course, to be able to get a high-paying position in a listed company, Mai Mingshi's resume is also very good.

Mak Mingshi is known as the "Cambridge Beauty Scholar" and received a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degree in Law from Cambridge University.

In 2015, as soon as Mak Mingshi graduated from her bachelor's degree, she won the championship of Miss Hong Kong with a hot attitude, and at the same time won the "Most Photogenic Miss Award", becoming the double champion of the year. competed with her on the same stage that year, as well as Li Zekai's girlfriend Guo Jiawen, who had been in love for 6 years, but Guo Jiawen only ranked third.

As the champion of Miss Hong Kong, Mak Mingshi was highly praised by TVB after her debut, she is active in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, as a host and actress, and has performed in popular dramas such as "Las Vegas Heroes", "Apostle Walker 2", "Yes, Your Excellency the Judge" and "Killer".

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

However, Mai Mingshi's acting skills have always been questioned, and she is better at learning in comparison, so many netizens suggested that she become a lawyer and not return to the entertainment industry.

Mai Mingshi was also very persuasive, and she said that she would not rule out this possibility, after all, her acting career is indeed limited.

In 2018, she successfully passed the New York Bar Examination and was admitted to practice law in the United States.

After getting the certificate, in 2019, at the age of 27, Mai Mingshi joined the international consulting giant McKinsey & Company as an international business consultant, responsible for projects related to strategy, organization and design thinking, and it was rumored that her monthly salary was as high as 400,000 yuan.

Now, Mak is also the co-founder of Project Melo Limited, a company focused on youth development. And Mai Mingshi's entrepreneurship and education are also a matter of course, after all, she has been a proper "child of other people's families" since she was a child.

Mak Ming-sze has been a ballet dancer since childhood, with a Grade 8 vocal music, and attended Diocesan Girls' Primary School and Diocesan Girls' School. In the 2009 HKCEE, Mak Mingshi became the top student in the current HKCEE with ten excellent results, and was admitted to Wellington College in Crossoane, UK, and later successfully admitted to Cambridge University.

Later, her mother even wrote a book about how to raise her children.


/ Hidden in the snow Hougang University for graduate school,

TVB Hua Dan changed career as a financial analyst? /

The 2016 Miss Hong Kong champion Feng Yingying will graduate from the University of Hong Kong with a master's degree in July this year.

As early as 2022, she posted on the Internet that she passed the Level 1 preliminary exam of CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), which is known as the "world's most difficult financial exam".

Many netizens speculated that Feng Yingying was paving the way for leaving TVB and was going to change careers to become a financial analyst, and some people said that she was following her good sister Mai Mingshi and retreating bravely.

Lin Zuo, an Internet celebrity in the insurance industry, heard that Feng Yingying was interested in getting involved in the financial industry, and also recruited her on her social account and invited her to join her team to do insurance, but netizens expressed their disbelief.

The 30-year-old Feng Yingying, who joined TVB after winning the championship in 2016, was praised as Hua Dan, and starred in popular dramas such as "Heart Storm 3", "White Strongman", "Smart Lover", etc., and she is also one of the hosts in TVB in 2020.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

▲Feng Yingying (middle)

However, Feng Yingying has reduced production in recent years, and her exposure has plummeted. When the sequel list of "Strange Cases Against the Sky" was announced, she was the only actor who was not retained, occasionally hosting some variety shows, and most of them were marginal roles. Although she denied falling out of favor, it was clear that the workload was reduced.

At the beginning of 2022, some Hong Kong media broke the news that Feng Yingying committed 3 crimes and was "hidden" by TVB.

First, she had an underground relationship with TVB anchor Zheng Xunfeng, and Feng Yingying wanted to announce the relationship at that time, but TVB disagreed. Later, the two broke up, and the matter faded down.

Second, she was involved in the NFT market, launched her own crystal bracelet, and traded it in the virtual currency "Ether", which was undoubtedly forbidden due to the business activities related to virtual currency, which violated relevant laws and regulations.

