
Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action | "Bao" group development casting chain - Nanri Town solidly promotes the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project

author:Xiuyu News Network
Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action | "Bao" group development casting chain - Nanri Town solidly promotes the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project

A few days ago, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the General Office of the Ministry of Finance jointly announced the list of agricultural industry integration development projects in 2024, and 10 projects in the province were selected, including 1 advantageous and characteristic industrial cluster, 2 modern agricultural industrial parks and 7 strong agricultural industry towns. Nanri Town, Xiuyu District, was selected into the list of projects for the project of strong agricultural industry and will receive a subsidy of 10 million yuan from the central government.

In promoting the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project, Nanri Town conscientiously implements the "15234" work deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the "five districts" strategy of the District Party Committee, takes abalone as the leading industry, focuses on the whole industry chain of abalone, pays close attention to variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production, vigorously develops the processing and circulation industry, and promotes the transformation of traditional fisheries to modern fisheries.

Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action | "Bao" group development casting chain - Nanri Town solidly promotes the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project

Give full play to the advantages and accelerate development

Located at the confluence of Pinghai Bay and Xinghua Bay, Nanri Island has clear water, moderate water temperature and high salinity in the surrounding waters, which has golden conditions for abalone growth. Since 1997, the local fisheries department and the people of Nanri Island have introduced excellent abalone varieties to carry out breeding experiments, cultivated Nanri abalone with a fat body, delicate abalone flesh and delicious taste, and explored the mode of large-scale abalone farming in the form of fishing rows. After years of development, Nanri Town has formed a set of mature abalone seedling cultivation and finished abalone breeding technology, and has become one of the main abalone producing areas in China.

To raise Nanri abalone, clean sea and highly nutritious algae are indispensable. As the largest outlying island in the province, Nanri Island has many rocks and reefs, rich algae species, and the existing algae aquaculture sea area covers an area of more than 10,000 hectares, which not only provides fresh bait for Nanri abalone farming, but also plays a role in improving water quality. Through the implementation of the rotation culture model of long's mustard and kelp, Nanri Town has expanded the scale of carbon sequestration breeding, promoted the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water body, increased the carbon sequestration level, and achieved the effect of purifying the water body.

Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action | "Bao" group development casting chain - Nanri Town solidly promotes the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project

In the Nanri Sea, the new plastic fishing rows are lined up in rows, becoming a landscape.

The environment is better, the quality of abalone has improved, and the market has been wider. According to statistics, there are nearly 20,000 abalone aquaculture fishing rows in the sea area of Nanri Island. In 2023, the abalone breeding area will reach more than 1,000 mu, with an output value of about 900 million yuan, and Nanri abalone will sell well all over the country, and the products will be exported to 20 countries and regions.

Nanri Island has successively won the titles of National Export Abalone Quality and Safety Demonstration Zone, National Marine Ranch Demonstration Zone, and National "Hemei Island"; Nanri abalone has become a national geographical indication protected product and a well-known trademark in China. A series of "national brand" business cards have been spent in Nanri Town.

Based on the advantages of a good foundation of leading industries and focusing on further accelerating the high-quality development of the town's economy, under the leadership of the district party committee and the district government, Nanri Town has actively laid out the construction of a strong town in the agricultural industry. Guided by the experience of learning and applying the "Ten Million Project", the town firmly establishes the concept of big food, strengthens the integrated development of abalone primary, secondary and tertiary industries, strengthens scientific and technological innovation, promotes the transformation and upgrading of marine aquaculture, makes up for the shortcomings of the deep processing industry, extends the industrial chain, builds the supply chain, improves the value chain, and drives fishery (agricultural) households to get rich.

The approval of Nanri Town for the construction of the National Agricultural Industry Strong Town Project means that the town has taken a solid step forward in the development of advantageous and characteristic industries. Focusing on accelerating the upgrading of production quality, strengthening processing and circulation, promoting brand building, industrial integration and development and other construction tasks, the town has introduced policies such as industrial support, factor support, and supporting funds, and is starting to study and promote a number of projects, including 7 key projects such as breeding transformation and upgrading, processing technology transformation and tapping potential, with a total planned investment of 48 million yuan.

Through the implementation of the project, we will strive to build the Nanri abalone industry into a wealthy industry with distinctive characteristics, strong processing capacity, good industrial integration and development, great brand influence and strong radiation drive. By the end of 2025, it is expected that the annual output value of Nanri abalone will be more than 1.1 billion yuan, the annual output value of the whole industrial chain of Nanri abalone will be about 5.5 billion yuan, the ratio of the output value of the leading industry processing industry to the agricultural output value will reach 2.3:1, and the per capita disposable income of farmers in the town will reach more than 37,000 yuan.

Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action | "Bao" group development casting chain - Nanri Town solidly promotes the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project

Leading enterprises link agriculture with farmers

Early every morning, in the breeding base of Fujian Dongyu Marine Health Food Co., Ltd., located in Fuye Village, Nanri Town, workers are busy changing the water and cleaning the breeding pond to ensure the supply of oxygen-rich seawater.

Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action | "Bao" group development casting chain - Nanri Town solidly promotes the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project

The Nanri abalone nursery base uses water pipes to inject seawater to ensure the growth of seedlings.

The base is covered with black mesh to form a greenhouse, and small abalone fry are "lying on their stomachs" on plastic sheets. "Abalone growth is demanding on water temperature, and these 'baby abalone' are in the seedling preservation stage." Yang Jianzhong, the person in charge of the company, said that the base has about 10 million abalone fry, and through the establishment of stable cooperative relations with farmers, the company will provide seedlings and technical services. At the same time, information guidance was carried out, and more than 230 farmers around the base were driven to carry out shallow sea kelp and dragon's mustard abalone cultivation to promote the income of farmers.

