
A quick look for parents! 2024 Implementation Plan for School Enrollment and Enrollment in Hengnan County Compulsory Education Stage

author:Quanhu February 8 farming culture

Notice of the "2024 Implementation Plan for the Enrollment and Enrollment of Compulsory Education Schools in Hengnan County".

All schools and private schools under the county:

In accordance with the Hunan Provincial Department of Education's "Notice on Matters Concerning the Enrollment and Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools in 2024", the Office of the Hengyang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the Hengyang Municipal People's Government "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for Regulating the Development of Private Compulsory Education in Hengyang City" (Hengban [2021] No. 27) and the Hengyang Municipal Education Bureau's "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools in Hengyang City in 2024" (Hengjiaotong [2024] No. 48) The spirit of the document, our bureau has formulated the " The 2024 Implementation Plan for School Enrollment and Enrollment in the Compulsory Education Stage of Hengnan County is hereby issued to you, please follow it carefully.

Hengnan County Education Bureau

May 20, 2024

2024 Implementation Plan for School Enrollment and Enrollment in Hengnan County Compulsory Education Stage

According to the Hunan Provincial Department of Education's "Notice on Matters Related to the Enrollment and Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools in 2024", the Office of the Hengyang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the Hengyang Municipal People's Government "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for Regulating the Development of Private Compulsory Education in Hengyang City" (Hengban [2021] No. 27), and the Hengyang Municipal Education Bureau's "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools in Hengyang City in 2024" (Hengjiaotong [2024] No. 48) The spirit of the document is to create a good education ecology and promote educational equity, to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, to do a good job in education that satisfies the people, combined with the actual situation of our county, this plan is formulated.

1. Enrollment principles

(1) Public schools. Public primary and secondary schools shall be carried out in accordance with the method of "relatively nearby, zoned enrollment plan to the school, and admission without examination". Adhere to the principle of "consistent housing and households" priority, carry out enrollment and enrollment in an orderly manner, and at the same time ensure that the places in the region meet the enrollment needs, and ensure that all school-age children in the jurisdiction have school. If there is a shortage of places due to unforeseen factors such as returning to Hengnan from other places and moving children, the joint schools in the jurisdiction shall coordinate the supply of places.

(2) Private schools. Private schools shall proceed in accordance with the method of "planned arrival, online registration, over-staffing allocation, and exemption from examination".

(3) Citizens are recruited together. According to the Hunan Provincial Department of Education and other six departments' "Notice on Implementing the "One Thing at a Time" for Primary and Secondary School Enrollment (Xiang Jiao Tong [2023] No. 87) and the Hunan Provincial Department of Education's "Notice on Further Optimizing Government Services, Improving Government Efficiency, and Promoting the Efficient Completion of "One Thing" for Education Enrollment (Xiang Jiao Tong [2024] No. 90) and other documents, students enrolled in compulsory education schools located in the central urban area of the county and private schools in the county are required to enroll in this fall. It is necessary to log in to the online registration platform for primary and secondary school freshmen in Hunan Province to register, and in accordance with the principle of "unified platform, unified registration, unified time, and unified admission", private and public schools will enroll students simultaneously; Other public compulsory education schools are to follow the principle of "territorial management and overall organization" to carry out the enrollment and enrollment of compulsory education schools in the central urban areas of the county.

II. Enrollment Policy

(1) Enrollment in public primary and secondary schools

1. The enrollment of public primary schools is carried out in the form of "relatively nearby, zoned enrollment, planned arrival at school, and entrance examination exemption", and all school-age children who have reached the age of 6 (the age deadline is subject to August 31 of the current year) are enrolled in the nearest place of household registration. The cut-off date for school admission with vacant places can be relaxed to 31 December of the current year.

2. The enrollment of new students is divided into study areas according to the place of residence and household registration, and adheres to the priority principle of "consistent housing and household registration". When registering, their parents or guardians shall apply to the school where they live within the specified time with their ID cards, household registration booklets, real estate certificates and other materials, and students who apply for public schools in the central urban area of the county shall apply online according to the zoned area.

3. If the places of some public primary and secondary schools in the region cannot meet the school-age children in the service scope (including the school-age children who have completed the relevant procedures), the joint school shall make overall and coordinated arrangements for the school in the region.

