
Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

author:Shijiazhuang popularization of law

Saturday, June 29, the twenty-fourth day of the fifth lunar month

High-level dynamics

1. Xi Jinping: On the 27th, at the 15th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, it was emphasized that it is necessary to implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, use systematic thinking and scientific methods to promote the full coverage of party governance, the full coverage of objects, the whole chain of responsibilities, and the full integration of systems, and further improve the comprehensive and strict governance of the party system with complete elements, complete functions, scientific and standardized, and efficient operation. (CCTV News)

2. Xi Jinping: On the 28th, he attended the 70th anniversary of the release of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and delivered an important speech entitled "Promoting the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Working Together to Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind". Xi Jinping stressed that China will continue to carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, work with other countries to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and make new and greater contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. (CCTV News)

3. Xi Jinping: On the 28th, he held talks with Peruvian President Boluarte, who is on a state visit to China. Xi Jinping pointed out that China attaches great importance to the development of China-Peru relations, and is willing to work with the Peruvian side to consolidate political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation, promote mutual learning among civilizations, strengthen multilateral cooperation, and push the China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level. (CCTV News)

4. Xi Jinping: Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on November 28 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Xi Jinping pointed out that China is ready to work with Venezuela to uphold the original aspiration of establishing diplomatic relations, renew the traditional friendship, take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries as a new starting point, continuously enrich the connotation of the China-Venezuela all-weather strategic partnership, make greater contributions to world peace and development, and work together to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. (CCTV News)

Political and legal news

1. Zhang Jun: Recently, when teaching a special party course on party discipline study and education for party members and cadres of the Supreme People's Court, he emphasized that the people's courts are state adjudication organs under the absolute leadership of the party, and they must base themselves on the reality of the political and professional nature of judicial adjudication work, and carry out party discipline, party spirit, and party style throughout the entire process of political construction, professional construction, and professional ethics construction, and adhere to party spirit, party style, and party discipline to promote and ensure judicial fairness. (SPC website)

2. Ying Yong: On the 28th, the Supreme People's Procuratorate emphasized at the special discipline party class on party discipline study and education that it is necessary to make unremitting efforts to pay close attention to the study and education of party discipline, continuously enhance the political consciousness of learning discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline, fully and accurately implement the party's discipline requirements, promote comprehensive and strict management of procuratorates in depth, unify will, thinking, and action with iron discipline, accelerate the modernization of procuratorial work, and better support and serve Chinese-style modernization. (Supreme People's Procuratorate website)

Hard news

1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: On the 28th, it said that in the stabbing incident of a Japanese mother and son in Suzhou, Hu Youping, a Chinese national who stood up to prevent the suspect from being injured, died of serious injuries, and this Chinese woman embodies the kindness and courage of the Chinese people, and reflects the spirit of the Chinese people who are brave in seeing righteousness and helping others. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)

2. Ministry of Public Security: Recently, public security organs across the country have been deployed to simultaneously carry out a centralized network collection operation to crack down on illegal and criminal activities involving fraud, successfully smashing 106 illegal and criminal gangs that provide local push and diversion services for telecommunications network fraud, and arresting more than 3,350 suspects of illegal and criminal crimes, quickly setting off a crackdown. (Ministry of Public Security website)

3. Ministry of Education: In the near future, we will organize and carry out special supervision on the employment of college graduates in 2024, promote the expansion of employment positions, and accelerate the implementation of the recruitment of policy-based positions. (Ministry of Education website)

4. Ministry of Finance: Recently, a budget of 17.2 billion yuan for key ecological protection and restoration in 2024 was issued to support the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period and the demonstration project of ecological restoration of historical abandoned mines. (Ministry of Finance website)

5. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the China Meteorological Administration: On the 28th, the meteorological risk warning of geological disasters was jointly issued, and it is expected that from 8 o'clock on June 28 to 8 o'clock on the 29th, the meteorological risk of geological disasters in some areas of western Zhejiang, southern Anhui, northeast Jiangxi, and eastern Hubei will be high (orange warning). (China Meteorological Administration website)

