
Fun to break through the paperless realm, happy to explore Shu without a pen - Anju four elementary schools to carry out paperless and pencil test activities

author:Sichuan Minsheng Network

The summer is coming as promised. In order to implement the "double reduction" policy, comprehensively and scientifically examine the comprehensive literacy of students, and promote the independent, healthy, happy and happy growth of the four primary schools, the first and second grade groups of Anju No. 4 Primary School carried out a paperless test activity with the theme of "Seeking Bashan Shushui and Exploring Shu Wind and Elegance" on June 27.

Fun to break through the paperless realm, happy to explore Shu without a pen - Anju four elementary schools to carry out paperless and pencil test activities

This event is based on breaking through the level. The language has set up three links: seeking Sichuan, Shu style and elegant rhyme, and exploring the ancient Shu, and skillfully integrates literacy and writing, reading and appreciation, expression and communication, combing and exploration. Mathematics integrates numbers and algebra, graphics and geometry, problem-solving and real-life scenarios, vividly and vividly, real and profound.

Fun to break through the paperless realm, happy to explore Shu without a pen - Anju four elementary schools to carry out paperless and pencil test activities

The event was full of laughter, and the children were enthusiastic and eager to try. read the text aloud with emotion; There are also full use of imagination to tell wonderful stories in vivid language; There is also the application of the mathematical knowledge learned to solve practical problems in life.

Fun to break through the paperless realm, happy to explore Shu without a pen - Anju four elementary schools to carry out paperless and pencil test activities

The whole activity was full of fun and challenging, and the children completed various tasks in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. This innovative paperless and pencil test method not only reduces the learning pressure of students, but also stimulates their interest in learning, allowing them to experience the joy of learning and the joy of success in the game, and truly makes book knowledge "live" and life knowledge "move".

Fun to break through the paperless realm, happy to explore Shu without a pen - Anju four elementary schools to carry out paperless and pencil test activities

The paperless test activity of Anju No. 4 Primary School is a beneficial reform of the traditional evaluation method, and provides new ideas and methods for the all-round development of students and the improvement of their comprehensive quality. I believe that under the guidance of such an educational concept, children will learn more happily and grow up healthily. (Yangmei Source: The Fourth Primary School of Anju District, Suining City)

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