
Liu Wei investigated the economic and social development of Nansha Street

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
Liu Wei investigated the economic and social development of Nansha Street

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions during his inspection of Guangdong, and implement the speech requirements of Comrade Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, when he went to Nansha to investigate and supervise the economic operation, from June 28th to 29th, Liu Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Nansha District Party Committee, went deep into the commercial complex, enterprise service center and West District of Veegoo to carry out research, and held a work symposium to listen to the report on the work of Nansha Street, and deploy and promote high-quality development.

At Galaxy Dongyuehui, Liu Wei investigated the operation of commercial complexes on the spot, encouraged enterprises to increase investment attraction, optimized the commercial layout along the street, and helped improve the commercial atmosphere of Nansha streets. At the Nansha Street Enterprise Service Center, Liu Wei had a detailed understanding of enterprise services and investment promotion work, and emphasized the need to vigorously attract high-quality enterprises and attract talents. In Veegoo West, Liu Wei has an in-depth understanding of the planning and construction of the area.

At the symposium, Liu Wei fully affirmed the work achievements of Nansha Street, emphasizing the need to grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and take grasping the economy, promoting development, and maintaining stability as the first priority.

It is necessary to comprehensively improve the ability and level of grasping the economy to promote development, improve the business environment in an all-round way, continue to optimize the industrial structure, support and guide the quality and efficiency of the industrial belt in the western district of Veegoo, steadily promote the upgrading and transformation of village-level industrial parks and the development of reserved land in the village, vigorously develop the producer service industry, promote the integrated development of culture, tourism, sports, entertainment and other industries, actively create a commercial atmosphere, and further stimulate the vitality of the city.

It is necessary to comprehensively improve the level of urban construction management, promote urban construction with the highest standards, continue to improve the urban and rural grassroots governance system, continuously strengthen the fine management capabilities in environmental sanitation, traffic order, urban greening, etc., do a solid job in the work of letters and visits to maintain stability, tighten and consolidate the responsibility system for safe production, effectively prevent and resolve major social risks, and make every effort to maintain social security and stability.

It is necessary to comprehensively improve the level of party building work, adhere to party building to lead grassroots governance, and continuously improve the ability of grassroots party organizations to lead grassroots governance.

It is necessary to take the opportunity of carrying out party discipline study and education to further establish and practice the correct view of political performance, anchor the new mission and new tasks in the new era and new stage, strengthen the sense of responsibility and responsibility, drum up the entrepreneurial spirit of the officer, enhance the spirit of reform and innovation, establish a selection and employment mechanism for the capable, the mediocre, and the inferior, and guide party members and cadres to sincerely serve the grassroots, enterprises, and the masses.

District leaders Mai Jieping, Xing Hua, Zhang Jiabing, Hui Lixin and Xie Xiaohui participated in related activities.

Liu Wei investigated the economic and social development of Nansha Street
Liu Wei investigated the economic and social development of Nansha Street

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Source: Nansha District Party Committee Office

Editor: Zhang Jinxin

Proofreader: Liu Jiaxin

Second trial: Li Xiatong

Final review: Li Lizhi

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )

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