4. In the enrollment of junior high schools, abide by the principle of "zoning enrollment, examination-free enrollment, and territorial management", and if the places of the service school cannot meet the principle of "relative proximity", the joint school will coordinate and arrange.

5. Regulations on the enrollment of children of urban migrant workers and children of overseas Chinese. Urban migrant workers, overseas Chinese, and returned overseas Chinese live and work stably in central towns, and their children are enrolled in school, and the school enrollment policy of "two main, two inclusion, and residence permits as the main basis" is fully implemented to ensure that those who meet the requirements are enrolled in school in an orderly manner. Migrant workers and children of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese in the central urban area of the county who wish to study in primary and secondary schools in the central urban area of the county shall be subject to their parents or other legal guardians to apply on the enrollment platform designated by the county education bureau, and after verification and approval, they will be admitted to the nearest school without examination; Migrant workers in other cities and towns, as well as children of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese, who wish to attend the corresponding school, shall have their parents or other legal guardians register at the corresponding school within the specified time with relevant documents, and the nearest school shall be exempted from examination. All schools shall not refuse to accept students who meet the requirements for enrollment. Parents are required to submit the following information during the school enrollment verification:

(1) Household registration booklet and resident ID card of the student and his/her parents or other legal guardians.

(2) Residence Permit: According to the requirements of the Interim Regulations on Residence Permits, urban workers are required to provide a Residence Permit for not less than half a year in the enrollment area (until August 31, 2024).

(3) Proof of employment: a valid labor contract for the guardian (one parent) to work in the county and a certificate that the employer has paid social insurance for the individual in the county for not less than one year in accordance with the law (as of August 31, 2024, and the student should be in the normal payment status when enrolled); Self-employed persons must provide a business license for more than one year (until August 31, 2024, and students should be in business status at the time of enrollment).

6. Standardize preferential treatment for special groups in education. Earnestly do a good job of enrolling left-behind children, de facto unsupported children, orphans, students from economically disadvantaged families, and other groups, and strengthen care and assistance and education funding. In accordance with the law, children with disabilities of appropriate age who are able to receive general education are guaranteed to attend classes in the nearest class. Each school should do a good job of connecting information on school-age children and adolescents with disabilities with the county Disabled Persons' Federation and other departments, and on the basis of the principle of categorical placement, implement the requirements for enrollment in 'one person, one case', and ensure their receipt of compulsory education through multiple methods such as attending special education schools, attending ordinary schools, attending special education classes in child welfare establishments (including aid and protection establishments for minors), and sending them to their homes. Implement the preferential treatment policy for the children of martyrs and children of active military personnel in school, and implement it in accordance with the "Implementation Rules for the Children of Military Personnel in Hengyang City to Enjoy Preferential Treatment in Compulsory Education" (Hengjiaotong [2020] No. 167). Implement the preferential policy for the enrollment of children of high-level talents introduced in line with the policy, and implement it in accordance with the "Implementation Measures for the Enrollment of Children of High-level Talents in Hengyang City (Trial)" (Hengcai Bantong [2019] No. 6).

(2) Enrollment of private primary and secondary schools

1. In accordance with laws and regulations. Enrollment in private primary and secondary schools must comply with the "Compulsory Education Law" and national, provincial, and municipal education laws, regulations, and policies, and enroll students in accordance with laws and regulations in the specified areas.

2. County-level co-ordination. The enrollment of all private compulsory education schools in the county is under the unified management of the county education bureau, and the county education bureau uses a unified platform to organize and carry out registration, review, admission and other work, and each school actively cooperates and shall not accept registration on its own. Students (parents) who are willing to study in private schools should log in to the Hunan Provincial One Thing Theme Service Platform within the specified time Address: ( to register independently.

3. Enrollment schools and enrollment plans. In the fall of 2024, the county is expected to enroll 11,100 people in the first grade of primary school, and 11,200 people are expected to enroll in the first grade of junior high school.

