
Sun Tzu's Art of War and the Exhibition and Exchange Meeting of College Students' Growth and Achievements was held

author:Love Guangrao
Sun Tzu's Art of War and the Exhibition and Exchange Meeting of College Students' Growth and Achievements was held

On June 29, Sun Tzu's Art of War and College Students' Growth and Talent Achievement Exhibition and Exchange Conference was held in Dongying Vocational College of Science and Technology.

Sun Tzu's Art of War and the Exhibition and Exchange Meeting of College Students' Growth and Achievements was held

Yu Fayou, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, Che Zongzhe, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Shandong Academy of Educational Sciences, Lu Xiuru, Vice President of the Shandong Sun Tzu Research Association, Dong Yukui, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Dongying Municipal Education Bureau, and Chen Weisong, Secretary of the County Party Committee, attended the event.

Chen Weisong pointed out in his speech that as the hometown of Sun Wu, we have always attached great importance to the excavation, inheritance and innovative development of Sun Tzu culture, insisted on building a cultural plastic city, a cultural industry, and a cultural education base, and strived to build a base for the cultivation, popularization and promotion of Sun Tzu cultural research talents and international exchange and dissemination, so as to better promote the inheritance and innovation of Sun Tzu culture, and provide power support for the growth and success of young students. In the next step, we will continue to dig deep into the cultural connotation of Sun Tzu, continue to continue the historical context of Guangrao, and make every effort to build a "holy land of soldiers and wisdom Guangrao".

Dong Yukui said in his speech that in recent years, the city's education system has fully implemented the party's education policy, thoroughly implemented the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, accelerated the construction of a high-quality education system, and strived to run an education that satisfies the people. It is hoped that the educational, cultural, scientific and other fields will strengthen communication and docking, dig deep into the potential of cooperation, expand the space for cooperation, continuously improve the level of education in cultural inheritance and innovation, exchanges and mutual learning, and provide strong talent support and intellectual support for the city's economic and social development.

In his speech, Che Zongzhe pointed out that Sun Tzu culture contains profound wisdom, and we should not only study it, but also use it to promote Sun Tzu culture to truly glow with permanent charm and the style of the times. It is hoped that we will continue to explore the modern application value of Sun Tzu culture, and strive to make Sun Tzu culture an important force in cultural education and a spiritual wealth on the road of college students' growth.

Yu Fayou said in his speech that excavating and using the educational value contained in "The Art of War" is an effective measure to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people. It is necessary to further strengthen the in-depth study of Sun Tzu culture, deepen the reform of Sun Tzu's cultural ideological and political curriculum teaching and education methods, strengthen the use of digitalization to empower Sun Tzu cultural education, improve the collaborative education mechanism, and jointly help create the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and cultivate new people of the era who will take on the great task of national rejuvenation.

Sun Tzu's Art of War and the Exhibition and Exchange Meeting of College Students' Growth and Achievements was held

With the theme of "Outwitting the Future, Sun Tzu's Art of War and the Growth of College Students", the exchange meeting invited more than 100 experts, scholars and representatives of universities in the province from domestic and foreign Sun Tzu culture research and Chinese excellent traditional culture research to participate. At the exchange meeting, experts and scholars from Malaysia Abdul Rahman University, Xihua University, Shandong Aeronautical University and other units made exchange speeches successively.

Pang Guangzhi, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the office, attended the event, and Sheng Yan, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, director of the Propaganda Department and secretary of the Education Working Committee of the county party committee, presided over the meeting. Relevant responsible comrades of Dongying Vocational College of Science and Technology and representatives of teachers and students attended the exchange meeting.

Reporter: Zhang Huakai Niu Mengwei

Editor: Zhang Huakai

Editor: Sun Shanshan

Supervisor: Wang Junyan

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