
The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

author:Smart agriculture information
The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

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杨印生, 韦鑫. 低碳农业机械化的发展逻辑、影响因素与实现路径[J]. 智慧农业(中英文), 2023, 5(4): 150-159. DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202304008YANG Yinsheng, WEI Xin. The Development Logic, Influencing Factors and Realization Path for Low-Carbon Agricultural Mechanization[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2023, 5(4): 150-159. DOI: 10.12133/j.smartag.SA202304008

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The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

1 The connotation of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

The development of "low-carbon agricultural mechanization" not only lies in the research and development, design and manufacturing of low-energy consumption and low-emission agricultural machinery and equipment, but also lies in the optimal allocation of agricultural mechanization resources and the improvement of the utilization efficiency and comprehensive benefits of agricultural machinery and equipment through the improvement of agricultural mechanized production methods, agricultural machinery socialized service model innovation and promotion system, so as to promote the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of agricultural mechanization and high-quality development. The author believes that the connotation of the development of "low-carbon agricultural mechanization" includes at least three aspects: first, the low-carbon design and manufacturing of agricultural machinery and equipment itself, the second is the low-carbon operation process of agricultural mechanization, and the third is the low-carbon and green remanufacturing of retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment.

1.1 Low-carbon design and manufacturing of agricultural machinery and equipment

The traditional concept is that the amount of agricultural machinery and equipment or the total power of agricultural machinery is one of the main indicators to evaluate the level of agricultural mechanization. However, the large amount of agricultural machinery and equipment and the high total power generally mean that the energy consumption is large, the pollution emission is also large, the investment is large, and the cost is high, which is obviously not conducive to the protection and sustainable development of agricultural resources and environment. Moreover, the large number of agricultural machinery may also bring about improper configuration and idleness of machinery and tools, so that resources can not be used reasonably, which will cause waste of financial and material resources. In fact, all countries in the world attach great importance to the efficient use of agricultural resources, are committed to the development of energy-saving power machinery, and implement no-tillage and less tillage policies in a certain area. Among them, European and American countries have entered the stage of high mechanization and modernization of agriculture, and agricultural machinery has developed in depth to large-scale, high-speed, low-consumption, automation and intelligence. Due to the implementation of the system of dividing fields into households and the two-tier management system in China, many wealthy peasants have all kinds of small agricultural machinery and implements at home. Due to the lack of professional repair and maintenance, these small agricultural machinery scattered in various households are not matched, and the phenomenon of damage, waste and high fuel consumption still exists to a certain extent. In fact, in 2021, the total power of China's agricultural machinery has reached 1.078 billion kilowatts, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvesting has reached 72.03%, if calculated according to the statistics of 128 million hectares of cultivated land that year, the average power per unit of cultivated land area is about 8.4 kW/hm2. However, South Korea, which has a similar level of cultivated land and farming habits to China, has achieved comprehensive agricultural mechanization, and its agricultural machinery and equipment level is only 4.95 kW/hm2, which not only means that the level of China's agricultural machinery and equipment is too high, but also shows that the effective utilization rate of agricultural machinery and equipment is low to a certain extent. The low-carbon design and manufacturing of agricultural machinery and equipment itself refers to the low-carbon design as the starting point to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in all aspects of the entire life cycle of agricultural machinery and equipment, which can be understood as the design, production, storage and transportation, sales, use and recycling of agricultural machinery and equipment products in the whole life cycle of the design of greenhouse gas (mainly carbon dioxide) emissions, so that the environmental load is reduced as much as possible and the resource utilization efficiency is improved as much as possible under the premise of improving its function. The low-carbon design and manufacturing of low-carbon agricultural machinery and equipment not only ensures that agricultural machinery and equipment products have a certain protective effect on producers, users and the environment during the life cycle, meets the national requirements for environmentally friendly products, and effectively reduces energy consumption and resource waste, but also does not reduce the cost performance of the product, in addition to retaining its original function, it also has other functions as much as possible, so as to meet the unlimited market demand under the condition of limited resources.