4. Overstaffing. If the number of applicants in private schools does not exceed the number of enrollment plans, all students will be admitted; If the number of applicants exceeds the number of enrollment plans, all applicants will participate in the computer random allocation, and the admission list will be determined according to the allocation results. The county education bureau is responsible for organizing and implementing the microcomputer allocation work, and invites representatives of the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, discipline inspection and supervision, legal system, news media, parents, teachers and other representatives to supervise the process of microcomputer allocation to ensure fairness and justice.

Hengnan No. 2 Middle School, Hengnan No. 5 Middle School, and Hengnan No. 1 Middle School gather for enrollment

1. The enrollment scope of Hengnan No. 2 Middle School and Hengnan No. 5 Middle School shall be implemented in accordance with the "Implementation Opinions of Hengnan County Education Bureau on Opening Junior High Schools in Some High Schools".

2. Hengnan No. 1 Middle School Yunji Campus gives priority to ensuring the enrollment needs of students in Yunji City, and the remaining plan is for the whole county's enrollment, which is implemented in accordance with the method of "free admission, online registration, and overcrowd allocation".

3. Enrollment plan

The county education bureau shall issue an enrollment plan according to the comprehensive consideration of the degree declaration of each citizen-run school, the conditions and scale of the school, and the provisions of the central, provincial and municipal governments on regulating the development of private compulsory education, and the school must strictly implement it and control the number of classes in accordance with the regulations.

IV. Enrollment Process

(1) Enrollment and registration

1. Public primary schools in the central urban area of the county (Yunji United School Yunzhong Primary School, Qinyuan Primary School, Mingde Primary School, Yunshi School Primary School, Xintang Primary School) registration. From August 10th to 18th, parents of school-age children who meet the school conditions will log in to the Hunan Provincial One Thing Theme Service Platform address: ( to submit an application for registration to the school in the corresponding zoned area; Parents of children who have migrated to the city to submit their documents and materials to the schools in the corresponding zoned areas for on-site review, and apply online on the enrollment platform after the review is passed. When applying online, you must ensure that the information is true and accurate, it is strictly forbidden to fill in false and wrong information, print out the registration confirmation form after successful registration, and send the original relevant documents to the school for review within the specified time after the parents sign.

2. Public junior high schools in the central urban area of the county (Yunji United School, Yunshi School) registration. From August 10th to 18th, fresh primary school graduates and parents in counties who meet the conditions for studying in public junior high schools in the central urban area of the county will log in to the Hunan Provincial One Thing Theme Service Platform Address: ( Submit an application for registration to the school in the corresponding zoned area; Students who return to the county from other places to study and graduates of primary schools who work in the county town should submit the original relevant documents to the schools in the corresponding zoned areas, and apply online on the enrollment platform after the review is passed. When applying online, you must ensure that the information is true and accurate, it is strictly forbidden to fill in false and wrong information, print out the registration confirmation form after successful registration, and send the original relevant documents to the school for review within the specified time after the parents sign.

3. Registration for private primary schools. From August 10th to 14th, parents of school-age children who are willing to study in private primary schools will log in to the Hunan Provincial One Thing Theme Service Platform Address: ( to submit an application for registration.

4. Private junior high school and Hengnan No. 1 Middle School gather to register. From August 10th to 14th, graduates of primary schools in Hengnan who are willing to study in private junior high schools or Hengnan No. 1 Middle School Yunji Campus will log in to the Hunan Provincial One Thing Theme Service Platform Address: ( to submit an application for registration. Primary school graduates and their children who returned to the county from other places to study should submit relevant documents and materials to the Hengnan County Education Bureau from August 10th to 14th, and then apply online after the materials are approved. All registered students can only fill in one junior high school, and cannot apply for other private junior high schools after the application is confirmed.

5. Registration for public compulsory education schools outside the central urban area of the county. The registration time is from August 10th to 18th, and eligible school-age children who need to attend public schools should register in schools in the corresponding service areas in accordance with the principle of "territorial management and overall organization".

(2) Qualification review

1. Private primary and secondary schools and Hengnan No. 1 Middle School gather in the campus. On August 15, the registration of private primary and secondary schools and Hengnan No. 1 Middle School Yunji Campus was reviewed, and the registration information of students (including students' names, genders, student registration numbers, graduation schools, ID numbers, contact numbers, etc.) was verified.

