
The last person in China to be beheaded in half, rolled on the ground and wrote 7 characters, which is still educational to this day

author:Han history hook sink

Because the main organs of the human body are in the upper body, the prisoner will be like an earthworm broken in two, rolling on the ground, suffering pain and bleeding to death, which is one of the most cruel criminal laws in Chinese history.

The last person in China to be beheaded in half, rolled on the ground and wrote 7 characters, which is still educational to this day

The celebrities who were beheaded in Chinese history include: Li Si, who was in cahoots with Zhao Gao in the Dune Change; the mistake of being abandoned by Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty in the "Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms"; a debate monk who had an affair with Princess Gaoyang; scolded Fang Xiaoru, who usurped the throne of Zhu Di.

These people are either involved in rebellion, the rise and fall of the world, or the dignity of the royal family, and ordinary crimes will not be easily used.

The last person in China to be beheaded was killed because of bribery in the imperial examination, which shows the importance of education in the eyes of Emperor Yongzheng.

If rebellion is an acute disease such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, then taking bribes in education assessment is leukemia that makes the empire lose its ability to make blood, which will lead to the irreversible decline of the entire country.

The last person in China to be beheaded in half, rolled on the ground and wrote 7 characters, which is still educational to this day

Yu Hongtu, a Jinshi in the 51st year of Kangxi, is an honest and virtuous official, and is a well-known honest person. He himself was not greedy, but he doted on his concubine Lin too much, and despite the ban of the imperial court not allowing him to bring his family, he secretly hid his concubine Lin in the examination courtyard.

In order to make money, the concubine Lin concealed Yu Hongtu and cooperated with the little guy outside the door. When the concubine Lin sorted out her clothes, she pasted the exam answers in Yu Hongtu's official uniform, and after Yu Hongtu went out to undress, the little maid tore off the answers in the clothes and handed them to the students who paid for them.

In this way, the concubine Lin sold the answers on a large scale, and there were not a few wealthy students in the family who bought them, and the concubine Lin received tens of thousands of taels of silver before and after.

The examiner Yu Hongtu didn't know about this, but there is no impermeable wall in the world. A powerful student lost his words after drinking, and after telling the matter of bribing the imperial examination, it soon spread all over the city. Many students feel that they are excellent in character and learning, and it is because someone got the exam questions in advance, and the unfairness of the imperial examination caused their name to fall to Sun Shan.

Wang Shijun, the governor of Henan, was furious when he heard this, so he impeached Emperor Yongzheng for taking bribes in the imperial examination, which led to unfair examinations. The imperial examination is the most important way to select officials, and Yongzheng is also very angry when there is such a scandal.

Chen Shuxuan, a household attendant, was immediately dispatched to work with Shanxi and Henan officials to investigate Yu Hongtu's bribery case. But what is surprising is that Yu Hongtu also showed extreme anger, and he did not admit that he had taken bribes, and he did not admit guilt after half a year of investigation. However, the children of Haoqiang who bought the imperial examination questions outside have been arrested, and the leaked exercises are also stolen and obtained, and the human and material evidence is complete.

The last person in China to be beheaded in half, rolled on the ground and wrote 7 characters, which is still educational to this day

This made Yongzheng even more angry, he believed that Yu Hongtu not only accepted bribes in the imperial examination, but also did not repent in the face of evidence, and his crime was extremely heinous and should be punished with capital punishment. So Yu Hongtu was sentenced to be beheaded, and in order to kill people and punish his heart, he also named Yu Hongtu's in-law Zou Sheng as a prison officer.

Zou Sheng was embarrassed by his relatives, but he just kept comforting Yu Hongtu, and did not tell Yu Hongtu the truth that he had been sentenced to be beheaded.

And the executioners who execute all have family "crafts": when the family gives money, they cut them in the stomach, and if they hurt their vital organs, they will soon be gone; If there is no hair in the house, the executioner will cut it into the thigh, not hurting the vital organs, and will die of excessive blood loss and pain.

Because Zou Sheng did not tell him that it was cut in half, Yu Hongtu missed the opportunity to buy off the executioner. During the execution, the executioner slashed quite low, and Yu Hongtu's legs were broken, and he couldn't stop rolling on the ground in pain.

