
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Blind Visit

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Huaiyang stir-fry is a very home-cooked Huaiyang dish, mainly made of leeks, vermicelli, eggs, etc. as the main ingredients, and the seasoning is relatively simple, mainly salt and dark soy sauce and other basic seasonings.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

It's also very easy to make, after the ingredients are cooked, then stir-fry and season with the vermicelli to get out of the pot, you can make a meal or a staple food, and the taste and ingredients can be adjusted according to personal taste.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

【Huaiyang stir-fry preparation materials】

Ingredients: 200 grams of vermicelli, 100 grams of leeks, 3 eggs

Ingredients: 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

【Huaiyang stir-fry production process】

Prepare vermicelli and soak them in water or hot water for 20 minutes, and this can be done with cold or hot water.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

Cut the soaked vermicelli into small pieces with a knife and set aside, about 5 cm.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

The leeks in Huaiyang stir-fried this dish are relatively finely cut, almost in the leek segment of 3, so that the leeks are more fragrant and delicious.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

Then prepare a little red pepper and cut it into shreds, which mainly plays the role of a side dish.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

Prepare a small bowl and crack in 2-3 eggs and stir well.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

Add an appropriate amount of salad oil to the pan and fry the stirred egg mixture, you can fry the eggs a little older, so that it tastes more fragrant.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

Mash some of the eggs and stir-fry them with the chopped vermicelli.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

Then add the cut leeks and stir-fry them together, and add a little oil when stir-frying to prevent a large amount of water from the leeks.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious
Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

In this way, the flavor of vermicelli and leeks are blended together, and then simple seasoning, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, and 3 grams of monosodium glutamate are fine-tuned according to personal taste.

Stir-fried vermicelli with leeks, a simple and common home-cooked dish, the chef makes a plate in 3 minutes, refreshing and delicious

Finally, stir-fry this vermicelli on high heat, and you can do it in one go, so that the vermicelli is delicious and delicious, and we can make this dish when we don't know what to do.

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