
The Type of Mind – An extension of the kind of needs that Maslow needs

author:Gan Yuanrun was single-minded

In the contemporary humanistic psychology community, Maslow's "hierarchy of needs theory" is the most attractive and the most dazzling kind of purposeful psychological theory.

Originally, Maslow divided need into five levels (1954): physical needs, the need for security, the need for belonging and love, the need for respect, and the need for self-actualization. Physiological needs are the most basic, the lowest, equivalent to the physiological mind in the "mind theory", which is mainly related to people's innate mind. The need for self-actualization is at the highest level, and it allows people's potential to be maximized and maximized. Later, Maslow revised the need to seven levels (1957), adding the need for knowledge and understanding and the need for beauty. By 1970, Maslow had summarized needs into three broad levels: basic needs (physical, safe), psychological needs (respect, belonging, and love), and self-actualization needs (meeting the needs of an individual's specific potential); "Maslow's induction of the hierarchy of needs at different times is different, but the view that needs to be satisfied in layers and ultimately to meet the needs of self-actualization has remained largely unchanged" (Psychology of Personality: Gao Yuxiang). Here, the author does not want to comment too much on the "hierarchy of needs theory", the author only wants to extend the types of needs further. "Need" comes to "mind" and becomes mind, and although there is an essential difference between mind and need, we can look at them in this way because they are similar in appearance, as follows:

(1) Physiological mind (2) Safe mind (3) Convenient mind

(4) The heart of love of beauty (5) The heart of respect (6) The heart of freedom

(7) The mind of happiness in the heart (8) The mind of profit (9) The mind of morality

(10) The mind of wealth (11) The mind of emotion (12) The mind of self-actualization

(1) Physiological mind

When it comes to the physiological mind, people naturally think of the physiological needs, and from the external form, the physiological mind is the same as the physiological need; at the same time, they are one of the psychological forms that emanate from people's hearts. Physiological needs are imposed on the human or animal body by people, and it is believed that the human or animal body has such a physiological need, which is innate, instinctive need; or that it is the psychology of man or animal with such a physiological need. These physiological needs correspond directly to the physiological processes of the body, such as the need for hunger, the need for excretion, and the need for air breathing. The physiological mind is different from the physiological needs, and they have essential differences; the physiological mind is the spiritual mind emitted by the acquired heart of a person or animal; the physiological mind is not issued by the body of a living creature, it is not innately innate; it is issued by the heart of a person or animal, and it is an acquired spiritual mind caused by the innate mind. The physiological mind is often formed by negative feelings hindering the innate mind, and it is the helpless reaction that we are forced to make when facing negative feelings, so that our own psychology is not uncomfortable. Hunger is unbearable and needs to be eaten; stomach swelling and pain, the need to excrete; we have no choice but to passively accept, forced to react, and finally let negative feelings not hinder or hinder the innate mind as little as possible, so that our psychology is not uncomfortable. The appearance of the physical mind is something we cannot choose and must be satisfied; it has a powerful life force, a mysterious force that governs us, just like the lyrics: "Follow the feelings." Feeling satisfied with the innate mind, we are psychologically happy, feel good, and have a strong desire, impulse, and hope that things will continue to develop and continue; the positive feeling arises, and we are helpless and helpless to be forced to comply. In the process of sexual intercourse, the production of sexual awareness is incomparably attractive to us, there is a strong desire, we are excited, impulsive, with the increase of sexual awareness, and finally reach the climax, we simply can not control, can not actively control, let it sprint, until the end.

There are many physical intentions in our hearts: such as the intention to ask for food, the intention to excrete, the mind to have intercourse, the mind to rest.... The physiological mind is not directly caused by physiological activities, not directly generated by the physiology of the body itself, but by the sensations produced by physiological activities, which are caused by feeling satisfied or hindering the innate mind. The physiological mind guarantees the existence and continuation of our life; guarantees our survival and development; guarantees our normal study, life and work; we are helpless and must passively accept and react to the physiological mind, and man is a slave to the biological mind (ordinary people).

