
When the students were learning to drive, a big yellow dog was commanding beside them! Coaches are all like dogs?

author:Cute pet healer

There are still many people who can't drive, so if you want to drive, you need to go to your driver's license to learn to drive. When I was learning to drive, I thought that if someone was there to guide me, then driving would be easy! And now that there is a dog that can instruct the students, will you believe it?

When the students were learning to drive, a big yellow dog was commanding beside them! Coaches are all like dogs?

On June 29 in Guangzhou, Guangdong, in a driving school, students were practicing driving! And there was a dog that caught everyone's attention. When the student ID is practiced reversing into the warehouse, the dog has been commanding by the side! Seeing that the car did not press the line in, it will leave satisfied! If it hadn't been poured in, the dog would scratch its paws next to it, and it would be even more anxious than the student!

When the students were learning to drive, a big yellow dog was commanding beside them! Coaches are all like dogs?

According to the owner of the driving school, the dog has grown up in the driving school since he was a child, so it can be regarded as having learned some basic knowledge! It can be said that if the dog can get a driver's license, it may not be able to succeed! Dog: After studying for so long, you still can't find the corner of the library? The coaches are all angry like dogs! Traffic police: Is your driver's license handed in by a dog? Driver: Ah, you know our rhubarb coach too?

When the students were learning to drive, a big yellow dog was commanding beside them! Coaches are all like dogs?

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