
Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

author:Financial Bagua Woman

The latest salary rankings really depend on technology companies, but the most powerful is not AI, but the chip industry that makes hardware. One of the biggest highlights is that among the top 50 listed companies in terms of per capita salary, "chip design" companies have caught up with and surpassed the most profitable finance before.

Text丨Financial gossip female author: Deng Biluo's small waist

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The annual stage of filling in the volunteer selection major has arrived again.

Regarding how to choose a major, some bigwigs stood up and gave advice to college entrance examination candidates, such as Zhou Hongyi, who said:

"Work has nothing to do with major, major is not so important, what matters is the ability to continue learning, but also social skills."

"We recruit a lot of college students and graduate students, and their jobs have nothing to do with their majors, so what majors are not so important."

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

However, then he still recommended three professional directions to college entrance examination candidates, namely artificial intelligence, energy and biology.

Of course, it is not necessary to apply directly for artificial intelligence majors, and many majors such as mathematics, computer science, and software engineering can be selected as undergraduates, and they can develop in the direction of artificial intelligence in the future. Energy was chosen because the end of artificial intelligence is energy, whether it is nuclear fusion or green renewable energy, today's electric vehicles are also completely supported by energy. Finally, with the blessing of computer big data, human beings will have a great future in overcoming diseases, promoting human health, and exploring the mysteries of human beings. ”

Zhang Chaoyang on the side strongly recommended everyone to learn some mathematics:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...
"Nowadays, many students are too bad at math, and they have a big head when they encounter math problems. The world is made up of numbers, and you can learn mathematics well in any direction, whether it's finance or artificial intelligence. ”

Zhang Chaoyang also said that there is no difference between men and women who choose volunteers, and if girls are interested in science, they should study science, and boys who are interested in liberal arts should also choose liberal arts, and it is recommended not to follow the crowd.

The artificial intelligence boss recommends the direction of artificial intelligence, and the doctor of physics recommends mathematics, so what does the eighth sister who loves to make money recommend?

Let's recommend a principle, the salary is high, which is naturally to use the data to speak.


/ The highest salary per capita for chip design is million,

The financial circle is also envious /

Eight sisters picked up a wave of data, not to mention, the latest salary rankings, it really depends on technology companies, but the most powerful is not AI, but the chip industry that does hardware.

One of the biggest highlights is that among the top 50 listed companies in terms of per capita salary, "chip design" companies have caught up with and surpassed the most profitable finance before.

Speaking of the chip design industry, including digital chip design and analog chip design, among the top 50 companies in terms of per capita salary in 2023, there are already 17 companies in the "chip design" category.

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

Not only are companies in the chip design industry highly paid, but also the average salary in integrated circuits and semiconductors is not to be outdone.

The average salary of 6 listed companies in the integrated circuit manufacturing industry can reach 402,000. There are 18 listed companies in the semiconductor equipment industry, with an average salary of 302,000.

The main reason why the salary in the latter industries is lower than that of chip design is that the R&D personnel in the chip design industry are intensive, give more money, and raise more grassroots workers and dilute the per capita salary.

On the other hand, the chip design industry does not have low requirements for the professionalism of employees. Looking at the recruitment requirements of a chip company, although both bachelor's and master's degrees are recruited, they must be professional and good at English:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

All in all, no matter what direction the design engineer is, he or she is required to have "good English reading and writing skills".

Therefore, although this major makes money, it is also necessary to be cautious in applying for the exam, which requires a solid foundation in mathematics and physics (especially electricity) and good English, which is not easy for many children who are strong in mathematics and science.

In addition, it is not necessary to go to a listed company to go to a chip manufacturer.

Recently, there was a screenshot that went viral in the circle of friends:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

It is suspected that the wages and salaries of employees of a large chip factory were exposed, with a total of 4.4665 million in three months, which is an order of magnitude, not to mention compared with the analysts and traders who show off on Xiaohongshu, even compared with the former per capita salary champion in the financial circle, Anxin Trust, it is also a lot higher, tens of millions in a year.

