
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

author:Qiandongnan Fire Fighting
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

- Smell the "flood" and move forward against the "flood"-

From June 29th to June 30th, heavy rains fell in Zhenyuan, Cen Gong, Shi Bing, Tianzhu and Huangping in Qiandongnan Prefecture. Disaster is an order, and time is life. The Qiandongnan Prefecture Fire and Rescue Detachment moved when it heard the "flood" and made every effort to carry out rescue.

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

Take precautions and enter the state of imminent battle in advance

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

The party committee of the detachment held a party committee to study and make arrangements for flood prevention and flood control. Party organizations at all levels of the detachment combined with the actual situation of the flood season, organized all commanders and fighters to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, as well as the requirements of Premier Li Qiang and the deployment of flood prevention and drought relief work at the higher levels, and required all commanders and fighters to earnestly improve their political positions and fully recognize the great significance of flood prevention work.

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

At the same time, in combination with the current rainfall situation, the detachment took the initiative to strengthen communication and contact with meteorological, water conservancy, transportation, natural resources and other departments, and established and improved working mechanisms such as information sharing, flood consultation, emergency duty, command and coordination, etc., to ensure the first response to the disaster. In light of the current situation and tasks, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the detachment initiated political supervision over flood prevention and drought control.

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

Respond quickly, face the danger and serve the people wholeheartedly

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

After the flood situation appeared, the 119 police station in Qiandongnan Prefecture became the busiest battlefield. The detachment's full-service command immediately responded and set up a front and rear command center, Zhu Kun led the flood fighting and rescue assault team to Zhenyuan County, the most severely affected county, and Wang Ruili, the political commissar, sat in the rear command center to organize and command, and the two deputy detachment leaders were responsible for the specific work of flood fighting and rescue in the two main battlefields.

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

The detachment immediately activated the emergency plan for flood fighting and rescue, established a daily consultation system with emergency response, water conservancy and other departments, strengthened information research and judgment, data analysis and summary, and policy measures response, and adhered to the principle of "strength follows the flood situation, and rescue is before the disaster occurs".

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

From 6 o'clock on June 29 to 7 o'clock on June 30, the Qiandongnan Prefecture Fire and Rescue Detachment mobilized a total of 36 fire trucks, 14 boats, and 171 fire rescue personnel to participate in flood fighting and rescue work. Up to now, 184 dangerous situations have been handled, 3 trapped people have been rescued, and more than 600 people have been successfully evacuated.

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

Fight continuously to relieve the people's worries day and night

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

This is a battle with the flood demons, a contest with the god of death, the state's fire and rescue personnel carry forward the fine style of continuous combat and not afraid of hardship, unite and fight. The fire and rescue personnel participating in the war have always taken doing a good job in flood fighting and rescue as a vivid classroom to test their original mission, and have continuously fought on the front line of flood fighting, faithfully performing their duties, sticking to their posts, and selfless dedication, and a large number of advanced typical characters with touching deeds have emerged. Some insisted on working while sick, and could not get out of the firing line with minor injuries, while some took the initiative to give up their vacations and took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the front line to fight.

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

None of them made demands to the organization, gave up their small family for everyone, buried the difficulties in their hearts, did not complain, and always devoted themselves to the flood fighting work without distractions, insisted on fighting on the front line of rescue, and used practical actions to let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood fighting and disaster relief.

【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)
【Wind and rain show the red flag of the party】Documentary of the flood fighting and rescue operation of the southeast Qiandong detachment (1)

The sound of the wind is the signal, and the rain is the order

Fire and rescue personnel in Qiandongnan Prefecture

With practical actions, it demonstrates the original mission and responsibility

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