2. Public primary and secondary schools in the central urban area of the county. From August 19th to 22nd, parents who apply online to attend public schools (parents of school-age children and teenagers who have applied for public schools in the central urban area of the county and have not been sent by private schools) should bring the signed "Online Registration Confirmation Form" and the original relevant documents to the registered school for review (mainly to check the student's name, gender, age, home address, and whether it is a student in the service area), and submit the student's information after the review is passed, and the specific reasons for failure to pass are stated. Those who fail to pass the review will resubmit the application online on August 23 (the applicant school must be the school in the corresponding zoned area). On August 25, the county education bureau reviewed the verification of each school.

3. Other compulsory education public schools. The qualifications of other compulsory education schools shall be reviewed by the enrolling schools at the time of registration.

(3) Announce the registration results

On August 15, the registration results of private primary and secondary schools and Hengnan No. 1 Middle School were announced. All applicants with less than the planned number of applicants will be admitted.

(4) Enrollment and admission

1. Private primary and secondary schools and Hengnan No. 1 Middle School gather in the campus. On August 16, the county education bureau organized the number of applicants to exceed the planned number of schools to carry out microcomputer allocation; On the afternoon of August 16, the admission results will be announced; From August 24th to 25th, the admitted students will go through the formalities at the corresponding enrollment school, and the enrollment school will issue the admission notice.

2. Public primary and secondary schools in the central urban area of the county. On August 25, the admission list of public primary and secondary schools in the central urban area of the county was announced.

3. Other compulsory education schools. From August 25th to 30th, each school will report the list of admitted students to the county education bureau and complete the approval procedures for the admission of new students.

(5) Registration of new students. From August 30th to September 1st, the registration procedures for new students will be completed.

Fifth, the work requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. The county education bureau has set up a leading group for the enrollment of compulsory education schools, with the director as the leader, the deputy director in charge as the deputy leader, and the leaders of the relevant bureaus as members. The leading group has an office, headed by the head of the Basic Education Unit

The director of the office, the head of the planning and finance unit and the vocational education unit are the deputy directors of the office. The leading group strengthens the leadership of the enrollment work, carries out the enrollment work in an orderly manner, and ensures the smooth completion of the enrollment work in the compulsory education stage.

(2) Standardize organization and implementation. All schools should make full use of the national primary and secondary school student registration information management system to organize and implement the enrollment and enrollment of schools in the compulsory education stage, and strictly implement the principle of "one person, one registration, and the registration follows the person". Standardize and improve students' electronic information, improve the level of informatization of student status management, and provide basic guarantees for curbing the disorderly flow of students.

(3) Strictly control the enrollment plan. All enrollment schools must strictly implement the enrollment plan and must not exceed the enrollment plan. If there is a shortage of places due to unpredictable factors such as returning to the county from other places and moving children, the corresponding joint school shall coordinate the supply of places.

(4) Strict work discipline. It is strictly forbidden for any school or training institution to hold any form of student origin mapping cultural examination, and shall not use all kinds of examinations, competitions, training results or certificates as the basis for enrollment, and shall not select students in the name of interviews, interviews, assessments, etc.; It is strictly forbidden to solicit, buy or sell students with money, gifts, etc.; It is strictly forbidden for primary and secondary schools to divide into fast and slow classes, specialty classes, special classes, experimental classes, and so forth. The enrollment and enrollment of schools in the compulsory education stage is to be included in the annual target assessment of the school's work, and the responsibility of relevant units and personnel is to be pursued for violations of rules and discipline.

(5) Strict work procedures. Citizen-run schools in the central urban area of the county must adhere to the principle of first examination and approval before going through the enrollment procedures, and the enrollment procedures shall be handled in a unified and centralized manner within the time specified by the county education bureau. Without completing the approval procedures, no school shall handle the enrollment procedures for students without authorization, and shall not charge any fees, and students who have not been approved will not be registered. In case of violation, the school will be responsible for all the consequences, and the school leaders and relevant responsible personnel will be held responsible.

6. The county education bureau is responsible for the interpretation of this plan.

Hengnan County Education Bureau

May 20, 2024

▌Source: Official website of Hengnan County Education Bureau

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