
Chen Chusheng played a big-name rehearsal and asked the staff to hold an umbrella? to see his dedication!

author:Brother Sharp

Recently, a video of Chen Chusheng at the rehearsal site caused controversy, and many people asked him why the star rehearsal still needs someone to hold an umbrella and have a special person with a fan to blow the wind, which is really a big shelf.


But these people didn't say how hot the weather was at that time, how thick Chen Chusheng was wearing, jeans and a jacket!

Chen Chusheng played a big-name rehearsal and asked the staff to hold an umbrella? to see his dedication!

Besides, isn't the job content of an assistant just to take care of the artists so that they can work better?

Isn't it normal for the assistant to ask Chen Chusheng to get less sun and cool more?

Those who say that Chen Chusheng can not need to rehearse since he is too hot, can also shut up!

The real situation is that Chen Chusheng is the only person who personally participated in the rehearsal of this music festival!

Chen Chusheng played a big-name rehearsal and asked the staff to hold an umbrella? to see his dedication!
Chen Chusheng played a big-name rehearsal and asked the staff to hold an umbrella? to see his dedication!
Chen Chusheng played a big-name rehearsal and asked the staff to hold an umbrella? to see his dedication!

Chen Chusheng can not participate at all, stay in the air-conditioned room and blow the air conditioner, but he still chooses to participate in the rehearsal in the hot weather, takes his work seriously, and can't stand up to support his fans! This is the two-way rush of stars and fans!

He also genuinely loves music and treats his fans sincerely, and he deserves Chen Chu to be popular!

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