6. National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention: On the 28th, it said that many places across the country have gradually entered the main flood season recently, and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention has closely tracked and understood the development of health and epidemic prevention work after the flood in relevant provinces. (CCTV News)

7. National Railway Administration: The "2023 Railway Statistical Bulletin" was released on the 28th, and in 2023, the national railway passenger volume will complete 3.855 billion, an increase of 130.4% over the previous year. The total volume of railway freight dispatched in the country reached 5.035 billion tons, an increase of 1.0% over the previous year. (National Railway Administration website)

Hot news

1. Indonesia arrests 103 Taiwanese Indonesian officials said on the 28th that law enforcement officers arrested 103 foreigners during a raid on a villa in Bali. The men, all from Taiwan, China, were accused of violating Indonesia's visa and residence permit regulations for foreigners and were suspected of committing cybercrimes. (@环球网)

Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

2. The collapse of the Nalati checkpoint in Xinjiang? Fake Recently, it was reported on the Internet that "Xinjiang Nalati checkpoint collapsed". In response, the Nalati checkpoint officially responded: there has not been any collapse, and the relevant video footage is the duty tower being demolished. (Xinjiang Internet Refutation of Rumors Public Account)

Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

3. Another 76 people are suspected of dying from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products On the 28th, Japan's Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Keizo Takemi said at a press conference that another 76 people were suspected of dying from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical is investigating the causal relationship. Previously, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical reported the death toll to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as 5 people. (CCTV News)

Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

4. The first election debate between Biden and Trump ended On the morning of June 28, Beijing time, the earliest U.S. presidential debate in history officially ended, and Republican presidential candidate Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Biden faced each other again after four years. According to a CNN poll after the end, 67 percent of viewers thought Trump was doing better. (@观察者网)

Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

Embarrassing news

Recently, a network anchor in Xuancheng, Anhui Province, rode a bicycle with one hand in the early morning to shoot a video to show off "drank too much", and the Xuancheng traffic police immediately took action and seized the person on the same day with "selfie evidence". Subsequently, the traffic police punished him accordingly for the traffic violations of not wearing safety helmets and riding bicycles to browse electronic devices. (@安徽政法)

Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

Warm news

1. Ordinary people bid farewell to flood relief workers Recently, in Wuping, Fujian, after the flood, the officers and soldiers of the army, firefighters, militia and other rescue forces completed the rescue and disaster relief tasks and set off to return. Netizen: This kind of two-way rush is moving. (@中国青年报)

Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

2. Hospital security guards heard a call to save people collectively Recently, in Qingdao, Shandong, a woman suddenly fell to the ground in a coma in the hospital parking lot. When Yu Zhishun, a nearby security guard on duty, found out, he immediately ran over and used the walkie-talkie to contact his colleagues for support. With the hospital's many training experiences, they performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for women. Subsequently, the patient was sent to the emergency department for further resuscitation. Because of the timely rescue, the woman turned the corner. (@中国之声)

Another 76 people are suspected of dying due to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Health Products "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

International News

1. The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese from Lebanon On the 27th local time, the Lebanese Allah Party said that it had fired "dozens" of rockets at a military base in northern Israel in retaliation for the Israeli attack earlier in the day, which resulted in the death of many Allah members. U.S. government officials revealed that in view of the tense situation between Lebanon and Israel, the U.S. side is sending military forces to Israel and Lebanon, including troops capable of carrying out the evacuation of U.S. citizens. (CCTV News)

2. The International Monetary Fund lowered its forecast for the growth of real GDP in the United States On the 27th, the International Monetary Fund lowered its forecast for the growth of real GDP in the United States in 2024 to 2.6% from 2.7% in April. The International Monetary Fund said the U.S. fiscal deficit was too large and its debt burden was growing, and warned that its increasingly aggressive trade policies could pose risks to the global economy. (CCTV News)

Source: An Jian, head of the Central Political and Legal Commission

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