
There are multiple labels on the fitness guy, the original complexion is strong and strong, how can a man train such muscles


In today's society, muscular handsomeness has become a symbol of health, strength, and charisma. They are often labeled as "strong", "sunny", "confident", etc. The little brother introduced today, he has multiple labels, not only a fitness coach, but also a fitness model, a national player in light boats, with his appearance and strength, he has many fans.

This fitness guy has a healthy native complexion, and with the blessing of strong muscles, he highlights his own personal charm, just ask, which girl doesn't like such a boy?

There are multiple labels on the fitness guy, the original complexion is strong and strong, how can a man train such muscles

So, how can an ordinary man train a strong muscle and healthy complexion like this fitness guy through fitness training? This article will uncover the training secrets behind the muscular guys.

The three elements of a muscular handsome guy

First of all, we have to understand that being a muscular guy is not just as simple as being muscular. It includes the following elements:

1. Strong muscles. Strong muscles are the most intuitive sign of a handsome guy. This needs to be achieved through long-term strength training.

2. Healthy complexion. A healthy complexion represents good blood circulation and metabolism, as well as a symbol of sunshine and vitality.

3. Good posture and temperament. In addition to external muscles and skin color, good posture and temperament are also an indispensable part of muscular handsome guys.

There are multiple labels on the fitness guy, the original complexion is strong and strong, how can a man train such muscles

Basic principles of muscle training

Now that we've learned the three elements of a muscular guy, let's take a look at how you can train to achieve these goals.

1. Comprehensiveness. Muscle training should be comprehensive, including muscles in the chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, etc.

2. Graduality. Strength training needs to be gradual, gradually increasing the intensity and difficulty of the training.

3. Continuity. Muscle growth is a long-term process that requires consistent training and reasonable rest.

4. Scientific. The training plan should be scientific and reasonable, avoiding overtraining and sports injuries.

There are multiple labels on the fitness guy, the original complexion is strong and strong, how can a man train such muscles

Specific methods of muscle training

Chest training

l Bench press: the basic movements of exercising the pectoralis major muscle, which can be plated, incline and inclined.

l Dumbbell Flying Bird: stretches the pectoral muscles and increases the width and fullness of the pectoral muscles.

Back training

l Pull-ups: Exercise the width of the back and strengthen the back muscles.

l Rowing: Exercise the thickness and strength of the back and improve the overall sense of line of the back.

Shoulder training

l Dumbbell press: Exercise the deltoid muscles of the shoulder to enhance the strength and stability of the shoulder.

l Side lift: increase the width of the shoulder and shape the shoulder line.

Arm training

l Dumbbell curl: Exercise the biceps muscles and increase the feeling of firmness in the arms.

l Triceps press: Exercise the triceps muscles and shape the lines of the arms.

Leg training

l Squat: Exercise the thigh muscles and enhance the strength and stability of the lower limbs.

l Leg press: Comprehensively exercise the thigh and hip muscles.

There are multiple labels on the fitness guy, the original complexion is strong and strong, how can a man train such muscles

Healthy complexion

1. Reasonable sun exposure. Moderate sun exposure can promote vitamin D synthesis in the body, which helps maintain a healthy complexion.

2. Eat a healthy diet. Eating foods rich in vitamins C and E, such as citrus fruits, nuts, etc., can help your skin health.

3. Stay hydrated. Adequate hydration intake can maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin.

4. Exercise appropriately. Exercise stimulates blood circulation and makes the complexion more rosy.


Becoming a muscular handsome guy is not only about external muscles and skin color, but also about a healthy, confident and sunny lifestyle. Through scientific training methods, reasonable diet and living habits, and a positive attitude, every male has the potential to become a muscular handsome guy. Remember, fitness is an attitude to life, not just a physical exercise.

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