
The Big Deal in Comic Books: This set of science comic books is worth having for every elementary school student

author:Pomelo Mama Charging House

The summer vacation is coming, and it's time for middle-aged mothers to cross the catastrophe

As parents, we always hope that our children can learn more and have less fun during the holidays, especially less addiction to those mobile games.

We all know the nature of children, they like interesting and easy things, and they are often not interested in boring learning.

So, how do you find a balance that will keep your child happy and learn at the same time?

A few days ago, I bought a set of "Mi Wu Science Comics" for Brother Yuzu, and found that it not only meets the entertainment needs of children, but also quietly opens the door to science invisibly.

The Big Deal in Comic Books: This set of science comic books is worth having for every elementary school student

Today, I would like to recommend this set of magical books to more parents of elementary school students, so that more children can spend a fulfilling summer vacation with laughter.

The original intention of buying this set of "Mi Wu Science Comics" is very simple, that is, I hope that children can play less mobile games and read more beneficial during the summer vacation.

Although mobile games can bring short-term happiness, long-term addiction to them has a negative impact on children's vision, learning and social skills.

Reading, especially reading interesting and informative books, not only enriches children's knowledge, but also cultivates their imagination and thinking skills.

The Big Deal in Comic Books: This set of science comic books is worth having for every elementary school student

When I got my hands on this set of Miwu Science Comics, I was first attracted by its vivid comic format.

Each page was filled with colorful and vivid comics, which made me feel as if I had entered a world full of fantasy and science.

I tried to read a few pages and found that the content was not only interesting, but also full of scientific knowledge. Through interesting storylines and vivid examples, the otherwise boring scientific knowledge is turned into lively and interesting.

I think this set of books will definitely make children love it.

Sure enough, Brother Yuzu was very excited when he saw this set of books, and told me that he had talked about this set of books with his classmates, but he didn't expect me to buy it for him, which was very surprising.

The Big Deal in Comic Books: This set of science comic books is worth having for every elementary school student

In the process of reading, it is like watching a wonderful cartoon, and I unconsciously absorb a lot of scientific knowledge.

This way of learning greatly improves children's interest and initiative in learning, making them willing to take the initiative to explore and learn.

Moreover, the knowledge points of this set of books are very comprehensive, covering physics, chemistry, biology, geography and other scientific fields.

Whether it is the basic scientific principles or the scientific phenomena in daily life, the book has detailed explanations and vivid examples.

Each topic is interpreted through interesting stories and vivid examples, so that children can enjoy reading while learning scientific knowledge comprehensively and systematically, laying a solid foundation for future learning.

The Big Deal in Comic Books: This set of science comic books is worth having for every elementary school student

In addition to being knowledgeable, this set of books also pays great attention to cultivating children's spirit of exploration and practical ability.

There are simple experiments or thinking questions after the short stories to guide children to practice and cultivate their observation, imagination and problem-solving skills.

This hands-on learning method allows children to not only stay in the knowledge in books, but also apply what they have learned in real life.

The Big Deal in Comic Books: This set of science comic books is worth having for every elementary school student

With its unique comic form and humorous language style, "Mi Wu Science Comics" is very much in line with the psychological development characteristics of primary school students.

Instead of feeling stressed or bored while reading, children will find it a way to entertain and relax.

This relaxed and enjoyable learning atmosphere makes children more willing to accept new knowledge and more likely to internalize what they have learned into their own knowledge system.

So, if you're still struggling with how to make your child happy learning, try this set of Miwu Science Comics.

Miwu Science Manga ¥69.8 Purchase

Not only does it keep kids away from the temptation of mobile games during the summer holidays, but it also allows them to easily grasp scientific knowledge, comic books, and a lot of dry goods while laughing!

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