I have to say that this big factory is willing to pay its employees, although it is not listed, but its employees earn much more than many chip companies listed on the A-share market, no wonder they say that we are "all turned positive", the tone is so firm.


/ Pharmaceutical and chemical industry catch up,

The energy industry makes a lot of money /

In fact, in the past decade, it is not only chip companies that have caught up with finance, but also pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

The salary in the pharmaceutical industry is also good, although the number of people entering the top 50 has decreased, and it has been squeezed out by chip designers, but the lower limit is very high.

In 2014, 26 of the top 50 salaries were finance, beating other industries. And in this list, there is not a single pharmaceutical company.

By 2018, BeiGene-U, Mengke Pharmaceutical-U and Dizhe Pharmaceutical-U squeezed into the top 50 list, and finally there were companies in the pharmaceutical industry, all of which belonged to the chemical preparation industry. In 2019, Yifang Bio-U in the same industry also made the list. In 2020, Da'an Gene and Shuoshi Biotech in the in vitro diagnostic industry were also added.

However, in the past three years, pharmaceutical companies have gradually fallen off the list, and now only Dizhe Pharmaceutical-you and Yifang Bio-U can still squeeze into the top 50.

However, this does not mean that the wages of pharmaceutical companies have decreased, most likely because industry changes have reduced the pharmaceutical team, and researchers are still expanding, and the wages of newcomers have lowered the average salary, after all, the R&D investment of pharmaceutical companies continues to grow:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

▲Data source: Oriental Wealth Choice, financial gossip girl

In 2018, the total R&D expenses of the pharmaceutical industry of A-share listed companies were only 48.35 billion, and now they have grown to 120.37 billion.

In addition, the average salary of the industry in the corresponding industries such as chemical and new materials, such as oil and gas and refining engineering, chemical engineering, medical beauty consumables and thermal coal (coal chemical industry), etc., exceeds 240,000, and the company with the highest per capita salary in the industry can exceed 500,000.

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

The annual income is 240,000, which is the level of 20,000 yuan per month, and it can be called a high-paying job.

In addition, Zhou Hongyi said that the energy industry is also a muffled fortune, oil and gas exploitation and power generation industry salaries are very considerable, especially nuclear power, a total of two listed companies, one per capita more than 400,000, one per capita 500,000, no one will earn less:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

Of course, the high salary is not only in these industries, there are many low-key subdivisions, with a high degree of professionalism and a lot of earnings.

Among the more than 5,000 A-share listed companies, 1,208 companies have an average salary of more than 240,000 yuan. In terms of industries, according to the three-level industry classification of Shenwan, there are 65 industries with an average salary of more than 240,000 yuan:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

If you choose a major and choose an industry, you can compare the above table to find the target industry, maybe some unpopular tracks are still a good opportunity.

There are also many industries that are "pure giant" industries with only 1-3 companies, and it is not difficult to enter the industry with more money and professional counterparts in this company.

The eighth sister revealed one more thing, that is, listed companies still like doctors.

For example, China Metallurgical, a listed company, has 14,000 doctors in the metallurgical industry, and China Shenhua, a coal mine and coal chemical industry, also has 3,859 doctors. Chemical drug companies such as WuXi AppTec, BeiGene, Fosun and Hengrui naturally have a lot of R&D personnel.

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

Regardless of coal chemical industry, smelting or medicine, none of the companies reported above are less than 240,000 per capita.

This also confirms the statement of some big V, that is, biochemical ring materials are actually not pitted, but it is not enough to graduate from a bachelor's degree, and you need to continue your studies or even study for a doctorate, so that this technology can come in handy.


/ The financial industry is still highly paid,

But the attractiveness has dropped dramatically,

Compared with technology companies, the heat of the financial circle continues to fade.

