
2024丨500 people will be assisted in the key public welfare of vitiligo/psoriasis

author:896 car FM


What is Disease Prevention?

Disease prevention is to take relevant measures against pathogenic factors or risk factors to achieve the purpose of disease prevention without disease.

2024丨500 people will be assisted in the key public welfare of vitiligo/psoriasis

As far as skin health is concerned, we can know that the innate genes (susceptibility genes) such as skin whitening ability, skin photoaging, tanning risk, sunburn risk, pigmentation risk, inflammation, red papules, melanin production ability, etc., can be tested through various specialties to obtain some references for prevention and diagnosis and treatment.

02Will vitiligo and psoriasis be affected if left untreated?

Vitiligo/psoriasis (commonly known as psoriasis), this kind of difficult skin disease is a stubborn skin disease, which is difficult to cure and easy to recur, which seriously affects the physical and mental health of patients. Some patients have no effect or no obvious effect on long-term diagnosis and treatment, which is likely to be misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis and diagnosis and treatment plan is not targeted and has no scientific basis. Such blind diagnosis and treatment will delay the opportunity and make the condition more complicated.

2024丨500 people will be assisted in the key public welfare of vitiligo/psoriasis

03 Public Welfare Recruitment

Based on the importance of vitiligo and psoriasis patients, in 2024, the public welfare activity of dermatology diagnosis and treatment carried out by the "China Care for the Next Generation Health and Sports Foundation and Love Walking Fund" and more than 50 designated specialized hospitals will be officially launched.

2024丨500 people will be assisted in the key public welfare of vitiligo/psoriasis

This diagnosis and treatment public welfare activity aims to help the majority of vitiligo/psoriasis patients to correctly understand their own conditions, avoid missed diagnosis, misdiagnosis and mistreatment, and discover and identify more disease susceptibility genes and pathogenic gene loci through clinical patient recruitment, which can be used for accurate prevention and diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis.

The expert group of the designated hospital is deeply concerned about its public welfare diagnosis and treatment, and after many strict discussions and screenings, the time is determined: from now on - 07/07, to carry out nationwide accurate screening of patient recruitment, and there is no age limit in this period.

04Accurate screening of pathogenic factors, so that vitiligo and psoriasis can be prevented and treated

The pathological mechanism of vitiligo and psoriasis is complex and special, and the disease is repeated and difficult to heal, which is largely due to incorrect diagnosis or ignoring the etiology and disease type, and directly carrying out non-personalized programs.

2024丨500 people will be assisted in the key public welfare of vitiligo/psoriasis

The diagnosis and treatment of difficult skin diseases such as vitiligo and psoriasis is a step-by-step process. We should not only eliminate the "superficial symptoms", but also focus on the whole, regulate the function of the internal organs, and achieve external and internal treatment. It is necessary to formulate an individualized plan according to the results of the comprehensive examination of the specialty, the differences in the patient's condition and the different individual circumstances.

2024丨500 people will be assisted in the key public welfare of vitiligo/psoriasis

Public welfare scene

At present, the recruitment of susceptibility gene screening for vitiligo and psoriasis has entered the second phase of clinical research this year, and in order to increase the sample size (i.e., medical records), improve the sample homogeneity and representativeness. During this recruitment period, in order to better solve the problem of vitiligo and psoriasis (psoriasis) patients having difficulty in seeing experts, the designated hospitals will carry out joint consultations with experts from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou across the country! Provide the public with high-quality diagnosis and treatment service experience for vitiligo psoriasis.

500 volunteers for vitiligo (psoriasis) and psoriasis were recruited

If you meet the requirements, you can confirm that you can participate in this clinical study:

You can enjoy public welfare recruitment for vitiligo and psoriasis (commonly known as psoriasis) specialist examination and treatment.

◆ Public Welfare Recruitment Target:

(1) Undiagnosed, suspected or confirmed vitiligo and psoriasis;

(2) Patients with vitiligo and psoriasis who have not been cured for a long time;

(3) vitiligo and psoriasis patients from poor families;

(4) Patients with vitiligo and psoriasis that have spread in a large area;

(5) Patients with vitiligo and psoriasis with new white spots and white lumps;

(6) Patients with vitiligo with new rashes and skin lesions;

(7) Patients with vitiligo and psoriasis at different times.

(Note: Quota is limited, until 500 students are recruited)

◆Diagnosis and treatment matters for recruiting patients: 1. During the recruitment period, the accurate detection of vitiligo and psoriasis is limited to Wood lamp, microcirculation test, trace element test, five immunization tests, routine blood tests, hepatitis B two-and-a-half tests, liver function tests, kidney function tests, coagulation tests, blood sugar tests, etc., and part of the examination costs will be borne by the public welfare activities. (Vitiligo Psoriasis Specialist Screening Assistance 50% of the Fee)

2. During the recruitment period, you can enjoy the diagnosis and treatment plan for vitiligo and psoriasis: a comprehensive multi-dimensional scientific and standardized diagnosis and treatment plan for physics and surgery. (This item will be determined by the applicant after screening)

3. During the recruitment period, you can enjoy joint consultation with vitiligo and psoriasis experts and professors in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other hospitals. (Irregular public welfare joint consultation)

4. Establish health records for vitiligo and psoriasis patients who meet the recruitment conditions, and track the efficacy of each patient in detail. (Establish health records and provide regular medical guidance)

5. Hundreds of dermatology doctors and other high-quality medical resources from dozens of hospitals across the country can enjoy medical services nearby. (Public Welfare Designated Hospital)

(Note: The above are some of the main criteria, and the inclusion criteria are evaluated by clinicians and subject to the results of comprehensive screening of subjects.) )

Recruitment time: from now on - 07/07 registration method

Note: All accurate screening items in this activity are not limited to age, and they are all completed by designated hospitals.

2024丨500 people will be assisted in the key public welfare of vitiligo/psoriasis

The content of this article is provided by Xi'an Xincheng Renai Dermatology Hospital and does not represent the views of this official account

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