1.2 Decarbonization of agricultural mechanization processes

The low-carbon operation process of agricultural mechanization refers to the realization of "low energy consumption, low emission, low cost, high efficiency" research and development, design, manufacturing, use and disposal of agricultural machinery and equipment on the basis of the construction of agricultural mechanized production mode, agricultural machinery socialized service mode and promotion system in line with China's national conditions, to achieve the highest possible level of comprehensive mechanization of agricultural production with the lowest possible total power of agricultural machinery, and to obtain the greatest possible efficiency and benefit with as little agricultural mechanization input as possible. Taking the planting and production of grain crops as an example, the low-carbon operation process of agricultural mechanization is to realize the mechanized operation of farming, planting, management and harvesting with as little agricultural machinery power as possible in the whole operation process from land preparation, sowing, field management to harvesting, so as to achieve the highest possible comprehensive mechanization rate of cultivation, management and harvesting. Practice has proved that the wheat cross-regional operation that originated in Shanxi in the early 90s of the 20th century is a low-carbon way of agricultural mechanization. Minimize the total power of agricultural machinery from the macro layout, but it is not to ignore the advantages of high efficiency of multi-functional compound operation of high-horsepower agricultural machinery and deny this development direction, but to emphasize the need to continuously reduce the energy consumption and environmental load of agricultural machinery, reduce operating costs, improve operation efficiency, and realize agricultural mechanization in the sense of entrustment through new agricultural mechanization business models such as agricultural machinery socialized services. For example, the possession of agricultural machinery in a region can be zero power, but agricultural mechanization can be fully realized through the socialized service business model of agricultural machinery such as agricultural machinery operation entrustment, so as to promote the realization of low-carbon agricultural mechanization.

1.3 Low-carbon and green remanufacturing of retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment

With the rapid development of agricultural modernization and the shortening of the life cycle of agricultural machinery and equipment products, the speed of updating agricultural machinery and equipment products is getting faster and faster, which has led to the generation of a large number of retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment. On the one hand, retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment may contain heavy metals, chemicals, plastics and other substances, and the improper disposal of these substances may bring great harm to the environment; On the other hand, there are a large number of renewable resources in the retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment, which will cause a great waste of resources if they cannot be effectively recycled. Therefore, the recycling, low-carbon disposal and green remanufacturing of retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment are not only strategic emerging industries in the field of national energy conservation and emission reduction, but also an objective requirement for the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization. The so-called low-carbon and green remanufacturing of retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment disposal refers to the reuse of its shell and parts through low-carbon recycling and low-carbon redesign technology after the use of agricultural machinery and equipment products, that is, after retirement or scrapping, and the unusable parts are also effectively treated through low-carbon disposal technology, so as not to bring excess burden to the environment, and to maximize the utilization of resource value and the maximum possible protection of the ecological environment. It is the main task at this stage to speed up the elimination of old machinery with high energy consumption, heavy pollution and low performance, further revitalize the stock of agricultural machinery and equipment, optimize the increment, and promote the energy conservation and upgrading of agricultural machinery. In this process, it is necessary to further improve the scrapping and renewal mechanism of waste agricultural machinery, realize the low-carbon disposal of waste agricultural machinery and equipment, and guide agricultural machinery production enterprises to carry out ecological design and green remanufacturing; Improve the awareness of agricultural machinery consumers on ecological technology and green technology, and cultivate the green consumption concept of business entities in agricultural machinery; Guide the government to subsidize ecological technology and low-carbon agricultural machinery and equipment.