Third, her assistant has a very poor reputation in the circle, and often makes small moves, many artists don't like it, TVB asked Feng Yingying to dismiss her, but she was unwilling.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

However, it is nothing that this Xueba Hong Kong sister was "hidden", after all, she still has a way out.

In 1994, Feng Yingying was born in Hong Kong, China, and has been an out-and-out academic bully since she was a child. When she was in secondary school, she studied at the Band 1 school, Shek Kip Mei Precious Blood Hui Chi English College, and received 5 stars in English, Liberal Studies and Computer Science. In 2011, she was awarded the Silver Medal of the Hong Kong Award for Young People.

In 2012, she was admitted to the Department of Food and Nutrition of the University of Hong Kong with excellent results. During her time at the school, Fung Yingying was already a prominent figure in the school, participated in the school flower and grass competition, and was named the "true goddess of HKU". When she ran for Miss Hong Kong in 2016, Feng Yingying was named "Sister Hong Kong", and finally won the championship.

At the beginning of 2023, Feng Yingying, who was "hidden", returned to her alma mater, the University of Hong Kong, to study for a master's degree in marketing and marketing in food industry management. Previously, on social media, Feng Yingying posted her report card, with A- grades in both subjects and a GPA of 3.69. At the time, Feng Yingying wrote:

"I went to school while working and filming dramas, and at the same time took care of my career and studies, and finally got this result, I can only say that I did my best. The results are decent, and there is room for improvement. Use this as an incentive to work harder and get better grades next semester. ”

In the blink of an eye, Feng Yingying is about to graduate with a master's degree, and she will attend the graduation ceremony of the University of Hong Kong in July this year, and she has also achieved first-class honors.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

In addition, Feng Yingying also revealed that she has completed the online course of Harvard Business School and will continue to study and add value after that.

However, the title of "Sister Hong Kong" will inevitably be used by people with bad intentions. Last year, it was reported that Feng Yingying was going to open a class to teach investment. Later, she clarified that there was absolutely no such thing, that they were fake advertisements and that they had been handed over to the company for disposal. She said that she knows a little about investing, but she is not going to start a class, and she appeals to everyone not to be deceived.

After being also elected as Miss Hong Kong, Xu Zixuan also chose to study. Before becoming Sister Hong Kong, Xu Zixuan had already worked as an analyst in a Wall Street investment bank. She is also a top student in her own right, graduating from the University of Michigan's Ann Arbor School of Business, majoring in finance and strategic management.

When running for Miss Hong Kong, Xu Zixuan revealed that she was admitted to two top universities, Oxford and Cambridge, at the same time, and was ready to study for an MBA. She said that if she was elected Miss Hong Kong, she would temporarily put aside her studies and devote herself to fulfilling her duties as Miss Hong Kong. Later, Xu Zixuan became the runner-up of Miss Hong Kong in 2022 and was elected Miss International Goodwill.

In 2023, Xu Zixuan has repeatedly completed her one-year duties as a Hong Kong sister, and she announced her official "resignation" through social media, and decided to go to Oxford University in the United Kingdom for further study. At that time, many netizens speculated that Xu Zixuan might return to the financial circle after reading the book.


/ After his debut, he had zero work, and he still paid money for acting,

The financial circle has become a beauty pageant lady retreat? /

Once upon a time, the election of Miss Hong Kong created many stars, but now even if they stand out, they may not be able to get strong support, let alone make money in the entertainment industry, and there are many Hong Kong sisters who can't eat.

In 2020, Kwong Meixuan quit her job as a bank customer assistant in order to participate in the Miss Hong Kong campaign. She graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom, and then worked in banking and finance, but she wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

When she ran for the election, Kwong Meixuan passed all the way and directly entered the top five, and was locked in the top three. In August 2020, she won the title of "Miss Friendship", and in September of the same year, she received a contract from TVB and officially became a contract artist.

However, after Kwong Meixuan signed with TVB, the workload was pitiful, and it can almost be said that there was zero work. She said that after fulfilling the obligations of Sister Hong Kong, she would not consider renewing the contract, and would return to her old financial bank.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

▲ Xiao Mei

also didn't make any money, as well as the 25-year-old Rong Yu. She has participated in TVB beauty pageants many times, and has won the "TVB Miss Melbourne Chinese Champion" and "TVB Miss Chinese Australia Runner-up", and then went to the mainland to develop, starring in dramas such as "The Little Thing of First Love" and "Perfect Evidence".