(2) Safety intentions

Safety intention refers to the occurrence of our life and property when threatened and damaged by others, and safety intention is to avoid threats and damage to our lives and property by others as much as possible. It guarantees the safety of our lives, the protection of our property from damage, and the normal study, life and work of ours. At the same time, the security intention tries to let us have a stable environment, a constant order, so that we do not have too much interference and pressure. Of course, obedience and dependence are also safe at some point, although we don't appreciate it. At the very beginning of the formation of the safe mind, that is, its original formation begins with the feeling of hindering the innate mind, such as the production of pain, which prevents the bad behavior of the child, and the child's safety awareness begins to be established, and then it slowly transforms into a more common and more generous safety mind that we consciously and subjectively can manipulate at will.

(3) Convenient mind

Convenience, everyone needs: the convenience of life, the convenience of learning, the convenience of work, the convenience of food, clothing, shelter and transportation; convenience is pervasive, everywhere, all the time. In order to reduce the time spent doing things, in order to reduce unnecessary links and improve efficiency, people need convenience; people need convenience in order to reduce the complicated and useless procedures at work, and people need convenience in order to reduce unnecessary paths when walking. Convenient, it can improve our quality of life, improve our work efficiency, shorten the time; we are fast, convenient, we are satisfied, all the best.

With "convenience", we are afraid of trouble, we will become lazy, we will not do things because of trouble, we will not eat because of trouble.

(4) The heart of loving beauty

The heart of beauty is shared by everyone. Beauty can cultivate emotions, purify the mind, and give us psychological enjoyment; we need a beautiful life, we need a beautiful environment, we need beautiful language, we need beautiful behavior, we need a beautiful mind; we need to see beautiful things, flowers. In order for others to be happy and happy, we must also create a beautiful environment, create a beautiful world, and create a beautiful mind.

(5) Respectful intentions

People live, longing for the realization of their own value, so that they can be recognized and respected by others and society. Respect is the foundation on which we can live a good life. Respect is divided into two types: one is their own respect for themselves, often called self-esteem, such as desire for strength, achievement, self-improvement, self-confidence, autonomy, self-respect, competence, domination, self-worth, etc. The second is the respect of others for themselves, such as the desire for fame, status, dignity, recognition, appreciation, and social success. In order to be respected by others, we must also respect others equally. Human existence requires dignity, honor; human worth wants to be appreciated and recognized by others. The "face problem" in China is a matter of respect, although it is relatively narrow, but this is a Chinese creation. As far as the issue of face is concerned, some people fight for face for the sake of face, over-express themselves, hope for praise from others, and sometimes backfire.

(6) Free mind

Since ancient times, people have longed for freedom and are constantly pursuing it; as in the poem of the Hungarian patriotic poet Petëfi: "Life is precious, love is more expensive, if it is for freedom, both can be thrown away." "Illustrates the importance of freedom. People want to be able to act freely and dominate their own behavior; they want their words and deeds to be unrestrained and not restricted by others or any external factors; they want to be able to dominate everything around them independently; like fish in the water swimming freely back and forth. Freedom is good, but if you want to really be free, you must first respect the freedom of others, otherwise, there is no (your own) freedom. As long as everyone is free and does not care about the freedom of others, the result will inevitably endanger the freedom of others and their own freedom; only under the premise of respecting the freedom of others, respecting the corresponding laws and regulations, and respecting the limited objective existence, can we fully obtain freedom. That is to say, freedom has boundaries, conditions, and is relative, and there is no unconditional, unrestricted absolute freedom in the world. Freedom, although we aspire to, will not be sent to us by itself, nor can we sit back and enjoy it and wait for freedom to come. Only when we take the initiative to fight for freedom, and at the same time, we must also have the ability to resist interference and truly understand the profound meaning of freedom, so that we can finally get more freedom. Freedom can bring us joy and confidence, and we have the right to enjoy freedom, but we must bear the responsibilities that freedom brings to us, and the adverse consequences. Freedom has a corresponding "degree of freedom", free space, transcendence, is not free, uncomfortable.

(7) The heart of happiness in the heart

The mind has the instinct to pursue pleasure; as Freud called the "principle of pleasure." Due to the evolution of living things over millions of years, the human or animal mind has a primitive impulse to pursue cheerfulness, which is inherent in nature and develops on the basis of the primitive instinct of the heart. The satisfaction of the innate mind brings us the most primitive joy, on the contrary, the obstacle of the innate mind brings us endless suffering, and with the evolution of living things, these primitive joys and pains have carved an indelible mark on our hearts, so that our hearts are always swinging back and forth between the poles of joy and pain, and finally, the mind chooses joy, abandons pain or avoids pain as much as possible, and finally gives us the instinct to pursue happiness. Our hearts all want to be cheerful and joyful; we want to be psychologically comfortable, comfortable, and comfortable; at the same time, we also want psychological peace and tranquility; if there is pain, sadness, the mind is immediately abandoned or avoided as much as possible, and finally keep the happiness of the heart.

