
Li Huizhen, a veteran party member who has been in the party for 60 years, shared the concept of serving the people

author:Shokin tells the story

Li Huizhen, a 60-year veteran party member in the party, shared the concept of serving the people

On June 29, Li Huizhen, an 82-year-old retired expert who had been in the party for 60 years and a former Guangdong Armed Police Corps Hospital, and a good soldier of Chairman Mao, came to Zhao Guangjun's Lifeline Association with enthusiasm.


Li Huizhen, a veteran party member who has been in the party for 60 years, shared the concept of serving the people

Communicate and give interviews

As a veteran party member, Li Huizhen has always adhered to her original intention of serving the people. At the event, she was in good spirits and shared her ideas and touching stories of serving the people over the years with sincere and affectionate words. Her narration seems to bring everyone back to those years full of passion and dedication, and makes people deeply feel the firm belief and selfless feelings of the older generation of Communist Party members.

Li Huizhen, a veteran party member who has been in the party for 60 years, shared the concept of serving the people


Li Huizhen, a veteran party member who has been in the party for 60 years, shared the concept of serving the people

group photo

Subsequently, Li Huizhen came to Zhao Guangjun's lifeline and had a cordial exchange with Zhao Guangjun on the "accompanying medical action". During the exchange, she fully affirmed the importance and positive role of the "Accompanying Doctor Action", and emphasized the importance of caring for patients and providing them with a full range of services. With her rich medical experience, Li Huizhen has put forward many valuable suggestions and guidance for the "Accompanying Medical Action".

Li Huizhen, a veteran party member who has been in the party for 60 years, shared the concept of serving the people

alternating current

Zhao Guangjun expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to Li Huizhen's arrival, and said that he would conscientiously learn from Li Huizhen's experience and suggestions, further improve and promote the "medical escort action", and provide help to more people in need.

Li Huizhen, a veteran party member who has been in the party for 60 years, shared the concept of serving the people

On-site free clinics

Li Huizhen, a veteran party member who has been in the party for 60 years, shared the concept of serving the people

On-site free clinics

Li Huizhen's sharing and exchange not only injected new vitality and impetus into the work of Zhao Guangjun Lifeline Association, but also inspired more people to inherit and carry forward the spirit of serving the people, practice the original intention and mission of Communist Party members with practical actions, and contribute to the development and progress of society. It is believed that under the guidance of the older generation of party members, the concept of serving the people will take root in the hearts of more people and bloom with more brilliant brilliance.

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