
After the child's high school entrance examination, looking back at Xiaosheng's choice of school, she felt that the decision to buy a house in the school district was right

author:Sister Zhang in the south

My junior high school classmate Wang Cui's daughter just finished the high school entrance examination a few days ago, and I heard Wang Cui say that her daughter played well, and her evaluation scores in several subjects were quite high, and she was 98% sure of being admitted to a key high school.

Wang Cui also told me that she had sold the school district house next to her daughter's junior high school before her daughter's high school entrance examination, although the house price is generally declining now, but because it is a school district house, as soon as the news of her own sale of the house was sent out in the circle of friends, many people asked, and finally Wang Cui sold the school district house to a friend of hers, who also has a child who is ready to go to junior high school, and is in urgent need of the school district house. Wang Cui said that looking back, when Xiaosheng chose a school, she felt that the decision to buy that school district house was right.

After the child's high school entrance examination, looking back at Xiaosheng's choice of school, she felt that the decision to buy a house in the school district was right

Three years ago, Wang Cui's daughter graduated from primary school, and her daughter's primary school academic performance was in the top five in the class. She only gave birth to one daughter, and the junior high school in the area to which her family belongs is just a relatively ordinary junior high school, with a general school environment and not very strict school management. Wang Cui also wants to send her daughter to the right junior high school, after all, the school is not too far from home, you can apply for day school, and you can pick up and drop off your daughter if you have time, so that you can also supervise your daughter's study. But Wang Cui heard a colleague of hers say that her colleague's daughter is also studying in that junior high school, day student, but sometimes she can't pick it up in time, her daughter is waiting, got acquainted with some young people in society, and then plays with those people, and then she doesn't want to study, sometimes she often goes to play outside the school in the name of staying overnight, and her parents can't control it. Therefore, it is recommended that Wang Cui never apply for day study. Wang Cui hesitated again, because she didn't get off work on time, and she was afraid that her daughter would also get acquainted with young people in society like this, which would be difficult.

After the child's high school entrance examination, looking back at Xiaosheng's choice of school, she felt that the decision to buy a house in the school district was right

Then Wang Cui inquired and knew that the key junior high school far away from home could be entered if there was a way. The key junior high school has strict management, experienced teachers, and all students live in accommodation, and the annual admission rate is very high. But if you want to go in, you need a fee of 8~10W.

8~10W is almost enough for the down payment of a suite, simply buy a school district house near a key junior high school, wouldn't it be possible to zone in? Wang Cui thought of it and did it immediately, she spent a lot of hard work, with the help of relatives and friends, she finally bought a school district house, and Wang Cui's daughter was zoned into that key junior high school.

After three years of junior high school, Wang Cui's daughter didn't have much to worry about her studies, and her grades were always among the best. Before her daughter's high school entrance examination, she sold the school district house and sold it.

A few days ago, Wang Cui's daughter's high school entrance examination ended, and her daughter said that she played very well and was confident that she could be admitted to a key high school, and now she is just waiting for the results.

After the child's high school entrance examination, looking back at Xiaosheng's choice of school, she felt that the decision to buy a house in the school district was right

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