
Hai'an: "Medical and police linkage" to protect safety and build a line of defense in actual combat drills

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Hai'an: "Medical and police linkage" to protect safety and build a line of defense in actual combat drills

In order to further strengthen the construction of "Ping An Hospital" in our city and comprehensively improve the overall level of hospital safety and prevention, on the afternoon of June 28, the Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal Public Security Bureau held a meeting to promote the construction of "Ping An Hospital" in Hai'an City in the conference room on the sixth floor of Building 1 of the Municipal People's Hospital. Zhong Chongyang, deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission, Li Zhiming, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the person in charge of the internal security brigade of the unit attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Xu Bing, chief of the Medical Administration and Medical Management Section of the Municipal Health Commission.

Before the meeting, the participants observed the actual combat drill of the Municipal People's Hospital's "anti-riot injury doctor". The drill simulated a "thug" forcibly breaking into a hospital and having an argument with the medical staff on duty. After discovering the "rioters", the hospital security personnel immediately called the police, did a good job of early treatment, and quickly used steel forks, shields and other equipment to control the "rioters", and at the same time the medical personnel carried out preliminary treatment for the injured. Three minutes later, the police on duty arrived at the scene to deal with it, realizing the "medical police linkage".

Hai'an: "Medical and police linkage" to protect safety and build a line of defense in actual combat drills

At the meeting, Li Zhiming said that the construction of "Ping An Hospital" is a comprehensive work, and all medical institutions should shoulder the main responsibility, establish a strong safety concept, make overall plans to do a good job in early warning and prevention, and resolve risks in a timely manner. At the same time, all medical institutions should further optimize the "medical and police linkage" mechanism, severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts related to medical treatment, and earnestly ensure that they are responsible, responsible, and responsible.

Hai'an: "Medical and police linkage" to protect safety and build a line of defense in actual combat drills

Zhong Chongyang conveyed the spirit of the video conference of the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security on the construction of "Ping An Hospital" in 2024, and deployed the construction of "Ping An Hospital" in 2024 in combination with the actual situation of our city.

More than 100 people in charge of the city's second-level medical institutions, heads of relevant departments, and first-level medical institutions participated in the city's "safe hospital" construction work promotion meeting.

Source; Haian Public Security

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