
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities

author:Guangzhou Sports Federation
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities

Articles 141, 142 and 143 of the Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China focus on interfering with and meddling in market economic activities, judicial activities, discipline enforcement activities, and public management activities.

1. Interfering in and meddling in market economic activities in violation of regulations

Illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities usually occurs in areas where capital is intensive, power is concentrated, and there are many examination and approval links, and is carried out by means of hints, instructions, greetings, approvals, designations, and coercive orders to relevant departments and their personnel, disrupting the order of the market economy, undermining the principle of fair competition, and affecting economic and social development. Specifically, there are five scenarios:

(1) Intervening and meddling in activities such as construction project contracting, land use right transfer, government procurement, real estate development and management, mineral resources development and utilization, and intermediary agency services

(2) Intervening and meddling in the restructuring and restructuring of state-owned enterprises, mergers, bankruptcy, property rights transactions, asset verification and capital verification, asset evaluation, asset transfer, major project investment and other major business activities

(3) Intervene and meddle in the approval of various administrative licenses and capital loans

(4) Intervening and meddling in economic disputes

(5) Interfering in and meddling in the use, distribution, contracting, leasing and other matters of collective funds, assets and resources

2. Interfering with or meddling in judicial activities, discipline enforcement activities, or interfering with or meddling in public management activities in violation of regulations

Interfering with and meddling in judicial activities and discipline and law enforcement activities in violation of regulations affects the fairness of judicial activities and discipline enforcement activities, and even causes some elements who violate discipline and law to go unpunished and do not receive due punishment, thus undermining the authority of party discipline and state law. Specifically, there are the following manifestations:

(1) Soliciting intercession for the parties to the case in the stages of lead verification, case filing, review and investigation, investigation, review for prosecution, trial, enforcement, etc., or instructing or conniving staff or relatives to intercede for the parties to the case

(2) Require case-handling personnel or the responsible person of the case-handling unit to meet privately with the parties to the case or their defenders, agents ad litem, close relatives, and other persons with an interest in the case

(3) For the sake of local interests or departmental interests, in the form of hearing reports, holding coordination meetings, or issuing documents, etc., exceeding their authority to put forward tendentious opinions or specific requirements for the handling of cases

(4) Transferring materials involved in the case to the parties to the case or their defenders, agents ad litem, or relatives in violation of regulations

(5) Violating regulations to inquire into the case or report information to the parties to the case or their defenders, agents ad litem, or relatives

Public management activities must follow the principle of fairness and impartiality and be carried out in strict accordance with the prescribed procedures. The "Regulations" enumerate activities such as the allocation of public financial funds, the evaluation of project establishments, and the recognition and award of meritorious services, and must also be restrained with strict discipline for such illegal interference and meddling.

At the same time, the "Regulations" also add provisions on the punishment of trustees who have the obligation to report and register the interference and meddling in accordance with the relevant regulations, and clarify the basis for the punishment, so as to make the governance chain of illegal interference more complete, and promote the systematic correction of illegal interference.

Source: The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

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Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities
Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities

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Party Discipline Study and Education: A Lesson a Day (59)丨Provisions on the punishment of illegal interference and meddling in market economic activities

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