
Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report

author:Zhiyan Consulting

In order to deeply interpret the development status of the FPC industry and judge the future trend, Zhiyan Consulting has carefully compiled and launched the "2024-2030 China FPC Industry Market Competition Situation and Investment Direction Analysis Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). This report is not only a comprehensive and detailed combing of China's FPC market, but also the crystallization of Zhiyan Consulting's continuous tracking, on-site visits, in-depth research and accurate analysis over the years. It aims to help industry elites and investors grasp the pulse of the market more accurately, gain insight into industry trends, and provide strong support for future decision-making.

The report mainly studies the development of China's FPC industry, involving FPC output value, market size, application field FPC market size and other subdivision data.

The report analyzes the development status of the FPC industry in an all-round way from the aspects of domestic and foreign economic environment, domestic policies, and development trends, and provides corresponding suggestions and decision-making support for industry manufacturers to grasp the industry dynamics and future innovation trends.

Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report

FPC is the abbreviation of Flexible Printed Circuit, also known as flexible printed circuit board, which is a kind of printed circuit board (PCB) and is a key electronic interconnection device for electronic products. Flexible printed circuits can be bent and folded, making them suitable for applications where space is constrained or where shapes are complex. It is widely used in consumer electronics (such as mobile phones, laptops), medical equipment, automotive electronics, industrial control and other fields.

At present, Continental's FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit) industry is in a stage of rapid development and has an important position in the global market. Compared with Japan, Taiwan and other regions, the mainland FPC (flexible printed circuit) industry started late, and the local FPC enterprises in the mainland began to develop rapidly under the wave of global industry transfer to China, and the scale of the FPC market continued to expand, mainly benefiting from the continuous growth of consumer electronics, such as smartphones, tablets, wearable devices, etc. In recent years, with the development of emerging fields such as the Internet of Things and automotive electronics, the demand for FPC (flexible printed circuits) has further increased. According to statistics, the market size of FPC (flexible printed circuit) in mainland China increased from 62.587 billion yuan in 2015 to 139.321 billion yuan, the demand increased from 48.037 million square meters in 2015 to 99.854 million square meters, and the output increased from 54.245 million square meters in 2015 to 112.459 million square meters. In the future, with the continuous emergence of new technologies and the continuous change of market demand, China's FPC (flexible printed circuit) industry is expected to continue to maintain steady growth.

Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report

In recent years, the FPC industry in mainland China has maintained a good development trend driven by market demand, and the industrial chain has been further improved. The upstream raw materials of the FPC industry chain mainly include flexible copper clad laminate (FCCL), covering film, components, shielding film, adhesive tape, steel sheet, electroplating additives, dry film and other eight categories. The midstream of the industry is the manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards (FPC); The downstream of the industry is a variety of applications, including fingerprint recognition modules, display/touch modules, camera modules, etc., and terminals are mainly used in consumer electronics, communication equipment, automotive electronics, industrial control medical, aerospace and other fields.

Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report

FPC is a fully competitive industry in the world, with a high degree of market concentration. The world's main representative enterprises include Japan's Qisheng and Pengding Holdings, ranking first and second in the world. Compared with foreign developed countries, although the mainland FPC industry started late and the technology is slightly weak, after years of development, the mainland FPC industry has a good development momentum. After major restructuring and integration, the market concentration of FPC enterprises in mainland China has been continuously improved. Domestic local enterprises mainly include Dongshan Precision, Hongxin Electronics, Pengding Holdings, Shangda Electronics, Transart Technology, Kinwong Electronics, etc., mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta region, such as Shenzhen, Dongguan and other places, and the FPC industry agglomeration effect is obvious.

Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report

The research team of Zhiyan Consulting conducts in-depth analysis on the scale, industrial structure, key enterprises, and industrial development trends of China's FPC industry, and puts forward suggestions for the problems existing in the development of the FPC industry, providing reference for local governments, industrial chain related enterprises, and investment institutions.

Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report
Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report
Zhiyan Consulting released: 2024 China FPC Industry Market In-depth Analysis Report

Data Description:

1: The core data of this report has been updated to December 2023 (the relevant financial indicators of non-listed companies in the report are affected by corporate credit approval, and there may be a certain lag), and the forecast period of the report is 2024-2030.

2: In addition to the first-hand research information and data, authoritative data sources such as the National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs, industry associations, and public reports of listed companies (prospectuses, transfer prospectuses, annual reports, inquiry reports, etc.) also constitute the data sources of this report. The first-hand data comes from the first-hand information data obtained by the research team from interviews with key enterprises in the industry, and the main interview subjects include corporate executives, industry experts, technical leaders, downstream customers, distributors, agents, distributors and upstream raw material suppliers. Secondary sources mainly include relevant industry news, company annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, government agencies and third-party databases from around the world.

3: The core data of the report is based on the strict data collection, screening, processing, analysis system and independent calculation model of the Zhiyan team to ensure the accuracy and reliability of statistical data.

4: The data used in this report are all from compliance channels, and the analysis logic is based on the professional understanding of the Zhiyan team, which clearly and accurately reflects the research views of analysts.

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