
The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

author:In a word
The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

Hello everyone! I love to share and love to write. Share every day, be grateful, and may our lives be warm.

At the scene of the filming of the new drama, Li Yitong encountered a sudden small turmoil, and the tense atmosphere instantly spread.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

When Li Yitong was resting in the middle of filming, a centipede approached silently, as if it was going to stick to your skin in the next moment, and that sense of fear would undoubtedly make people's hearts tense and tremble. Fortunately, Liu Yuning and his assistants stepped forward and acted in time.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

The moment she covered it made people too anxious, and netizens said that she was about to faint.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

This incident quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet and rushed to the top of the hot list! Netizens praised Liu Yuning's behavior, and also wondered, where did the centipede come from? In any case, thank you for the kind reminder of the fans on the scene, Liu Yuning and the on-site staff for their timely handling?

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

Still giggling, this scene happened to be captured by the crew and uploaded to the Internet, which instantly sparked widespread dissemination and heated discussions. Almost all netizens participated in this topic, and everyone expressed their opinions and feelings.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

And this small turmoil has also increased the attention of the new drama, so that more people have a strong interest in this drama. Liu Yuning not only guarded Li Yitong this time, but also brought unexpected popularity to the crew! Searching for it in full force....

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

Netizens have joked that Liu Yuning has also successfully created a heroic image in reality this time.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

Some people even joked that they hope there will be more such "surprises" when filming in the future, so that everyone will have more opportunities to see the stars show their heroic colors! Of course, this is just a humorous statement, but it is enough to see everyone's appreciation and love for Liu Yuning's behavior this time.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!
The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

The centipede finally slipped away with everyone's unremitting efforts.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

Li Yitong replied to the message on Weibo today, telling everyone not to be stunned when they look at it, thank you.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

This incident not only let us see the hardships and difficulties of the stars filming, but also made us feel the deep friendship and mutual care between them.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

During the intense filming process, they not only have to face the challenges of various characters and plots, but also have to be ready to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

And this small "centipede crisis" unexpectedly shows the close cooperative relationship between the team and the warm hearts of each other.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!
The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

Through this incident, I also realized more deeply that although the stars are radiant, the efforts and sweat behind them are also very huge.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

They need to shoot in all kinds of environments, whether it's hot or cold, and they need to be in top shape. In this process, it is particularly important for them to care for and support each other.

The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!

Only then can they overcome all kinds of difficulties together and complete excellent works.

Serious statement: The pictures and videos are from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted
The centipede spirit steals the show! Li Yitong fought centipede essence on the set, hugged his fists and thanked netizens for replying!


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