
Build a full-cycle and full-chain risk and hidden danger management system

author:Study Times

Preventing and defusing major risks is the principle requirement of implementing the overall national security concept and the central task of national security work in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many important instructions and instructions, repeatedly emphasizing the extreme importance of preventing and resolving major risks. Public security organs must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the prevention and resolution of major risks, unswervingly implement the overall national security concept, based on the duties and tasks of public security organs, with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured" and the ability to "have everything in mind", do a good job in preventing and resolving major risks, and strive to ensure high-quality development with high-level security.

Deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on preventing and resolving major risks

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on why to prevent and resolve major risks, what major risks to prevent and defuse, and how to prevent and resolve major risks, profoundly answering the directional, fundamental and strategic questions about preventing and resolving major risks, and raising our party's understanding of the essence and law of preventing and resolving major risks to a new height.

It profoundly expounds the importance of preventing and resolving major risks. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is by no means easy and smooth to achieve, and the more we develop and grow, the greater the resistance and pressure we will encounter, and the more external risks we will face." This is an unavoidable challenge in the process of the mainland's development from a big to a strong one, and it is an unavoidable threshold for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," stressing that "we must always be ready to respond to major challenges, resist major risks, overcome major obstacles, and resolve major contradictions." These important expositions provide a scientific guide for us to deepen our ideological understanding, enhance our political position, and study and plan the prevention and resolution of major risks from an overall and strategic perspective.

It profoundly expounds the fundamental guarantee for preventing and resolving major risks. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the key to coping with and overcoming various risks and challenges on the way forward lies in the party", emphasizing that "preventing and resolving major risks is the political responsibility of party committees, governments and leading cadres at all levels. These important expositions provide a fundamental guarantee for us to strengthen our political stance, grasp the political direction, and ensure that we can prevent and defuse major risks and move forward on the right path.

It profoundly expounds the key tasks of preventing and resolving major risks. In January 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping listed 16 specific risks in 8 aspects at the opening ceremony of the seminar on studying and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and made in-depth analysis and put forward clear requirements. In January 2019, at the seminar on the main leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels to adhere to the bottom-line thinking and focus on preventing and resolving major risks, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again emphasized the prevention and resolution of major risks from 9 aspects, and repeatedly emphasized that "we must put the maintenance of national political security, especially the security of the regime and the security of the system, in the first place" and "improve the ability to prevent political risks". These important expositions provide a basic basis for us to identify the characteristics of risks, grasp the risk trends, and accurately prevent and resolve major risks.

It profoundly expounds the thinking method of preventing and resolving major risks. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "coordinating development and security, enhancing the sense of danger, and being prepared for danger in times of peace is a major principle of our party's governance of the country", emphasizing that "we must adhere to the bottom-line thinking and limit thinking, and be prepared to withstand the major tests of high winds and waves and even stormy waves", and require "we must dare to struggle and be good at fighting", "play a good first move, and fight the active battle", "focus on the worst, make the most adequate preparations, work in a good direction, and strive for the best results", "we must have the first hand to prevent risks, It is also necessary to have a high level of skills to deal with and resolve risks and challenges; It is necessary not only to fight a well-prepared battle to guard against and resist risks, but also to do a good job in the strategic initiative war to turn danger into relief and turn crisis into opportunity." These important expositions provide a scientific method for us to strengthen our bottom-line thinking, enhance our fighting ability, and firmly grasp the initiative to prevent and resolve major risks.

It profoundly clarifies the ways and means to prevent and resolve major risks. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "if we want to win the battle to prevent and defuse major risks, we must adhere to and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and use the power of the system to deal with the impact of risks and challenges", emphasizing that "the more complex the international and domestic environment, the more arduous the tasks of reform, opening up and socialist modernization, the more we must use the rule of law thinking and rule of law means to consolidate the ruling position, improve the way of governance, improve the ability to govern, and ensure the long-term stability of the party and the country". Improve the risk prevention and control mechanism, establish and improve the risk research and judgment mechanism, the decision-making risk assessment mechanism, the risk prevention and control coordination mechanism, and the risk prevention and control responsibility mechanism". These important expositions provide a practical path for us to grasp the laws of governance, enrich the means of governance, and comprehensively and systematically prevent and resolve major risks.

