
Artificial intelligence, open source system...... After work, the cadres of the province's science and technology departments began to make up classes

author:Movement news

At present, Guizhou is focusing on the construction of "six major industrial bases" and accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity with artificial intelligence as the focus, which puts forward new requirements for the high-quality development of the cadre team. Facing the new round of scientific and technological revolution and the forefront of industrial development, after work, the cadres of the province's science and technology departments began to attend classes......

Artificial intelligence, open source system...... After work, the cadres of the province's science and technology departments began to make up classes

"If we don't learn from Beijing and Shanghai to engage in a general model, we can't win, what are we doing? Engage in domain large models, take the government affairs model as an example, take the enterprise large model as an example, and compete for the lightweight large model ......"

Qin Yongbin, head of the State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data of Guizhou University, is introducing the cutting-edge trends of artificial intelligence, combined with the explanation of industrial policies across the country, so that the students can actively ask questions, and the classroom atmosphere is warm.

"As you said, when the general model can mobilize any knowledge, is there still room for the development of professional models?" Someone asked.

"That's a good question, but there's a data barrier involved. This also proves that the accumulation of big data in Guizhou and the commonality of open data over the years are valuable. Guizhou's big data and large computing power are great advantages, and now big algorithms such as artificial intelligence are needed to drive value generation......"

Artificial intelligence, open source system...... After work, the cadres of the province's science and technology departments began to make up classes

Through online and offline learning, the province's science and technology system, university research institutes, and science and technology enterprises engaged in scientific research management personnel, many of the current work of students is around artificial intelligence.

Luo Yuan from the Science and Technology Cooperation Department of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology told reporters that the work of science and technology in Guizhou is actively using the foundation of Guizhou's big data and computing power to attract artificial intelligence algorithm advantage teams to land and cooperate. Luo Yuan believes that the implementation of cutting-edge technology will encounter a lot of policy gaps, many new problems, the whole country is on the same starting line, Guizhou should strive to seize the opportunity in the mechanism of policies, to create a better landing environment.

The Strategic Planning Department of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, where Zhang Minling works, is conducting preliminary research on the "15th Five-Year Plan" for scientific and technological innovation. Zhang Minling said that Guizhou should continue to promote the application of industry models in social governance, cultural tourism, rural revitalization, etc., and science and technology management workers can make better decisions on the allocation of scientific and technological resources if they have a deep understanding of technology.

Artificial intelligence, open source system...... After work, the cadres of the province's science and technology departments began to make up classes

This is the first session of the Guizhou Science and Technology Policy Lecture Hall.

In order to continuously improve the service efficiency of the science and technology management department and better implement various science and technology policies, this year, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology has opened a special training hall on science and technology policy for science and technology management personnel and innovation subjects in the province.

Artificial intelligence, open source system...... After work, the cadres of the province's science and technology departments began to make up classes

In the special lecture on "Experiences and Practices in Implementing Incentive Innovation Policies in Universities", Tu Bo, Director of the Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Department of Guizhou Medical University, shared his experience.

Gong Wei, director of the Science and Technology Department of Guizhou Normal University, said that the case of Guizhou Medical University's achievement transformation is very inspiring, and there are several key links worth learning from.

Chen Caihui, director of the Policy, Regulation and Innovation System Construction Division of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, introduced that the biggest feature of the curriculum of the science and technology policy lecture hall is operability.

"Next, we will arrange the development of the open source system construction, part-time case sharing of scientific researchers, etc., and the science and technology policy lecture hall will become a long-term mechanism, according to the needs of industrial development and the implementation of policies, if there are good cases, they will be shared, and training will be carried out according to the needs of the province to improve the innovation and energy efficiency of the province." Chen Caihui said.

Reporter: Excellence

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