
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

author:Sanjin emergency
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

On the afternoon of June 28, the first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game of the Provincial Fire and Rescue Corps "Gift to July 1st and Joyful Youth" came to a successful conclusion in the gymnasium of Zhongdu Campus of Shanxi Medical University. Tao Lin, the captain of the team, and members of the party committee of the team at home visited the finals to visit the athletes and attend the closing ceremony. The closing ceremony was presided over by Zhao Chunyang, director of the Political Department.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

The basketball game was the first basketball game held by the team since the reform and restructuring of the team, with a total of 144 players from 12 teams participating. After 10 days and 37 fierce competitions in the group stage, round-robin and knockout rounds, in the end, the Taiyuan, Jincheng and Yuncheng teams won the championship, second and third place respectively. Jinzhong and Xinzhou detachments were awarded the "Excellent Organization Award", and the Datong detachment was awarded the "Sports Ethics Award".

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

At the closing ceremony, the participating leaders presented awards to the winning units and individuals.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

Holding this basketball game is not only an important carrier to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also an important measure to stimulate the vitality of the team and boost the morale of the team. The teams united and cooperated, dared to fight, and showed superb skills and high morale, fully demonstrating the new style and new image of Shanxi fire rescue commanders and fighters in the new era.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

Captain Tao Lin stressed that the province's fire and rescue commanders and fighters should take this opportunity to carry forward the sportsmanship of "faster, higher, stronger and more united" on the field to their work, and go all out to ensure safety, protect stability and promote development.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

It is necessary to further strengthen the bloody courage of tenacious struggle. Vigorously cultivate the will to fight, the sense of cooperation and the fighting spirit of the commanders and fighters, and guide the commanders and fighters to gather the majestic strength of defying hardships and dangers and moving forward steadfastly in major firefighting and rescue battles.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

It is necessary to further create a positive and progressive cultural atmosphere. Actively innovate forms, enrich carriers, continue to promote the construction of grassroots professional culture, and effectively give full play to the functional role of advanced culture in cohesion and inspiration, soul building and education.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

It is necessary to further stimulate the inexhaustible motive force for development. We will make every effort to promote the annual goals and tasks such as party discipline learning and education, cadre elimination and superfluity, and grassroots infrastructure construction, and transform the good style and good spirit shown in the competition into an inexhaustible driving force for entrepreneurship, and strive to promote Shanxi's fire rescue industry to be at the forefront and strive for first-class.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

During the intermission, the "Blue Flame" literary and artistic team also brought wonderful performances to everyone.

The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded
The first "Sanjin Flame Blue Cup" basketball game was successfully concluded

Source: Shanxi Fire Department

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