Build a scientific, efficient, organic and closed-loop risk prevention and mitigation system

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "predicting where risks are located is the premise of preventing risks, and grasping the trend of risks is the key to seeking strategic initiative". We take the prevention and resolution of major risks as a systematic project, vigorously implement active policing, preventive policing, collaborative policing, and integrated policing, so as to achieve full-cycle prevention before, during, and after the event, realize the whole chain control of source, transmission, and transformation, and build a scientific, efficient, and organic closed-loop risk prevention and resolution system.

Strengthen prevention and control at the source, and establish a dual prevention mechanism for risks and hidden dangers. Accurately grasp and classify the characteristics and laws of risks and hidden dangers, establish a mechanism for risk classification control and hidden danger investigation and management, and build a work system of provincial, municipal and county levels that are integrated, linked and co-governed, and dual prevention. Coordinate the formulation of standards, specifications, work systems, and responsibility systems for risk classification control and hidden danger investigation and management, clarify the definition, category, and level of risks and hidden dangers, and clarify the operational mechanisms such as responsibilities and tasks, work processes, and supervision and assessment. With each county and city as the prevention and control unit, carry out risk identification on a regular basis, fully grasp the local risk factors, compile a risk list, formulate a hidden danger investigation plan, comprehensively explore the hidden danger points, implement territorial responsibilities, reconcile accounts on time, and effectively put risk management and control in front of hidden dangers, and investigate and treat hidden dangers before accidents, so as to prevent hidden dangers from dragging on and blowing up, and from spilling over.

Strengthen daily joint control, and establish a "police-local" and "police-civilian" integration mechanism. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and strive to build a "police-local" and "police-people" integration mechanism with party committee leadership, public security front, departmental coordination, and social participation. Promote the full coverage of the director of the public security police station into the street (township) team, the community police into the community (village) "two committees", and the full-time auxiliary police or police assistant into the grid (village tun), promote the police force of the organ to sink to the police station, the police force of the police station to the front of the community, and the leading cadres to report to the contact community, form a community policing team, and carry out the investigation and rectification of potential public safety hazards on a regular basis, and the people's police visit and help at home, dynamically grasp the situation in the jurisdiction, and achieve accurate prediction, accurate early warning, and accurate prevention.

Strengthen regional coordination and control, and establish a regional police integration mechanism. Establish a working concept of cooperation, interoperability, and sharing, establish a regional policing integration mechanism led by the local public security organs, with the participation of vertical management units such as highways, forests, airports, railways, and border management, and promote the "top leaders" of border management agencies at the city and county levels and forest public security bureaus to enter the leadership groups of public security organs at the same level on a part-time or temporary basis, and promote the realization of intelligence and information connectivity, joint security tasks, joint handling of emergencies, and joint management of contradictions and risks. Establish a coordination mechanism for echelon reinforcement at the grassroots level and horizontal reinforcement in various localities to ensure that police reinforcement is in place at critical moments and emergency response is in place. Carry out in-depth cooperation in service development, grassroots governance, risk prevention, resource sharing, etc., intensively develop and complement each other's advantages, and form a win-win effect of 1+1>2.

Strengthen emergency management and control, and establish a social collaborative management and control mechanism. In accordance with the principle of "comprehensive coverage, highlighting key points, fast braking, and effective control", the implementation of multi-police synthetic patrols, the implementation of "traffic patrol" coordination in urban areas, and the implementation of "exchange" coordination in rural areas, to create a full range of police officers, to achieve one police officer with multiple functions. Implement multi-police synthetic quick response, scientifically delineate the "1, 3, 5 minutes" fast response circle, and set up street police stations, community police rooms, mobile police cabins and other patrol positions, so that the masses can truly feel that "the police are by their side and safety is in front of them" when they are in danger and at critical times. Implement cross-departmental linkage and diversion, improve the efficient docking and linkage mechanism of government service platforms such as "110" and "12345", scientifically and reasonably divert non-police help, promote the implementation of departmental supervision responsibilities, industry supervisor responsibilities, and unit entity responsibilities, and ensure that the public's demands are "responded to, handled, and handled efficiently".

Strengthen control of the entire process, and establish a mechanism for reviewing and back-checking major cases. Persist in taking a cut and growing wise, fighting a battle, and going further, establishing a mechanism for reviewing and investigating major cases, and regularly conducting retrospective analysis of six types of major sensitive cases, including homicides, major influential cases, larger security incidents, major public opinion incidents, major mass incidents, and major internal violations of discipline and law, to find deficiencies and make up for shortcomings. Establish mechanisms for the collection, analysis, and mutual learning of typical cases, and conduct monthly summaries and compilations of major cases and incidents occurring at home and abroad, especially some new types of crimes, criminal methods, and some good investigation ideas and handling measures, and print and distribute them to the entire police for study and reference, so as to promptly grasp the new laws of crime, new changes in the police situation, and new characteristics of cases, promptly adjust the deployment of police forces, highlight the key points of investigation and prevention, strengthen technical support, and earnestly play a good first move and fight the active battle.

