
Outrageously poor: the results of the college entrance examination of Greek students

author:We are in Greece

Yesterday, I saw a news item in the Greek Daily that surprised me - the results of the Greek college entrance examination were announced, and the results of the college entrance examination of Greek students this year were outrageously poor:

Outrageously poor: the results of the college entrance examination of Greek students

According to data released by the Greek Ministry of Education, here are the results of the college entrance examination for 90,416 high school graduates in Greece this year:

1. History exam, 59.9% of Greek candidates, the score is less than 50% of the total score; Only 10.5% of Greek candidates scored more than 80% of the total score.

2. In the physics exam, 58.9% of Greek candidates scored less than 50% of the total score; Only 7.2% of Greek candidates scored more than 80% of the total score.

3. In the mathematics test, 58.4% of Greek candidates scored less than 50% of the total score; Only 4.6% of Greek candidates scored more than 80% of the total score.

4. In the economics exam, 32% of Greek candidates scored less than 25% of the total score.

5. Information technology exam, 23.3% of Greek candidates, the test score is less than 25% of the total score.

6. In the Modern Greek Language Exam, only 1.6% of Greek candidates scored more than 80% of the total score.

7. In the Ancient Greek exam, only 2.2% of Greek candidates scored more than 80% of the total score.

Outrageously poor: the results of the college entrance examination of Greek students

If we define "excellent" as having an exam score of more than 80% of the total score, the number of Greek high school graduates who can be called "excellent" should be less than 2%; If we define a test score of more than 90% of the total score as "excellent", the number of Greek high school graduates who can be called "excellent" should not exceed 0.2%.

I was surprised by the results of this year's college entrance examination in Greece, but not to the same extent – I know that the quality of public education in Greece is terrible.

Outrageously poor: the results of the college entrance examination of Greek students

At this point, I think my reader friend said that if you plan to let your child go to a public school (primary, secondary, university) in Greece, you should think twice.

Judging by the performance (scores) of 15-year-old Greek students in the PISA2022 years, the quality of teaching in Greek public schools is very poor - at least one-third of Greek (public school) junior high school graduates are not qualified in reading, mathematics and science.

Regret: PISA2022 results are announced, the results of Greek students continue to decline

That's why I never advise my students to go to a Greek university in the future, unless you have a relationship, then studying locally can continue to maintain the relationship and grow with the people you have... Otherwise, I can't learn knowledge, I can't get anything else, I can't find any good job after reading, so I can only go back and continue to help my family look after the store. Those who have big ambitions don't have to think about coming back, there is no industry to develop in Greece, but any big project must be ......

Some of the filth and secrets inside Greek public universities

Outrageously poor: the results of the college entrance examination of Greek students


Beijing, July 1, 2024

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