
Suddenly a big price increase! Many people eat it every day! Some merchants are "crazy looking for goods"

author:896 car FM
Suddenly a big price increase! Many people eat it every day! Some merchants are "crazy looking for goods"

Recently, as a lot of families

There has also been news of price increases for essential health supplements, especially for many people (especially the elderly and children) in order to promote calcium absorption

Vitamin D3 to be taken every day

"618 this year, I saw that the price of calcium tablets with D3 had risen by nearly 20%, so I didn't stock up." Aunt Cheng from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, said that the whole family has been taking vitamin products for health care for many years, but it is the first time that such an obvious price increase.

Suddenly a big price increase! Many people eat it every day! Some merchants are "crazy looking for goods"

Source: On June 29, Taobao searched for the price of some brands containing D3 calcium tablets

In recent years, the vitamin market has been sluggish, and prices have fallen to low levels many times, however, since the beginning of this year, vitamin prices have shown a gradual upward trend, especially since June, vitamin prices have skyrocketed, and have basically rebounded to the average level of previous years

Baichuan Yingfu (industry big data intelligent analysis system) data shows that on June 27, the average market price of vitamin D3 was 82 yuan/kg, an increase of 5.13% from the previous day and an increase of 49.09% from the previous month

Vitamin D3 manufacturers continued to stop reporting, the dealer market reluctance to sell bullish sentiment became stronger, and the stock prices of related companies also rose. Among them, vitamin D3 rose by nearly 50% from the previous month, with an average price of 82 yuan/kg, and some people in the market even shouted to "rise to 300 yuan/kg".

"We just did a round of market research, and traders are really crazy about finding goods (D3)!" Chen Rong, an analyst at Shanghai Ganglian, said in an interview that considering the high enthusiasm of downstream hoarding, this round of vitamin D3 market may only begin.

A vitamin trader in Henan Province holds a similar view, and after years of silence, the vitamin market has begun to stir, reminding him of the vitamin bull market of 2017. At that time, vitamin A soared by nearly 10 yuan in 4 months, setting a record of 1400 yuan/kg, and vitamin D3 also climbed to a high of 600 yuan/kg in the same period.

According to the Financial Associated Press, it is pointed out that vitamins are a typical oligopoly industry, and when the upstream raw material production capacity is limited or major manufacturers are out of stock, it will inevitably lead to a surge in prices, which is easy to cause a short-term rapid rise in prices. In the past two or three years, vitamins as a whole have been in a downward cycle, and manufacturers' performance has continued to shrink, reaching the bottom in 2023.

According to the China Securities Journal, the agency believes that the current breeding profits are expected to rebound and then drive the demand for vitamins, and are optimistic about the follow-up vitamin price rise, which focuses on the highly concentrated supply of VA, VE, VB1, VB6.

It is understood that vitamin D3 is a trace organic substance that must be ingested by humans and animals for growth, and the market demand mainly comes from its downstream feed, food, medicine and other fields

Due to the high concentration of the vitamin D3 industry, the price increase may benefit the leading enterprises in the industry more, thus affecting the industry pattern.

According to the 21st Century Business Herald, Professor Deng Yong, director of the Health Rule of Law Research and Innovation Transformation Center of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, said in an interview with reporters that the rise in vitamin D3 prices is the result of a combination of factors, such as the implementation of new national standards, limited supply and increasing demand, the market is reluctant to sell, oligopoly market structure, etc., in addition, it is also affected by factors such as rising international shipping costs.

In the face of the hot market, Zhuochuang information analyst Wang Lin is cautious, he believes that the current round of vitamin D3 price increase is led by manufacturers, by shrinking the supply to raise the price, but the actual volume can rise sharply remains to be further observed, in the lack of terminal demand support, he is cautious about the sustainability of this round of market.

Source: Suzhou Traffic Radio Editor: Ruowen Editor: Lai Ting Review: Lu Hongmei

Suddenly a big price increase! Many people eat it every day! Some merchants are "crazy looking for goods"
Suddenly a big price increase! Many people eat it every day! Some merchants are "crazy looking for goods"

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