
Tracing the footprints of the revolution and strengthening the original mission Jiangxian fire department carried out theme party day activities

author:Sanjin emergency

Jiangxian Fire Brigade walked into the Cao Jinhai Memorial Hall to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "Continuing the Red Blood and Inspiring the Power of Endeavor".

Tracing the footprints of the revolution and strengthening the original mission Jiangxian fire department carried out theme party day activities

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the political feelings of loving the party and the country, and further enhance the sense of responsibility, mission and honor of all fire and rescue personnel. Recently, the Jiangxian County Fire and Rescue Brigade organized all the staff to visit the Cao Jinhai Memorial Hall, the revolutionary education base of Xunwang Village in the jurisdiction.

Tracing the footprints of the revolution and strengthening the original mission Jiangxian fire department carried out theme party day activities
Tracing the footprints of the revolution and strengthening the original mission Jiangxian fire department carried out theme party day activities

"Undertake the mission, King Xun is known as Hedong; Don't forget the original intention, the spirit of Jinhai is ancient Jiang", during the visit to the school, this couplet at the door of the Cao Jinhai Martyrs Memorial Hall attracted everyone's attention. Under the guidance of the commentator, all the fire and rescue personnel visited the memorial hall in an orderly manner, paid homage to the statue of the martyr, those words, pictures, objects and the narrator's narration, so that everyone had an in-depth understanding of the heroic deeds of Cao Jinhai, the first secretary of the county party committee of Jiangxian County, and his loyal quality and heroic dedication without fear of life and death, so that everyone was deeply shocked. Subsequently, under the leadership of Comrade Chen Xiaopeng, Secretary of the Party Branch of the brigade, all the staff reviewed the oath of joining the party. Everyone raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath, and the loud and high-pitched oath echoed passionately in front of the party flag.

Tracing the footprints of the revolution and strengthening the original mission Jiangxian fire department carried out theme party day activities
Tracing the footprints of the revolution and strengthening the original mission Jiangxian fire department carried out theme party day activities

The theme of the event is clear, the party spirit is outstanding, the results are remarkable, and it has a strong appeal, and all the fire and rescue personnel have been baptized and sublimated spiritually. All fire and rescue personnel will be more inspiring spirit, full of enthusiasm and high morale, based on their posts, fulfill their duties, and move forward firmly towards the new goal, effectively transform the great spirit of party building into a powerful driving force to promote the cause of emergency rescue, and interpret the infinite love and absolute loyalty to the party and the country with practical actions.

Source: Yuncheng Fire Department

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