Today, Rong Yu has already entered the financial industry, working as a personal financial consultant in a company in Central, revealing that his annual income is about 800,000. Prior to that, she studied Financial Accounting at the University of Melbourne and the University of Hong Kong.

When asked why she suddenly switched to the financial industry, Rong Yu said that she majored in financial accounting when she was in college, and it would be more suitable for her to join the financial industry, and she also believed that the financial industry would have more room for growth.

Rong Yu also emphasized that many people have misunderstandings about the work of artists, thinking that being an actor makes more money, but in fact, most actors live very hard, she also tried to shoot a drama for 6 months, earned less than 10,000 yuan, and finally had to live with her own money.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

▲ Yi Rui

Of course, TVB beauties are like clouds, and it is normal to be idle for many years and not be able to get a job. It's just that some people choose to take it as the best policy, and some people keep the clouds open and see the moon, and they take finance as a side business while mixing in the entertainment industry, and they also make a lot of money.

Song Zhiling, a Chinese-Korean mixed-race race, participated in the 1996 Miss Hong Kong, but her appearance was not advantageous and she was defeated in a wave of doubts, but later signed a contract with TVB to make her debut. In the early days of her career, she was not valued by TVB, and she was originally going to host the show, but she was replaced. Later, he could only play tricks in TVB dramas and played many marginal roles.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle

▲ When Song Zhiling participated in the election of Miss Hong Kong

However, there is always a turning point in life. In 2005, TVB broadcast the Korean drama "Dae Jang Geum", setting off a "Korean tide". Since Song Zhiling is proficient in Korean, TVB asked her to be in charge of interviewing Korean stars, such as Lee Young-ae, Ji Jin-hee, Hong Lina, Zhao Ting-eun, etc. She also went into battle to be a translator herself, and her popularity skyrocketed instantly.

After becoming famous, Song Zhiling seized the opportunity to share Korean recipes, co-founded a Hallyu newspaper with a friend, and later opened a Korean language school to provide one-stop services for people who intend to immigrate to South Korea, and the business is booming.

What's even more surprising is that after Song Zhiling joined the financial industry, she became a well-known rich woman in the circle. In 2018, she obtained a Class 1 securities trading license to work as a financial broker, and then joined China Merchants Securities International Co., Ltd. After approaching related businesses, it was rumored that her monthly income was as high as six figures, which was 10 times TVB's salary.

Do you have to pay for acting? At the end of Sister Hong Kong's career change, in addition to the wealthy family, there is also the financial circle


Now, Song Zhiling is doing financial business while being a host on TVB, and her life is quite nourishing.

Currently, she lives in a 2,000-square-foot mid-levels mansion with a huge balcony with panoramic views of Victoria Harbour. She drives a million-dollar Maserati sports car every day, a pet breed Poso spaniel worth at least 100,000 yuan, and three servants to serve her.

Of course, not every Hong Kong sister who wants to change careers is so lucky. Pang Zhuoxin, the runner-up of Miss Hong Kong in 2015, had always hoped for more sources of income, and last year she received a message from an agency asking if she was interested in online remote work, asking her to review products on a virtual platform.

For every 30 days completed, you can get a basic salary of about HK$24,000. Later, Pang Zhuoxin began to follow the instructions. At first, she did receive her salary and a refunded deposit, but then it turned out to be a scam and she lost $70,000 as a result.

Therefore, if Sister Hong Kong wants to successfully change careers and take the financial circle as a retreat, she must either be from a financial and accounting background, or she must have the potential to be a scholar, and she must continue to study and study in graduate school.

If you just think about pie falling from the sky, you may end up being cheated of money and leaving a lot of chicken feathers. Don't say that Sister Hong Kong changed careers, and workers should be cautious when changing careers...


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From Heaven to Earth! Feng Yingying committed 3 sins and was hidden in the snow", 8 horizons

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