
The Polish men's volleyball team swept the Slovenian team 3-0 and won the third place, and the world ranking continued to rank first

author:Xiangchu Fengyun

The 2024 World Men's Volleyball League enters its final two matches. The first game was the third-place match, which was played by the Polish men's volleyball team against the Slovenian men's volleyball team.

In the semifinals, the Polish men's volleyball team lost 2-3 to the French men's volleyball team, and the Slovenian men's volleyball team lost 0-3 to the Japanese men's volleyball team.

The Polish men's volleyball team won the World Men's Volleyball League last year, as well as the European Men's Volleyball Championship. The Polish men's volleyball team is ranked No. 1 in the world. The Slovenian men's volleyball team is also a strong team, ranking third in the world.

The Polish men's volleyball team played a little better, swept the Slovenian men's volleyball team 3-0 and won the third place in the 2024 World Men's Volleyball League.

The Polish men's volleyball team swept the Slovenian team 3-0 and won the third place, and the world ranking continued to rank first

In the first game, the two teams played inextricably together, and the score rose alternately until it was 13 draws. It's rare to see such a stalemate in a game. The two teams are close in quality and play well at both ends of the pitch.

Slovenia scored on offense + blocking to gain a 2-point advantage. Poland called a timeout in time. The Slovenian team scored directly on the serve. Slovenia have a three-point advantage.

The Polish men's volleyball team swept the Slovenian team 3-0 and won the third place, and the world ranking continued to rank first

After each side scored 3 points, the Polish team attacked + scored on serve, and the score came to 19:18. The Slovenian team called a timeout. The timing of the timeout was very quick for both coaches. The Polish player scored a smash near the net to tie the score. Poland served out of bounds, Slovenia stopped round.

Slovenia took a 23-21 lead. Unexpectedly, the Slovenian team lost 2 points with consecutive mistakes. The score was tied again. Slovenia won the set point 24-23. Poland scored consecutive blocks to win the first game 26-24. In the first game, Poland won mainly by blocking the net. Poland scored five points from the net, three more than Slovenia. Other data is about the same.

The Polish men's volleyball team swept the Slovenian team 3-0 and won the third place, and the world ranking continued to rank first

In the second game, the Polish men's volleyball team made a 4:1 start. The Slovenian men's volleyball team scored 2 points in a row to narrow the difference. The Polish men's volleyball team also scored 2 points in a row and once again gained a 3-point advantage. However, the Polish player served and went into the net to give the opponent 1 point. The two sides are in a stalemate, and the Polish team maintains a three-point advantage.

In the middle game, Poland scored consecutive points to take a 16-11 lead. The Polish men's volleyball team opened the gap with 22:13. The Slovenian team is badly stuck. Slovenia scored three points in a row to close the gap. Poland called a timeout. The Polish team's timeout worked. In the second game, the Polish team scored 1 point. The Polish team blocked the opponent's probe. Poland won the second game 25-16. In the second game, the Polish team won the net and serve, and made fewer mistakes than the opponent.

The Polish men's volleyball team swept the Slovenian team 3-0 and won the third place, and the world ranking continued to rank first

In the third game, the Polish team got off to a 3:1 start. The Slovenian team clung to the score and chased the score to 7 draws. Poland immediately scored two points in a row to take the lead again. In the middle game, the Polish team opened up the difference at 14:9. Poland continued to open up the gap at 17:11. The Slovenian team will be difficult to recover. The Polish men's volleyball team won the third game 25:17.

In the end, Poland won 3-0 against Slovenia and won the third place. The Polish men's volleyball team scored 6.26 points, with a total score of 422.61 points, 52.1 points more than the second-ranked Japanese men's volleyball team, and continued to rank first in the world.

The Polish men's volleyball team swept the Slovenian team 3-0 and won the third place, and the world ranking continued to rank first

Statistics of both sides: attacking Poland 33-34 Slovenia, blocking 15-4, serving 8-4, opponent error 20-15. Poland mainly wins on blocks and serves, with fewer turnovers than their opponents.

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