
It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

author:Xiao Li speaks

On June 27, 24, Li Xiaolu's daughter Tianxin has graduated from primary school, which shows how fast time flies, Tianxin was still a little milk bean girl when she first met, and now she has grown up.

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It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

His mother Li Xiaolu also directly posted a group photo, and was proud of her daughter's graduation from primary school, we all know that a very long time ago, he and Jia Nailiang were also an enviable pair, but there is no way out for stars without traffic, so she created her own way.

It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

There are also Ma Su who have the same plan as her, in the previous entertainment industry, Li Xiaolu and Ma Su's relationship can be called "best friends", the so-called words are "people don't die too miserably", Ma Su tried his best to "pretentious" in the relationship, Ma Su at the beginning was known for being a quirky little princess, and Ma Su in love with the passage of time seemed to have faded that layer of greenness, on the contrary, what I saw was visible to the naked eye fatigue, we all know that "lovers are like flowers", a lover with heart will make your life, More great clips appear.

It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Seeing Ma Su's 11-year love, it finally ushered in failure, we all know that it takes a lot of courage to get married from love to marriage in the entertainment industry, so what we see from so many romances in the current entertainment industry is just a temporary freshness. Looking back at the relationship between Ma Su and Kong Linghui, it was unilaterally proposed by Kong Linghui, what did the emotion go through in the face of more than 10 years of "decay"?

It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Let's look back at the process of understanding the two, in 08 Ma Su was invited to participate in "Luyu Appointment", it was at that time that the audience felt that Ma Su loved Kong Linghui very much, although Ma Su was refuted in the game, but Ma Su still disagreed, as the saying goes, "since ancient times, the lover has come out of Xi Shi", and it was Ma Su's good temper that accommodated Kong Linghui.

It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

In 08, Kong Linghui can be described as a powerful figure, at that time he told Ma Su that he could wait for marriage to take on less drama, in the face of such remarks Ma Su did not refute, or because Kong Linghui could not estimate his own small family, with the progress of the times, Ma Su at that time was famous.

It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

But as time went by, Kong Linghui chose to serve as a coach after retiring, but Ma Su seemed to have won the jackpot and won awards in the film and television industry one after another, and then the offline contact between the two gradually became less, and the contact between the two became less and less after that. With his good friend Li Xiaolu, photos and videos of Hongxing coming out of the wall were exposed one after another, and she even began to defend Li Xiaolu for some reason and denied this fact.

It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

In the face of ironclad evidence, Li Xiaolu also knows that he is wrong, so his marriage with Jia Nailiang has also come to an end, and he has lost his reputation and identity because of his momentary confusion, which shows that Li Xiaolu is not a smart person. So the ending of supporting the sisters is to affect their reputation, we all know that the most important thing for a star is his personal reputation, once it is damaged, it will inevitably cause a lot of turmoil, and it was revealed that the breakup with Kong Linghui was also an act to attract attention.

It wasn't until I learned about Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Ma Su in the first second was still saying that he was very happy now, but in the next second, he actually said that he had been "lonely for a long time", in the face of such a different Ma Su, what kind of phenomenon did he want to establish in the eyes of the audience, so many people were very curious about the reason for their breakup. For what kind of reasons will the two sides who have been together for more than ten years finally break up, we all know that our lover is a person who is not related by blood, but such a person who is not related by blood will live with us for a lifetime, and both parties take care of each other and rely on each other to support a home. In the later show, Ma Su also directly said that there is too little time to meet, and it is good that we as outsiders always maintain a respectful attitude.

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