The pleasure (or pleasure) of the mind is divided into physical pleasure and spiritual pleasure (conversely, the suffering of the mind is also divided into physical pain and spiritual suffering; physical suffering is caused by the sensations of the body, and mental suffering is caused by inner sensations). The happiness of the body refers to the happiness that we usually call the direct formation of the feeling (positive feeling), that is, the happiness caused by the satisfaction of the innate mind, such as sweetness, fragrance, touch, sexuality, etc.; spiritual happiness refers to the happiness caused by the positive earth-course induction, that is, the happiness produced by the satisfaction of the spiritual mind, which is the happiness of our hearts; if everything is good, the happiness produced by the satisfaction of the heart, so that television, movies, dramas, jokes and humor become the catalyst for spiritual happiness.

(8) The intention to seek profit

People have the behavior of seeking profits, and they seek profits and avoid harm. People tend to be happy and celebratory; things that tend to be beautiful and profitable; things that tend to be convenient and time-saving. Human beings are doing things that are good for them all the time; wishing they had more wealth; wishing they had more creations, inventions; wishing they had more happiness; wishing they had more power; wishing they had more women; ... To seek profit is to do what is good for us, good, good for us, but that doesn't mean we're selfish. Selfishness hurts others for the sake of oneself.

(9) Moral mind

Moral intention refers to the mind related to people's moral concepts and moral behavior; it is also related to others; whether it is the intention to give or to take; whether it is a loving mind or a heart without love; a compassionate mind or an unsincerned mind; a polite mind or an impolite mind. Moral intention involves the moral aspect of human beings, just for oneself, to take or for others, to give; is there integrity? Are you responsible? In short, moral intention is related to human moral consciousness and moral concept; it is related to human personality, character, and human cultivation level.

(10) The mind of wealth

Man needs material wealth in order to survive and develop; man needs material wealth in order to have food, clothing, shelter, and transportation; and he also needs material wealth in order to be able to study normally, live and work. Material wealth is very important to us, it is the prerequisite for the existence and development of human beings, it is the material basis for supporting a better tomorrow. For thousands of years, people have been running from place to place for material wealth. For the sake of money, some people swallow their anger and go down three or four times; for money, some people lose their personality and dignity; for money, some people go to prison and lose their lives; as the saying goes, "money is money, life is connected." It is good that human beings are constantly pursuing material wealth; but let us not forget that there is still a pursuit of spiritual wealth in the depths of our hearts; otherwise, man is like a walking dead, and his life has no meaning and value; and mankind will slowly degenerate into a barbaric state.

(11) Emotional intentions

Emotional intention refers to the mind related to people's emotions and the interaction between people, mainly referring to people's destination, the intention of love; for example, our good feelings for others, good intentions or disgust, malice. The emotional mind is a special mind that is established between people and things. In the family, the emotional intention of family affection established between people and parents, between people and wives and children, brothers and sisters; the emotional intention of partners established between students and teachers in school; the emotional intention of friends established between colleagues in the company. Emotional intentions are established by oneself and others or as an accepted member of an organized group; of course, emotional intentions also include our own national and national nature.

(12) The mind of self-actualization

The mind of self-actualization, as the name suggests, refers to the intention of the self's potential to be developed and the "value of life" to be revealed. Self-actualization includes people having more wealth and more power; including the success of the careers people engage in, and the realization of ideals. Self-actualizing people are positive, enthusiastic, serious, and persistent; they are calm and confident; they have a strong spirit of innovation.

There are many hearts stored in people's hearts, and in addition to the accidents that have been introduced above and have universal significance for the general public, people should also have:

Perseverance of the heart Serious mind Positive mind Confident mind

Humble mind, honest mind, responsible mind, intellectual mind

Diligent mind, clean heart, thrifty heart, warm heart

The mind of power The mind of order The mind of reason The mind of tolerance


The various minds introduced above are equal and equal to each other; they have no hierarchy, no hierarchy; no distinction between superior and inferior status; no distinction between high quality and inferiority; they are parallel in the hearts of people, taking care of each other and assisting each other.

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