
【July 1st Special Issue】Strengthening the party spirit and practicing the original intention, Maigaiti County carried out a variety of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day

author:Published by McGetty

Listen to the story of joining the party once

Talk about a growth insight

Revisit the oath of joining the party

Sing a patriotic song together


To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Educate and guide all party members and cadres

Continuously strengthen the sense of identity

Sense of purpose and responsibility

For days

All townships and units in Makati County

Actively carry out a series of themed party day activities

Propaganda Department of the Makati County Party Committee

【July 1st Special Issue】Strengthening the party spirit and practicing the original intention, Maigaiti County carried out a variety of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, further promote the spirit of patriotism, enrich the cultural life of the masses, and stimulate the masses to love the party, patriotism and collective honor, on June 29, Makati County launched the "Stars Shine on the Tianshan" chorus competition, encouraging and motivating the vast number of cadres and masses in the county to be self-confident and self-reliant, unite and struggle, and contribute to the economic prosperity and development of Makati County, the long-term social stability, and the people's living and working in peace and contentment.

At the scene of the competition, the teams from various towns and villages wore neat and uniform costumes and walked on the stage in high spirits. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", "Unity is Strength", "Into the New Era", ...... A classic patriotic song full of praise, pride, and endeavor resounded in the sky, the atmosphere was warm, the applause was like a tide, and the audience also received a profound spiritual baptism while revisiting the classics.

Mukairemu Asim, a villager of Pilit Kumushilek Village, Tumantal Township, Makati County, said: "This competition is particularly exciting, everyone sang the spirit of hard work, singing the strength of unity, and singing vigorous energy, which fully demonstrated the spirit of unity, forge ahead and common development of the people of all ethnic groups in Makati County, and expressed the praise for the party, the praise of the revolutionary era, and the yearning for a better life in the new era." ”

【July 1st Special Issue】Strengthening the party spirit and practicing the original intention, Maigaiti County carried out a variety of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day

Ode to the heart of the party, a new journey. On the competition field, with full enthusiasm and superb singing skills, everyone performed the patriotic songs to the fullest, sang the main theme of the times, sang the simple emotions of having the party in their hearts and the motherland in their hearts, and also showed the spiritual outlook of the people of all ethnic groups in Makati County uniting as one, forging ahead and seeking common development. Everyone said that they would devote themselves to the great practice of speeding up the modernization of Makati with firmer faith, higher morale, and more excellent style, and strive to create a new situation in Makati's work.

Rukeyam Amal of Kumuhimaili Village, Gazikule Township, Makati County, said: "Through today's competition, we have sung our love and deep affection for the party and the country with our singing, and we can have a happy life now without the great party and a strong motherland, and in the future I will strengthen my confidence and determination to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party, and use my own practical actions to build a beautiful Maigaiti." ”

The singing is loud and the singing is unforgettable; The melody is melodious, and the red movement is interpreted. Revisiting and singing red classic songs is not only a kind of reminiscence, a kind of inheritance, but also a feeling of passion and a kind of strength. At the same time, they will also follow the footsteps of their ancestors, never forget their original intentions, keep their mission in mind, work hard, forge ahead in unity, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Wang Jing, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Maigaiti County Party Committee, said: "Through the holding of this competition, the county's party members and cadres have fully demonstrated their patriotic feelings and positive spiritual outlook, and educated and guided the county's party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the party's glorious traditions, actively devote themselves to the great cause of Chinese-style modernization, and contribute more to the writing of a happy and beautiful Maigaiti gorgeous chapter." (Contributed by Wang Kai, reporter of Maigaiti County Financial Media Center)

Baza Jiemi Town

The original heart is like a rock, take on the mission, forge ahead and start a new journey. In order to celebrate the party's birthday, cherish the memory of the revolutionary ancestors, and inherit the red gene, recently, the majority of party members and cadres of the Party School of the Maigaiti County Party Committee walked into Yule Rolle Village, Bazha Jiemi Town, and carried out the theme party day activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with the village team and the village "two committees", so as to further inspire and mobilize the majority of party members and cadres to practice their original mission, inherit the red gene, and continue to forge ahead.

【July 1st Special Issue】Strengthening the party spirit and practicing the original intention, Maigaiti County carried out a variety of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" Facing the bright red party flag, all party members raised their right fists and revisited the oath of joining the party with a sonorous and powerful voice, and reviewed the firm belief, original intention and solemn commitment when they took the oath to join the party. At the same time, by listening to the "micro-party class", the heroic deeds of the Red Army's Long March, feeling the spirit of the Long March, paying party dues, and telling about the changes around them, all party members and cadres were stimulated to love the country and the party, make new contributions, and build a beautiful countryside.