2 The goal of low-carbon agricultural mechanization development

The overall goal of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization is to achieve the greatest possible output and benefit with the lowest possible input cost, the smallest possible environmental load and resource cost, and to pursue the development of agricultural mechanization to the goal of "efficiency, effectiveness, green and ecology". There are three specific goals: first, to accelerate the realization of low energy consumption, low emission agricultural machinery equipment research and development, design, manufacturing, promotion and application, promote the optimization of the structure of agricultural machinery and equipment industry, and improve the optimal allocation and utilization efficiency of large, medium and small agricultural machinery equipment and agricultural machinery operations; Second, through the innovation of agricultural mechanized production methods, socialized service models and extension systems, the economic benefits of agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises and agricultural business entities will be increased and the core competitiveness of agricultural products market will be improved, so as to improve the comprehensive benefits of agricultural production; The third is to promote the development of agricultural production in the direction of green and ecology through the development and promotion of green agricultural machinery equipment and intelligent agricultural machinery equipment, the innovation of agricultural machinery socialized service mode, and the optimization of agricultural mechanization support policies. The realization of the development goal of low-carbon agricultural mechanization is an inevitable requirement for the comprehensive and high-quality development of agricultural mechanization. The target system for the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization is shown in Figure 1.

The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization
Fig.1 Target system for the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization
Fig.1 Development target system for low-carbon agricultural mechanization

3 Logical analysis of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

This paper analyzes the necessity, urgency and feasibility of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization from the three dimensions of theoretical logic, practical logic and system logic, so as to lay a foundation for further analysis of the main factors affecting the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization.

3.1 Theoretical logic

Zhang Peigang, the founder of development economics, wrote his doctoral dissertation "Agriculture and Industrialization" in 1945, which is the culmination of modern agricultural mechanization theory. Zhang Peigang believes that agricultural mechanization is the hub connecting urban and rural areas in the transformation from agricultural society to industrial society, is a bridge across agriculture and industry, and is a comprehensive study and judgment of the economic, technical and social conditions of agricultural machinery used by business entities, and the process of agricultural mechanization is also a process of continuous change in the "production function" of a series of production factors such as land, capital, labor, technology and management. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially after Mao Zedong put forward the important thesis that "the fundamental way out of agriculture lies in mechanization" in 1959, China's agricultural mechanization has not only made great progress in practice, but also made gratifying progress in theory. Bai Zi Pu [6, 7], a well-known scholar in the field of soft science of agricultural mechanization in China, believes that as an important part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theoretical system of agricultural mechanization with Chinese characteristics has been initially formed, and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics is its guiding ideology and theoretical basis. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization points out that "agricultural mechanization is the process of using advanced and applicable agricultural machinery to equip agriculture, improve agricultural operating conditions, and continuously improve the level of agricultural production technology and economic and ecological benefits." The author believes that the "advanced application" here should refer to "technologically advanced, agronomic suitable, convenient operation, and comprehensive efficiency", in which efficiency includes two aspects: effect and efficiency. Therefore, agricultural mechanization must adhere to the development principle of "adapting measures to local conditions, being economical and effective, ensuring safety and protecting the environment", focus on increasing production and efficiency, resource conservation, and environment-friendly intelligent agricultural mechanization equipment and technology, and strive to overcome the bottleneck problems in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, high-precision agricultural sensors, human-computer interaction, and blockchain in the field of smart agriculture, and build and improve the intelligent and digital smart agriculture big data information platform to achieve the sustainable development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization. Low-carbon agricultural mechanization is also the product of industrialization and urbanization, which is gradually realized with the evolution and continuous progress of human civilization, and is a complex system engineering involving many factors such as logistics, human flow, information flow, capital flow, technology flow, and even policy flow and cultural flow, so that labor productivity, resource utilization, land output rate can be improved and the agricultural ecological environment load can be reduced, and the production and living conditions of farmers can be continuously improved, so as to achieve "production, life, ecology" and "production" A win-win situation is also an important criterion for judging whether a low-carbon agricultural mechanization system can successfully achieve its function, as shown in Figure 2.

The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization
Fig.2 Functions of low-carbon agricultural mechanization system
Fig. 2 Functions of low-carbon agricultural mechanization system

