
Good news! Successfully signed 20

author:Happiness Dongtai
Good news! Successfully signed 20

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Showers or thunderstorms in some areas

Westerly to southerly winds of 3 to 4

Minimum temperature: 23°C

Maximum temperature: 32°C

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Good news! Successfully signed 20

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The 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress concluded at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of 28 July. The meeting voted to adopt the newly revised Emergency Response Law, the Rural Collective Economic Organization Law, the newly revised Border Health and Quarantine Law, and the decision on amending the Accounting Law. It was decided to remove Ma Xiaowei from his post as chairman of the National Health Commission and appoint Lei Haichao as chairman of the National Health Commission. President Xi Jinping signed Presidential Decrees No. 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 respectively. Chairman Zhao Leji presided over the closing meeting.


Premier Li Qiang of the State Council recently signed an order of the State Council promulgating the "Regulations on the Administration of Rare Earths" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), which will come into force on October 1, 2024. There are 32 articles in the Regulations, which mainly stipulate the following.

The first is to clarify the working principles. It is stipulated that the management of rare earth should implement the line, principles, policies, and decision-making arrangements of the party and the state, adhere to the equal emphasis on resource protection and development and utilization, and follow the principles of overall planning, safety assurance, scientific and technological innovation, and green development.

The second is to strengthen the protection of rare earth resources. It is clear that rare earth resources belong to the state, and no organization or individual may encroach on or destroy rare earth resources, and the state shall carry out protective mining of rare earth resources.

The third is to improve the rare earth management system. It stipulates the responsibilities of the relevant departments of industry and information technology and natural resources of the State Council in the management of rare earths, and clarifies that the local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the management of rare earths in their respective regions.

Fourth, promote the high-quality development of the rare earth industry. It is clear that the state implements a unified plan for the development of the rare earth industry, and encourages and supports the research and development and application of new technologies, new processes, new products, new materials and new equipment in the rare earth industry. It stipulates that rare earth production enterprises shall comply with laws and regulations on mineral resources, energy conservation and environmental protection, clean production, safe production and fire protection, so as to ensure the realization of green development and safe production.

Fifth, improve the supervision system of the whole rare earth industry chain. It is stipulated that the total amount of rare earth mining and rare earth smelting and separation shall be regulated and controlled, and dynamic management shall be optimized. Further standardize the comprehensive utilization of rare earths, establish a product traceability system, and strictly manage circulation.

Sixth, clarify supervision and management measures and legal responsibilities. It is stipulated that the competent departments of industry and information technology and other relevant departments shall supervise and inspect the mining, smelting and separation, metal smelting, comprehensive utilization, product circulation, import and export and other activities of rare earths in accordance with the division of duties and labor, and deal with illegal acts in a timely manner in accordance with the law. Corresponding legal liabilities are stipulated for illegal activities such as rare earth mining, smelting and separation.


After more than 7 years of arduous construction, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, a major national project, will be officially opened to traffic for trial operation at 15 o'clock on June 30. With a total length of about 24 kilometers, about 30 kilometers away from the Humen Bridge in the north and about 31 kilometers away from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the south, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is one of the most difficult cross-sea cluster projects in the world.


In 2024, the central government's 7.4 billion yuan in funds for the development of ethnic minorities has recently been distributed to 28 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and relevant counties (cities, districts and banners) of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

According to the relevant responsible person of the Department of Common Development of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the central government's development fund for ethnic minorities will focus on supporting ethnic minority areas to improve rural production and living conditions, develop ethnic handicrafts, ethnic cultural tourism, and other characteristic industries that enrich the people and increase income, and earnestly implement the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the whole process and all aspects of development. In the process of fund use and project implementation, the connotation and orientation of "integration" are highlighted, extensive exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups are promoted, and the sense of community of the Chinese nation is constantly forged.


At 19:57 on June 29, the mainland successfully launched the Zhongxing-3A satellite using the Long March-7 carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Site, and the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

Good news! Successfully signed 20

Zhongxing-3A satellite is a communication and broadcasting satellite, which can provide users with voice, data, radio and television transmission services.

Jiangsu news


On June 27, Provincial Party Secretary Nobunaga Hoshi met with Peruvian President Boluarte in Suzhou.

On behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Government, Nobunaga extended a warm welcome to President Boluarte and his delegation. He said: Peru was one of the first Latin American countries to establish diplomatic relations with New China and is an important member of APEC. Last November, President Xi Jinping met with His Excellency the President in San Francisco. The holding of talks between the two heads of state in Beijing after a lapse of half a year will certainly give new connotations and inject new impetus into Sino-Peruvian relations. His Excellency the President visited Suzhou this time, from which you can experience the "traditional Jiangsu" and understand the "modern Jiangsu". At present, in accordance with the guidance of President Xi Jinping, Jiangsu is firmly grasping the primary task of high-quality development, accelerating the development of an important position for the development of new quality productivity, and striving to take the lead and set an example in promoting Chinese-style modernization. Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, we are ready to seize the major opportunity of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, actively promote sister-city exchanges with Peru, strengthen practical cooperation in the operation of development zones, port infrastructure construction and green development, broaden the channels of people-to-people exchanges, strengthen the foundation of friendship and public opinion, and contribute Jiangsu's strength to deepening the China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership.


With the consent of the provincial government and the approval of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance, the basic pension adjustment plan for retirees in Jiangsu in 2024 was officially introduced, which will benefit 11.06 million retirees in the province. This year, the framework of our province's adjustment measures will continue to remain unchanged, and it will still consist of three parts: quota adjustment, peg adjustment and appropriate inclination.


At about 12:50 on June 28, the Nanjing-registered "Quanqiang 528" collided with the Qingdao-registered general cargo ship "Qingfeng 98" sailing in the same direction during the navigation in the Nantong section of the Yangtze River, causing the "Qingfeng 98" ship to sink and all 6 people on board to fall into the water. 4 people who fell into the water have been rescued and sent to the hospital for treatment, and the remaining 2 people who have fallen into the water are missing and are being searched for with all their might. The cause of the accident is under investigation.


On the 28th, the National Defense General launched a four-level emergency response for flood control in Jiangsu Province. The Office of the National Committee for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Relief issued a notice to make special arrangements for the prevention and response of geological disasters during the flood season. The Ministry of Emergency Management dispatched professional forces and equipment to the Zishui Basin in Hunan Province and the south bank of the Dongting Lake area to assist in carrying out dike inspections and inspections. For Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Anhui and other high-risk areas of flood disasters, 6,713 people, 1,713 sets of equipment and 3 helicopters were coordinated and invested in various rescue forces.



The 2024 Dongtai (Shenzhen) Strategic Emerging Industry Investment Conference was successfully held, with nearly 200 businessmen gathered in the City of Innovation, and Shang Jianming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech. Wu Xian, President of Shenzhen Strategic Emerging Industry Development Promotion Association, Chang Dong, Vice President of Konka Group, and other guests attended. Pan Chunshu, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting.

Good news! Successfully signed 20

20 industrial projects were signed on the spot, involving semiconductors, energy storage, precision manufacturing and other fields, which will bring new opportunities and inject new vitality into the city's efforts to accelerate the expansion of strategic emerging industries and promote high-quality development.


Recently, the city held the first case of foreign-related hematopoietic stem cell donation volunteer Tang Yu Zai Yu returned to welcome the ceremony. Vice Mayor Zhu Jundong attended the event and delivered a speech. At the welcome ceremony, the relevant departments of the city awarded Tang Yu honorary certificates such as "Dongtai Red Cross Love Ambassador" and "Dongtai Outstanding Youth Volunteer", and congratulated and thanked him for his successful donation of hematopoietic stem cells. It is hoped that the whole city will continue to provide excellent services, excavate and publicize good examples and exemplary deeds, guide more people to join the volunteer team, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious and happy Dongtai.


On June 29, the Dongtai coastal 200MW/400MWh independent shared energy storage power station invested and constructed by Dongtai Guorui New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dongtai State-owned Assets Group, was officially connected to the grid for power generation. The successful operation of this major project will play an active role in energy transformation, clean energy consumption, and power system peak regulation and frequency regulation, and strongly support the construction of a new power system, ensure regional energy security, promote the realization of the "double carbon" strategy, and help the construction of a green and low-carbon development demonstration zone in our city.

Good news! Successfully signed 20

Producer丨Xiaodong Editor丨Xiaolu

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiaofei Editor丨Daming

Good news! Successfully signed 20

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