
Today's tweet: It's okay treasure, these labels are not difficult to play, if the protagonist wants to sleep with you, you will pretend to be sick

author:A little fox who travels through time

Recently, I can't lift my spirits, I'm sleepy all the time, and I'm lazy to do anything, but fortunately, I haven't made any mistakes at work, and it's still pretty good! It's just that I have to drink a lot of coffee every day, so much so that I have a lot of it every time, and it seems like I want to buy it again!

He secretly painted portraits of Han Tang, in his past life, in this life, in his imagination, and in his dreams.

He hides his most secret desires in a no-man's corner.

"Bai Yueguang always thinks he is a stand-in" wine

Today's tweet: It's okay treasure, these labels are not difficult to play, if the protagonist wants to sleep with you, you will pretend to be sick

If it weren't for Lu Yan, Han Tang would definitely die on the rainy night when he was eighteen years old.

Lu Yan is cold and arbitrary in front of others, and he is a strong person who says everything, but he cares for him very much

Lu Yan saved his life, gave him a home, protected him behind him in the most dangerous time, and he gave almost all the gentle pampering he could give to himself.

Lu Yan never said I love you, but gave everything that even a lover might not be able to give.

Han Tang also loves Lu Yan. But he took the initiative to get close, took the initiative to pursue, and even took the initiative to confess

In exchange, he was rejected again and again.

Lu Yan said, your destination will not be me, I only treat you as a younger brother.

But it wasn't until Han Tang strayed into Lu Yan's collection room that he found that there was a room full of portraits hidden here.

The person on the portrait looks exactly like him, but the background of the portrait is when he and Lu Yan have never met.

- That person can't be him.

Under Han Tang's questioning, Lu Yan became angry with him for the first time.

But that night of hangover, Lu Yan took the initiative to touch his room and did everything he wanted to do but didn't dare to do

In the darkness and pain, Han Tang heard him say in his ear, "...... Please don't leave again."

After waking up, Lu Yan didn't remember anything as if he had lost his memory.

Han Tang didn't expect him to react like this, but it was right to think about it.

Lu Yan brought himself back because he was very much like the lover who couldn't be mentioned

Lu Yan didn't accept himself, + because he was not the white moonlight in his heart after all. +

Han Tang decided to make room for the lovers. So he jumped into the sea in front of Lu Yan

He didn't expect that Lu Yan, who "loves others", would go crazy for himself.

He didn't expect that this scene was exactly the nightmare that tortured Lu Yan for two lifetimes.


Lu Yan has a secret.

In his previous life, Han Tang didn't say goodbye, and even jumped into the sea in front of him in order to avoid him.

The bloody and cruel memory reminded him: Don't talk about love, and don't be with Han Tang, the responsibility of this life is only to take care and protect

He secretly painted portraits of Han Tang, in his past life, in this life, in his imagination, and in his dreams.

He hides his most secret desires in a no-man's corner.

"Be an evil god, rob a wife" The hungry beast in the middle of the night

Today's tweet: It's okay treasure, these labels are not difficult to play, if the protagonist wants to sleep with you, you will pretend to be sick

Li Yun penetrated into a terrifying world with a strange environment and strange creatures.

Faced with unspeakable things and unspeakable dangers, when Li Yun almost died, he was saved by a silver-haired beauty named Shen Guan.

As a silver-haired beauty, Li Lean, who was saved again, fell in love with Shen Guan at first sight.

Even though Shen Guan himself was extremely dangerous, and sometimes even terrifying, Li Yun tried to be rational and restrained, but he gradually fell.

But Shen Guan is the "bride" of the evil god and bears a curse.

Li Yun felt that he should do something.

At the beginning of the crossing, a mysterious blank illustrated book appeared beside him.

After exploring, Li Yu discovered that by killing strange creatures, he could plunder the ability of strange creatures through the illustrated book.

Looking at the illustrated book in his hand, Li Yun felt that it was not impossible for him to be this evil god.


Shen Guan has a face that can fascinate all things even if it is cold, and coupled with his special physique, he has attracted the watchful eyes of countless people and monsters.

But he was a sacrifice to an evil god.

Everyone, including the monsters, knew that the price of touching him was death.

Until he meets a strange person.

Looking at the distress in Li Lean's eyes, Shen Guan suppressed the throbbing in his heart, unbuttoned his robe and said coldly: "You like me?" ”

The fair-skinned and sturdy body was covered with the terrifying totems of the evil gods, and all the people and monsters they had seen were terrified and disgusted, and they retreated.

Shen Guan waited for Li Yu to retreat from the difficulty, so as not to be affected by him.

Li Leek's breathing became heavy: "I like it." ”

When he was pushed down, Shen Guan was a little dazed, didn't Li Yun see the ugly marks on his body that represented the evil gods?

Li Yun really didn't see it, his eyes were full of Shen Guan's strong and sexy pectoral muscles, and a thin and narrow waist with six beautiful abdominal muscles.