As a provincial leading enterprise, Dongyu Company adheres to the leadership of science and technology, cooperates with Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University to research and cultivate polyploid seedlings, and cooperates with Minjiang University to develop abalone molecular breeding technology, etc., effectively improving the growth rate and yield of Nanri abalone. In order to reduce the cost of abalone farming in summer, the company has jointly invested in the research and development of high-temperature resistant abalone varieties with scientific research institutions, which can achieve a survival rate of eight or nine percent in the local summer.

According to statistics, there are 35 abalone nurseries in Nanri Town, which is one of the important abalone nursery bases in the province, mainly cultivating new and excellent varieties such as green abalone and wrinkled abalone, with an annual supply of 150 million abalone fry, an annual output value of 100 million yuan, and more than 100 abalone-related patents.

Focusing on standardized aquaculture, Nanri Town actively builds a standardized demonstration base for the whole abalone industry chain, and Haifa Aquatic Products Development Co., Ltd., another provincial-level leading enterprise on the island, was awarded the first batch of standardized demonstration bases for the whole industrial chain of modern agriculture in the country, and signed a contract to build a three-dimensional standardized breeding project for the bottom sowing of abalone in Nanri, focusing on improving production and breeding efficiency.

Cultivate leading enterprises and promote development through demonstration. As of the end of last year, the town has 2 provincial-level aquatic seed farms, 15 leading enterprises at or above the prefecture and city level, 121 professional abalone cooperatives, and 2 agricultural socialized service organizations engaged in Nanri abalone.

Adhering to the principle of linking agriculture with agriculture and benefit sharing, Nanri Town has innovated and improved the interest linkage mechanism of "leading enterprises + cooperatives + bases", "resources into assets, funds into shares, and farmers into shareholders". The town pays attention to guiding leading enterprises to cooperate closely with cooperatives and fishermen through "order acquisition" and "joint drive", supports leading enterprises to provide improved seeds, technology and socialized services to order farmers, advocates the development of leading enterprises, profit return, revenue sharing, integrated operation and other models, implements the linkage between the purchase price of agricultural raw materials and the sales price of finished products, establishes a close industrial interest linkage mechanism, and allows fishermen to participate in all aspects of the abalone industry chain. Ensure that they can share the dividends of industrial development and achieve benefit sharing and risk sharing.

Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action | "Bao" group development casting chain - Nanri Town solidly promotes the construction of the national agricultural industry strong town project

Extend the chain and supplement the chain to promote integration

In the past few days, at the construction site of the seafood processing park project in the eastern part of Nanri Island, workers have been busy with construction in good weather.

Focusing on the extension of the industrial chain and supplementing the chain, Nanri Town has made all-round efforts to accelerate the construction of the eastern seafood processing park, seafood trading center and other projects to promote the agglomeration and development of the processing and circulation industry and enhance the added value of products. Last year, the total output value of the town's abalone agricultural product processing industry was 1.86 billion yuan.

Nanri expands the hinterland outside the island, relying on the province's first abalone processing industrial park - abalone science and technology industrial park, to create an industrial enclave and promote the vertical extension and horizontal expansion of the abalone industry chain. The industrial park integrates marine food processing, cold chain storage, product display and other functions, and has signed a number of deep processing projects, one of which is the abalone processing project of Haifa Aquatic Products Development Co., Ltd. Luo Wenshu, the person in charge of the company, said that with the abalone science and technology industrial park, the company can introduce advanced equipment, update production technology and technology, improve the degree of automation, and cultivate new quality productivity in the aquatic product processing industry.

Focusing on "Internet + Fishery", Nanri Town has built an integrated service platform for Nanri Island's product supply chain integrating online trading, digital warehousing, cloud logistics and other module systems, and organized and carried out the live broadcast activity of "Nanri Wind 'Abalone', Production and Marketing to Help Agriculture" to expand abalone sales channels.

In the scorching summer, Nanri Island has entered the peak season of leisure tourism. Climb the Sun Moon Rock and harvest the romance and surprise of the sun breaking through the sea of clouds; Follow the coastal plank road of Jiuzhong Mountain and look at Wuqiu Island in the distance; Go to the National Abalone Research Center to learn about the "past and present" of abalone......

In order to create a new format of integration of fishing and tourism, the town focuses on promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, building the country's first abalone museum and the "National Abalone Hui" industry-university-research center, holding the abalone cultural festival, and the tidal music season activities with "Nanri Fu Abalone" as the medium, etc., and constantly expanding the multiple functions of the industry.

Adjacent to the "Guobaohui" industry-university-research center is the Nanri Island Marine Cultural and Creative Park. At present, the first phase of the project has entered the final stage, and it is expected to be put into trial operation around the National Day this year. Based on the advantages of the national marine ranch demonstration area, the project adopts the comprehensive operation model of "homestay + research + parent-child + team building" to build a characteristic homestay cluster and research base on Nanri Island, and increase jobs and cultural tourism income.

Based on a new starting point, show new achievements. The relevant person in charge of Nanri Town said that he would take the opportunity of the approval of the construction of the National Agricultural Industry Strong Town Project to closely focus on the prosperity of the industry, optimize the structure of the agricultural industry, cultivate new business entities, continue to consolidate and enhance the development and growth of abalone characteristic and advantageous industries, and help the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. (Lin Ying, Chen Xiaolong)

Source: Meizhou Daily

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