The miserable howl made the onlookers change color, and Yu Hongtu dipped his fingers in blood and wrote 7 words "miserable" in a row, and then struggled and bled to death. The bloody level of the scene is terrifying.

The last person in China to be beheaded in half, rolled on the ground and wrote 7 characters, which is still educational to this day

In addition, not long after, it was found out that Yu Hongtu's concubine Lin cooperated with Xiaowu to take bribes in the imperial examination. Instead of Yu Hongtu himself, Yongzheng also felt that the waist cut was a little too cruel.

So he ordered the abolition of the beheading, and Yu Hongtu became the last person in Chinese history to be beheaded. However, Yongzheng did not forgive Yu Hongtu's crimes, he insisted that the imperial examination as an official selection, fairness and justice came first, and no one could pass the imperial examination to accept bribes.

Even if Yu Hongtu himself did not accept bribes, as the chief examiner, he brought the concubine Lin into the imperial examination venue in violation of regulations, and his majesty was not strict enough to allow the Lin family to collude with the little girl, resulting in the leakage of the content of the imperial examination is still a great crime. The ten years of cold windows for students without mathematics are determined by an exam for life, and if the exam is unfair, it is the efforts of countless people that will be erased.

Therefore, after Yongzheng abolished the beheading, he ordered Yu Hongtu's concubine Lin and Xiaowu to be executed together as a punishment for them to use the imperial examination to make a profit of 10,000 taels of silver, which is the famous "Yu Hongtu Imperial Examination Leaking Problem".

As the saying goes, if you learn literature and martial arts, you can sell it to the emperor's family. If you are admitted to Xiucai, you can be exempted from forced labor and do not kneel when you see officials; If you are admitted to the examination, you are a reserve official, which can make Fan Jin crazy with joy; In the examination, the Jinshi went all the way to the Hanlin Academy.

The high cost performance determines the imperial examination, and naturally some people try their best to walk, and there are constantly people who try again and again to make profits. For example, Mr. Lu Xun's grandfather, Zhou Fuqing, was the official secretary of the cabinet, and he bribed Zhejiang Township to test and was imprisoned on the 60th birthday of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

The last person in China to be beheaded in half, rolled on the ground and wrote 7 characters, which is still educational to this day

Therefore, Mr. Lu Xun has a wealthy family since he was a child, and he has lived in a big mansion like "From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study", and has received a good education. The older family kept selling fields, houses, gold and silver, which was actually a relationship to rescue his grandfather Zhou Fuqing.

The Zhou family of "Brother Xun" declined because of this, but fortunately, Zhou Fuqing was only given a suspended death sentence of "beheading and waiting for prison and executing after the autumn" because of "the joint was not completed, the stolen goods were not with anyone" and "surrendered himself". He was only deprived of the right to participate in the imperial examinations, but he was not really beheaded.

Therefore, Zhou Fuqing, who suffered from prison, had a very bad temper after coming out, and scolded people when he saw them, from the Empress Dowager (Cixi) and Emperor Guangxu (Emperor Guangxu), and then went down to the family and grandchildren scolded and lost their temper when they saw people. As a result, he was unusually cold after his death, and Lu Xun's grandson was not very sentimental.

Judging from Zhou Fuqing's incident, Lu Xun's grandfather and family were lucky, although they spent all their family wealth, they saved people. However, as far as maintaining the fairness of the examination is concerned, although the imperial examination has been regarded as an important matter related to the country's capital in the past dynasties, there are still many people who dare to take risks.

The last person in China to be beheaded in half, rolled on the ground and wrote 7 characters, which is still educational to this day

The struggle between the maintenance of fairness and justice and the struggle for the interests of breaking the rules has never stopped, and there are many people like Grandpa Lu Xun who still escaped after the East Window incident. Yongzheng's approach is cruel, but the serious and strict attitude is worth learning, otherwise more people will take risks.

As Sun Yat-sen put it, the imperial examination system is a "civilian politics", and it is superior to "democratic politics", and it is "extremely egalitarian politics". The selection of talents through fair and just examinations is not only the greatest protection for civilians, but also the extreme equality that is superior to democratic politics. Protecting the fairness and impartiality of the exam is a road that will always be taken!

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