Comprehensively improve the level of ability to prevent and resolve major risks

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "leading groups and leading cadres at all levels should strengthen their experience in struggle, enhance their fighting skills, always maintain the spirit of struggle, and respond to every major risk and challenge with the tenacious will of 'stepping on the bumpy road, fighting against hardships and dangers and starting again'." Highlight the orientation of actual combat, practicality, and effectiveness, and take the construction of a new police operation model of "professional + mechanism + big data" as the traction, continuously strengthen the ideological tempering, political experience, practical training, and professional training of the whole police, and strive to build a "four iron" public security iron army to ensure that the critical moment can be pulled, rushed, and won.

Enhance political leadership. Unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, the overall national security concept and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on public security work in the new era, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and ensure that the "knife handle" is firmly in the hands of the Party and the people. Always put the prevention of political security risks in the first place, take the construction of a major political security pattern as the starting point, coordinate the two fronts at home and abroad, and the two battlefields online and offline, strictly prevent and severely crack down on all kinds of infiltration, subversion and sabotage activities of hostile forces, and resolutely safeguard the security of state power, system and ideology.

Enhance professional tackling ability. Strengthen the construction of specialization of police services, formulate measures to improve professional capabilities by different lines, dynamically adjust and upgrade versions, and innovate and establish a training model of "political workers set up the stage and police types sing operas", so that professional people can do professional work and professional teams can do professional things. Strengthen the construction of special means, strengthen the practical application of police dog technology in physical evidence search, explosive disposal and drug detection, patrol and emergency handling, etc., promote the construction of key laboratories for physical evidence inspection and identification, increase investment in smart police equipment, strengthen the application of new technologies and new methods, and better support actual combat. Strengthen the construction of special classes and special projects, relying on the integrated platform of "intelligence and action", establish an operation mode of "combining unification and decentralization, and combining peacetime and wartime", and in peacetime, the intelligence department is on duty, and in case of special tasks, in accordance with the principle of "who needs, who initiates, who organizes, and who is responsible", the police type of the main responsible department is responsible, and the intelligence department is co-ordinated, and special classes, coordinated operations, and fingers are clenched into fists.

Enhance the ability of mechanism innovation. Give full play to the overall role, strengthen top-level design, build a vertical and horizontal combat system and a comprehensive support system, and provide high-quality system supply for grassroots actual combat. Implement the "main battle of cities and counties, and the main defense of police stations", take the integration of "police and locality" and "police and people" and social collaborative control mechanisms as the traction, strengthen hierarchical and categorical guidance, fully respect the spirit of grassroots initiative, encourage all localities to work creatively in combination with reality, and introduce more tactical tactics that are effective and can be replicated and promoted, so as to achieve positive interaction between top-level design and grassroots operation.

Enhance the ability to apply science and technology. Adhere to the concept of innovation, sharing, intensification, autonomy, and security, take service as the guide, integration and sharing as the foundation, business integration as the key, and empower the grassroots as the focus, implement the intensive construction model, set up a public security big data combat center, open a 24-hour service hotline, and provide "one-to-one" service and "point-to-point" feedback of butler services, so as to provide in-depth support for the people's police law enforcement and case handling. Improve the hierarchical classification of public security data elements and the full-cycle security management mechanism, optimize the layout of business platform construction, strive to create a full-coverage, full-process, and "one-stop" platform application system, and strive to achieve "one-time entry, network-wide sharing, one-click login, and network-wide access".

Enhance the ability to apply the law. Thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, educate and guide all police officers to respect the rule of law, revere the law, understand the law, master the law, and continuously improve the ability to use rule of law thinking and methods to resolve conflicts, maintain stability, and respond to risks. Persist in strictly regulating fair and civilized law enforcement, severely punishing illegal and criminal conduct such as challenging the authority of the law and infringing on the people's interests in accordance with law, comprehensively implementing "supervision on the code" of accepting cases and receiving police, advancing the quality and efficiency of law enforcement and case handling management centers, and promoting criminal and administrative cases to "advance when they should be advanced, and advance when they can be advanced", continuously increasing the level of legalization of public security work and the credibility of law enforcement.

(The author is Vice Governor of Jilin Province and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department)

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