"After jumping into the sea and faking his death, the villain is paranoid" Xiao Tangqi

Today's tweet: It's okay treasure, these labels are not difficult to play, if the protagonist wants to sleep with you, you will pretend to be sick

Zhao Muqing dressed as a cannon fodder passerby in the book, and the villain Shen Guanzhi proposed to him just to use him, and after losing his value, he sent him to see King Yama.

Zhao Muqing: .......

Instead of being killed, I should kill myself.

On the day Shen Guanzhi proposed to him, he turned around and jumped into the sea - fake his death.


Confirming that Shen Guanzhi had left, Zhao Muqing changed his life in the city after swimming ashore.

After returning to his hometown by accident, Zhao Muqing finally learned that Shen Guanzhi had been looking for someone to salvage in the sea all these years.

The other party is still wearing a pair of wedding rings when he proposed to him.


Shen Guanzhi, who was outside the banquet hall, put his palm on Zhao Muqing's waist: "Resurrected?" ”

Zhao Muqing almost didn't struggle out of the other party's hand: "...... Count, count. ”

Shen Guanzhi: "That's right, let's make up the wedding." ”

Zhao Muqing: "Then I'd better die." ”


Shen Guanzhi suffers from severe insomnia and is unable to sleep alone.

Zhao Muqing signed a contract with him, which became his antidote, claiming to be a lover on a whim.

Shen Guanzhi unknowingly fell in the other party's body temperature, he personally created a unique pair of wedding rings, but on the day of the proposal, he witnessed Zhao Muqing disappear into the sea.

Later, Shen Guanzhi frantically rummaged through every corner of the city for a plaything that was once by his side.


Zhao Muqing, who returned to his hometown, never thought that Shen Guanzhi would have such a strong possessiveness in his eyes.

It seemed that every move was under Shen Guanzhi's nose, and even how many sips of wine he drank at the bar, the other party knew clearly.

Shen Guanzhi wiped the wine from the corners of Zhao Muqing's lips with his fingertips, and his wet fingertips swept across the other party's neck:

"My husband, who else are you looking for?"

"What should I do if the character has a bug again" Tsukimi tea

Today's tweet: It's okay treasure, these labels are not difficult to play, if the protagonist wants to sleep with you, you will pretend to be sick

Cloud porridge is a poisonous mushroom that has become a spirit in the last days.

He became a sperm too late, not long after he took on a human form, the end of the world, and he was recruited by the World Will Administration and became a trainee NPC.

Yun Congee is good-looking, but he doesn't have many skills, and the first task is to play an NPC in a book, and the character tag is [Bai Yueguang attacked by the protagonist] [stubborn] [cold] [sick and weak] [early death].

The task is very simple, he only needs to lie down on the hospital bed from time to time, and die after three months of marriage with the protagonist.

As a newcomer, Yun Congee is inevitably a little nervous, and when he is nervous, he wants to turn back into a mushroom and shrink into a flower pot.

The system comforted him: "It's okay treasure, these labels are not difficult to play, if the protagonist wants to sleep with you, you will pretend to be sick!" ”

Yun Congee looked at the character label of the protagonist again, which said [gentle] [patient] [upright] [empathetic]......

It doesn't look like there should be any surprises.

So, Yun Congee took office.

At first, everything went well, and no one found out that he was a mushroom.

According to the direction of the original book, Yun Congee and the protagonist held a wedding.

On the wedding night, Yun Congee coughed heartbreakingly, and timidly said that he was not feeling well.

The protagonist maintained his usual gentleness and intimacy, half-knelt in front of the bed and stroked Yun Congee's white and slender wrist, and smiled: "Okay." ”

However, less than two months after the marriage, Yun Congee gradually discovered some abnormalities.

For example, the protagonist sometimes loses control of his emotions, the label on his body will be buggy, [gentle] becomes [violent], [patience] becomes [cruel], and when facing himself, he will return to normal.

The most important thing is that the life of the cloud porridge panel is slowly extending.

The system couldn't find the reason for the bug, and Yun Congee was anxious, and when the three months arrived, he simply ran away.

- Anyway, the time on the NPC contract is only three months, the commission has arrived, and his mission has been completed.

So that night, Xi Luxiu found that the cloud porridge was gone.

Looking at the lifeless body on the hospital bed, Xi Luxiu's eyes were stained with a haze: "What about people? ”

System: "Searching in full force—"

Soon after, Xi Luxiu found Yun Congee.

Yun Congee takes on a new mission, playing as a monster NPC in a dungeon in the Infinite World, specifically to scare passers-by and throw poisonous mushrooms at them.

Seeing Xi Luxiu who suddenly appeared, Yun Congee was stunned for a while.

He was still wearing a little demon horn on his head, and he hurriedly hid the prop knife in his hand, at a loss: "Husband, ......"

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