You must know that ten years ago, that is, in 2014, 26 of the top 50 A-share listed companies in terms of per capita salary were financial institutions, of which 5 were joint-stock banks and 13 were brokerages. At that time, the first place in the financial industry was Anxin Trust (now renamed Jianyuan Trust), which was known as the "most enviable offer" in the circle, and the average salary could reach 1.307 million.

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

This year the financial world began to cut salaries, especially the banks. At a glance, it seems that the decline is not large, the per capita annual salary is more than 480,000, and there is a slight decline, and the average annual salary per capita is less than 400,000, most of them have a slight increase:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

However, there are two chills, one is that the bank's executives have cut their salaries fiercely, and the other is that the bankers have also encountered reverse salary bargaining.

Ping An Bank's senior executives have cut their salaries by more than 40%, China Merchants Bank and Minsheng Bank have cut their salaries by more than 30%, and executives from Bank of Chongqing, Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, Postal Savings Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and China Everbright Bank have also cut their salaries by more than 10%.

Overall, executives took an average pay cut of 13%:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

Minsheng Bank, which was originally the only one with an average executive salary of more than 2 million, fell from 2.548 million to 1.614 million, an angry drop of 932,000, and Ping An Bank and China Merchants Bank, which originally had an average executive salary of more than 1.6 million, have now fallen to around 1 million.

The heart-wrenching reverse salary bargaining also caused the banker to be retained a lot of money.

Eight listed banks have announced the clawback of performance-based pay, namely Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, Harbin Bank, Bank of Tianjin, Dongguan Rural Commercial Bank, Ruifeng Bank, Weihai Bank, and Bank of Gansu:

Don't keep staring at the financial circle when choosing a major! In these muffled industries that make a lot of money, the real salary is exposed...

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Everbright Bank, Minsheng Bank, etc. all emphasized in their annual reports that the company has established a mechanism for deferred payment of performance-based remuneration and recourse clawback.

Looking at it this way, finance, which is gradually retreating in the salary rankings, is really unpopular.

What's more, many research posts and investment banking posts in the financial circle do not necessarily recruit financial majors, especially research posts, who like professional backgrounds such as medicine, new energy, communications, and chemical industry.

Therefore, for those who want to enter the financial industry, you don't have to choose a finance major. In recent years, medical and health care, corporate services, and manufacturing have become the main areas of investment, and they are all very popular.

Zhou Kui, a partner of Sequoia Capital, once introduced that Sequoia China has a professional medical investment team of nearly 25 people, most of whom have backgrounds in life sciences, medicine, pharmacy and other fields.

Choosing a major and choosing an industry, science students should get a high salary to first recommend hardware majors with integrated circuits and electronic chips, of course, computers are still very profitable, software and IT and other industries have a high per capita salary, as well as aviation, aerospace, and a lot of money. But if physics and mathematics are both weaknesses, it's best not to choose the first ones.

If you are weak in physics but strong in biology and chemistry, you can consider changing to biomedicine, chemical engineering and energy, and you will definitely not be worried about finding a high-paying job when you get a doctorate.

By the way, if the child has his own life pursuit and goals, and wants to study the medical and military police, it is recommended to listen to the child.

For liberal arts, it is still recommended to have barriers to majors such as law and accounting, after all, no matter what industry or company, they will be recruited, and the public examination will not be delayed.

Of course, people who can bring capital into the group don't have to think about it so much, it's no problem to choose any major, they are willing to go to the financial circle, they can join the company with their own performance at any time, and they can get millions of principal if they are willing to start a business.

The college entrance examination is not the only way to decide life, and choosing a major is also not a lifelong choice. Besides, work is a lifelong thing, and you still have to make choices based on your life plan and hobbies, don't be misled by the so-called mentors, and don't lose your direction because of the advice of people around you. The world is diverse, and everyone should be unique.

Finally, I hope that the students and parents who took the college entrance examination this year can get the admission letter of their favorite university.

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