
Experts and scholars gathered at the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit to discuss new finance, new intelligence, and new momentum

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Experts and scholars gathered at the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit to discuss new finance, new intelligence, and new momentum

Site map of the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit - New Quality Productivity Empowering High-quality Development Forum

The 2024 "Influence Times" Summit is a grand event that brings together many experts, scholars, economists, industry experts and representatives from all walks of life. With the theme of "New Finance, New Intelligent Manufacturing, and New Momentum", the summit discussed in depth the development, challenges and impact of new quality productivity on the future of China's economy. Here's a detailed overview of the summit:

1. Background and purpose of the summit

With the rapid development of global science and technology and economy, new finance, new intelligent manufacturing and new kinetic energy have become the key elements to promote high-quality economic development. In response to the call of "actively cultivating future industries and accelerating the formation of new quality productivity", the summit aims to build consensus, form a joint force, and jointly discuss the development logic, content connotation, and implementation path of new quality productivity, with a view to promoting the high-quality development of China's economy.

Experts and scholars gathered at the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit to discuss new finance, new intelligence, and new momentum

Li Junru, executive vice chairman of the Academic Committee of the National Innovation Association and former vice president of the Central Party School

2. Overview of the Summit

1. Time and place: The summit will be held in Guangzhou on June 25, 2024.

2. Organizer: The summit is guided by the China National Innovation and Development Strategy Research Association (hereinafter referred to as the National Innovation and Development Strategy Research Association) and co-sponsored by Guangdong Times Media Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Provincial Situation Investigation and Research Center.

3. Participants: Li Junru, Executive Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee of the National Innovation Association and former Vice President of the Party School of the Central Committee, Huang Qifan, Executive Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee of the National Innovation Association and former Mayor of Chongqing, Xu Weixin, President of the National Innovation Association and Executive Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee and former Vice President of the Central Party School, Xu Yongbo, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Guangdong Publishing Group, and other heavyweight guests attended the event.

Experts and scholars gathered at the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit to discuss new finance, new intelligence, and new momentum

Huang Qifan, executive vice chairman of the Academic Committee of the National Innovation Association and former mayor of Chongqing

3. Theme and agenda of the summit

1. Theme: New Finance, New Intelligent Manufacturing, New Kinetic Energy.

2. Agenda: The summit focused on new quality productivity, and conducted in-depth discussions on new finance, new intelligent manufacturing, and new kinetic energy. The experts and scholars attending the meeting conducted extensive and in-depth exchanges and discussions on the advantages, shortcomings and weaknesses of the mainland's current development of new quality productive forces, how enterprises and new quality productive forces can promote each other, and how to smooth the cycle of science and technology, finance and industry.

Experts and scholars gathered at the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit to discuss new finance, new intelligence, and new momentum

Lu Benfu, vice president of the National Innovation Association and professor of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

4. Outcomes and significance of the summit

1. Consensus: The summit reached a broad consensus on the importance and development direction of new quality productivity, believing that the development of new quality productivity is a practical need for economic restructuring and industrial upgrading, and is also an important foundation for realizing Chinese-style modernization and high-quality development.

2. Exploring paths: The experts and scholars at the meeting conducted in-depth discussions on how to promote the development of new quality productivity, and put forward many practical suggestions and programs, which provided useful ideas and paths for the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.

3. Enhance cooperation: The summit strengthened exchanges and cooperation between people from all walks of life, provided more resources and support for the development of new quality productivity, and promoted the deep integration of industry, university, research and application.

Experts and scholars gathered at the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit to discuss new finance, new intelligence, and new momentum

Luo Zhiheng, chief economist and dean of the Research Institute of Guangdong Kai Securities

In short, the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit is a grand event of great significance, which provides useful ideas and paths for the development of new quality productive forces, and plays a positive role in promoting the high-quality development of China's economy.


Experts and scholars gathered at the 2024 "Influence Era" Summit to discuss new finance, new intelligence, and new momentum

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