3.2 Logic of reality

The development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization has a clear practical logic. In 2004, the promulgation of the "China Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Law" and the implementation of the agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy stimulated the blind enthusiasm of the business entity, and the large increase in the ownership of agricultural machinery triggered the change of agricultural machinery structure, which has shown the phenomenon of "three more and three less", that is, more power machinery, less supporting agricultural tools, more small machinery, less large and medium-sized machinery, more low-grade machinery, and less high-performance machinery. Although the emergence of socialized agricultural machinery services such as cross-regional operations has promoted the temporal and spatial flow of agricultural machinery resources, this flow has also led to disorder and chaos in the allocation of agricultural machinery resources, and even waste and reduced efficiency. In fact, agricultural mechanization is a resource-intensive production that aims to improve agricultural labor productivity, resource utilization, and land productivity. However, at the same time, China's low degree of land scale, the quality of business entities is not high, the management mode is extensive, the structure of power machinery and supporting machinery is not optimized enough, the effective supply of multi-functional intelligent operating machines is insufficient, the deep integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy is not enough, and the scrapping and renewal system of retired machinery and tools is not perfect, resulting in the consumption of a large number of non-renewable resources such as petrochemicals in the process of agricultural machinery operation, which has brought serious pressure on resources and the environment, and agricultural mechanization has also become a major contributor to agricultural carbon emissions. According to statistics, in China, the amount of agricultural fuel accounts for about 30% of the total fuel consumed by society, and the oil used for agricultural machinery accounts for about 60%~70% of the total consumption of agricultural diesel. With the acceleration of the organic integration of digital design, big data, Internet of Things, satellite remote sensing and other technologies in the fields of agricultural machinery design, manufacturing, and application, the integration of agricultural machinery automation, informatization, intelligence, and intelligence has become the mainstream direction of international agricultural mechanization development. Agricultural machinery sensors, Beidou navigation, automatic driving and other technologies are more and more widely used in the design and production of agricultural machinery and equipment products, precise operation of agricultural machinery and equipment, intelligent supervision and other links, which greatly improves agricultural production efficiency, reduces labor intensity, and makes it possible to develop low-carbon agricultural machinery. At the farmer level, farmers are gradually realizing that the production cost of traditional agricultural production mode and the cost of damage to the ecological environment continue to increase, and the demand for agricultural machinery and equipment with more intelligent technology support is gradually rising, and the change of "demand side" has further increased the urgency of agricultural mechanization transformation and upgrading and low-carbon agricultural mechanization development. Therefore, the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization has an important position in the energy conservation and emission reduction work of agriculture and even the whole national economy and the "double carbon" strategy, which is conducive to promoting the transformation of agriculture from extensive and high-consumption petroleum agriculture to low-carbon agriculture with resource conservation and ecological environment improvement, and is a strategic and practical need to realize the sustainable development of China's agriculture.

3.3 System Logic

The low-carbon agricultural mechanization system is an organic whole with specific functions formed by the combination of several components that interact and interdepend, and is a complex system engineering. It can be decomposed into three related subsystems for analysis, to construct a "human-machine-environment" dynamic system for the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization, and to reveal the interaction and constraints between each subsystem. There are three subsystems involved in the system shown in Figure 3 below, namely people (government departments, agricultural machinery research institutes and universities, agricultural machinery production enterprises, agricultural mechanization practitioners, agricultural business entities), machinery (agricultural mechanization technology and equipment), and environment (economic environment, social environment, political environment, natural environment, resource environment). According to the principle of system science, the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization must deal with three aspects, that is, the overall coordination between the subsystems of man, machine and environment, the coordination between any two subsystems, and the coordination between the elements within each subsystem. Among them, the human-computer interaction system includes the R&D, design, manufacturing, sales, application, operation and maintenance of agricultural machinery and equipment; The interaction system between machine and environment involves the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, the measurement of carbon footprint of agricultural machinery, and the low-carbon disposal of retired waste agricultural machinery and equipment. The interaction system between man and environment involves the mechanization transformation of cultivated land, the adaptability upgrade of agricultural mechanization technology, the regulation of environmental adaptability, and the effective supply of agricultural mechanization policies. Obviously, the overall function of the low-carbon agricultural mechanization system is also the unity of its ecological, economic, social, cultural and political functions.

The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization
Fig.3 The "human-machine-environment" system for the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization
Fig. 3 "Man-Machine-Environment" system of low-carbon agricultural mechanization development
The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

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The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

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The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

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The connotation, objectives and logic of the development of low-carbon agricultural mechanization

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