Lihumar Tusong, a villager group of Yulelanglek Village, Bazha Jiemi Township, Maigaiti County, said: "Through this Party Day activity, we not only deepened our understanding of the Party's theories, principles and policies, but also learned a lot of practical agricultural knowledge and experience in getting rich. As a farmer party member, I will apply what I have learned to practical work in the future and contribute to the promotion of rural revitalization. ”

In order to further test the theoretical learning and education achievements of the majority of party members, and continuously improve the party spirit and comprehensive quality of party members, the activity was also interspersed with prize quizzes, covering current affairs and politics, literature, history, the party's basic theoretical knowledge and party laws and regulations, etc., through the form of knowledge questions and answers, further stimulated the majority of party members to strive to be the vanguard of discipline, discipline, discipline, and discipline.

Yang Xiangge, deputy director of the village committee of Yule Rollek Village, Bazha Jiemi Town, Maigaiti County, said: "In the future work and life, I will continue to carry forward the fine tradition, inherit the red spirit, keep in mind the mission of party members, fulfill the obligations of party members, and play a good role as a pioneer and exemplary party member under the leadership of the village party branch." At the same time, we will continue to strengthen the study and education of party discipline, give full play to the active initiative of party members, improve the awareness of serving the people, take the dedication of revolutionary martyrs as the driving force for progress, and never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind. ”

【July 1st Special Issue】Strengthening the party spirit and practicing the original intention, Maigaiti County carried out a variety of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day

At the same time, the majority of party members also put on red vests, walked into the homes of the elderly in difficulty, carried out volunteer service activities, repaired courtyard roads for the elderly, cleaned up environmental sanitation, and talked with the elderly about the development and changes of their hometown. Through practical actions, we have continuously strengthened the sense of volunteer service of party members, demonstrated the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in serving the grassroots, people's livelihood and development, and further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the villagers.

Eskar Abduwaili, a teacher at the Party School of the Makati County Party Committee, said: "This event is a spiritual baptism of ideals and beliefs, which allows me to receive a profound education in party spirit and patriotism. As a teacher of the Party School, in my future work, life and study, I will keep in mind the original mission of joining the Party, and give full play to my vanguard and exemplary role in maintaining stability, forging a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, promoting development and serving the people. (Contributed by Ainul Saipal, reporter of the Rong Media Center of Makati County)

Gazi Kule Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Strengthening the party spirit and practicing the original intention, Maigaiti County carried out a variety of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, encourage the majority of party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, establish the views of the masses, enhance the sense of service, improve the construction of work style, and carry forward and inherit the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, recently, the Women's Federation of Gazikule Township, Maigaiti County, actively carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities.

The event kicked off with all party members singing the national anthem, everyone was full of passion, singing loudly, expressing their love for the great motherland, and wishing the great motherland peace and prosperity. At the same time, all party members collectively swore an oath to review the oath of joining the party, keep in mind the original intention of joining the party, strengthen ideals and beliefs, firmly establish the sense of purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, enhance the awareness of active service and high-quality service, perform their duties and responsibilities, and take responsibility.

Gul Yasheng, chairman of the Women's Federation of Gazikul Township, Maigaiti County, said: "Today's event not only shows the good image and spiritual outlook of our women party members in the new era, but also provides a platform for the majority of party members to learn, discuss, exchange and practice. In the future, the vast number of women party members will continue to carry forward their fine traditions and work styles and work hard for the party's cause and the people's happiness. ”

【July 1st Special Issue】Strengthening the party spirit and practicing the original intention, Maigaiti County carried out a variety of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day

Through this theme party day activity, all party members received a spiritual baptism that went straight to the heart and touched the soul. Everyone said that in the future work, they will continue to draw wisdom and strength from the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists with rock-solid confidence, momentum and perseverance, internalize the party's purpose in their hearts and externalize it in their actions, work hard and move forward bravely, and strive to promote a new chapter of high-quality economic and social development in Makati County with practical actions.

Amanisa Yasen, director of the Women's Federation of Bozi Kumu Village, Gazikule Township, Maigaiti County, said: "Through today's activities, I have deeply realized the importance of strict discipline and strengthening the cultivation of party spirit, and I have also gained a deeper understanding of how to maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. In my future work and life, I will always standardize my words and deeds with high standards and strict requirements, constantly improve my party spirit, and become a qualified Communist Party member. ”

Looking back on the past eventful years, there is a long way to go in the future. In the next step, all party members and cadres in Gazikule Township, Maigaiti County will take this event as an opportunity to further be ideologically vigilant, improve their sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, condense the spirit of entrepreneurship, actively perform their duties, practice the party's purpose with practical actions, stick to their original intentions, forge ahead, always maintain the true character of the communists and the indomitable attitude of struggle, unite and lead the majority of women and families to contribute to the high-quality development of Makati County.

Kurbanim Slam, member of the Party Committee and Propaganda Officer of Gazikule Township, Maigaiti County, said: "In this event, everyone was deeply baptized, which made it clearer about the mission and responsibility of being a member of the Communist Party, and further strengthened everyone's courage and determination to fight for the party's cause for life. In the future work, Gazikul Township of Maigaiti County will inherit the fine traditions of the revolution, establish a strong sense of purpose, and serve the broad masses of the people with heart and affection. (Contributed by Wang Kai, reporter of Maigaiti County Financial Media Center)

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