
Deep learning and striving for excellence, daring to be the first, hard work and efficiency丨Jianning: improve quality and efficiency, and strengthen the characteristic industrial chain

author:Sanming Rong Media Center

Enterprises, lotus fields, orchards...... The high-quality development of characteristic industries can be seen everywhere, and the source of the Minjiang River is full of vitality.

Deep learning and striving for excellence, daring to be the first, hard work and efficiency丨Jianning: improve quality and efficiency, and strengthen the characteristic industrial chain

In the production workshop of Mingyi International, workers are inspecting the packaging line

On June 30, in the production workshop of Mingyi International Ecological Nutrition Co., Ltd., several fully automatic production lines were running at full capacity to produce order products.

This large-scale dairy production enterprise is located in Jianning Economic Development Zone, with a total investment of 720 million yuan, covering an area of 417 acres, a total of 182,000 square meters of standard factory buildings, 5 new automatic dry and wet milk powder production lines, 7 liquid milk production lines, with an annual output of 25,000 tons of milk powder and other nutrients, and 70,000 tons of liquid milk. In 2023, the company's total output value will exceed 100 million yuan.

Deep learning and striving for excellence, daring to be the first, hard work and efficiency丨Jianning: improve quality and efficiency, and strengthen the characteristic industrial chain

Tomorrow is a day to run the ranch

"We adhere to green, integrated, innovative development, create an industrial chain for the production of milk powder and liquid milk dairy products, build a tourism ranch, continue to promote ecological industrialization, industrial ecology, organic integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and strive to build the largest dairy production industry chain south of the Yangtze River." Lin Liangcai, general manager of the company's base, introduced.

Deep learning and striving for excellence, daring to be the first, hard work and efficiency丨Jianning: improve quality and efficiency, and strengthen the characteristic industrial chain

High-standard seed production demonstration base in Fengyuan Village, Xikou Town, Jianning County

At present, it is the critical period of hybrid rice seed production, management and protection. In the high-standard seed production demonstration base of Fengyuan Village, Xikou Town, Jianning County, the growth of 1,000 acres of hybrid rice seed production is gratifying, and seed farmers are using plant protection drones to carry out flight defense operations.

Liu Binghuang, secretary of the Party branch of Fengyuan Village, told reporters that the local government has established a comprehensive service center for agricultural machinery and plant protection through the integration of seed industry resources in the town, carried out "village-enterprise cooperation and promotion of the whole village" in the seed industry, and implemented the whole process of mechanized service for rice seed production, and the average income of seed farmers increased by more than 24,000 yuan.

Jianning County is recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a "National Seed Production Base Super County", and one out of every ten hybrid rice seeds in the country comes from Jianning. In 2024, the hybrid rice seed production area in the county will be 157,000 mu, and the output is expected to reach 38,000 tons, with a total output value of 2.227 billion yuan.

Clusters gather strength, and characteristic industries "bloom". Relying on the advantages of green ecology, in recent years, Jianning County has highlighted regional characteristic high-quality agricultural products such as lotus seeds, seeds, pears, peaches, and soapberries. In 2023, the output value of the whole industrial chain of the "Jianning Wuzi" characteristic industry will exceed 11 billion yuan, and the "Wuzi" has become a major "magic weapon" for the local people to increase their income and get rich.

Deep learning and striving for excellence, daring to be the first, hard work and efficiency丨Jianning: improve quality and efficiency, and strengthen the characteristic industrial chain

Jianning urban area

The industry is prosperous, the countryside is beautiful, and the people are rich. In the past year, Jianning County has deepened and expanded the "three contentions" action, insisted on improving quality and efficiency, and vigorously promoted the integrated development of industries.

Strengthen the modern seed industry chain and thoroughly implement the seed industry revitalization action. The county has introduced leading seed industry enterprises such as Syngenta Group and Huagu Hi-Tech, and the agricultural industrial park has been recognized as the fifth batch of national modern agricultural industrial parks. At the same time, it actively expands the seed production base outside the county, radiates 28 counties in eight cities in Fujian and Jiangxi provinces and some areas of Hainan, develops more than 500,000 mu of seed production area outside the county, and continues to increase the influence of large seed production counties in the country.

Strengthen the industrial chain of specialty food processing and warehousing and logistics. Actively develop special food processing industries such as "Jianning Wuzi" and bamboo shoots, and the output of bamboo shoot products accounts for 61% of the city, and it has been rated as a national organic agricultural product (bamboo shoot) base.

We will make every effort to promote the high-quality development of the food industry. Promote the construction of 320,000 tons of grain storage Jianning direct depot project, after the project is put into use, the grain reserve capacity can be increased to 450,000 tons, and will become the Fujian and Jiangxi marginal grain processing and distribution center, northwest Fujian grain strategic support base.

Strengthen the cultural tourism and health care industry chain. In the first quarter of 2024, the county received 852,200 tourists, an increase of 21.4%, and the total tourism income was 718 million yuan, an increase of 31%.

Source: Sanming Rong Media Center

Text: Zeng Cheng, Jianning Reporter Station

Photo: Jianning County Rong Media Center

New Media Editor: Li Yuqing

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